What did you get for christmas Jow Forums?

What did you get for christmas Jow Forums?
Anything interesting or coole?

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I got nothing, how about you user?

A brand new buttplug

No christmas in guam?
I got a nice winter coat
my uncle said it looked a bit girly but i like it, it's comfy, warm and looks good~

did you need a new one?
How did your family know you wanted one?

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I got to not see any of your posts. That was nice.

i got some socks with penguines on them

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A 25$ dollar gift. Was hoping for a new laptop, but eh you can't always get what you want

Ok thats fuckin epic

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Sadly your yearly allowed vacation is over
So you'll be seeing a lot more of me

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I got a few things but my favorites are the lether jacket and boots

they are VERY epic
i got three different pairs of penguin socks and two pairs of spotty socks
i have all the socks i'll ever need

you have the same problem with christmas jumpers i guess
i have a friend who owns 9 or 10 christmas jumpers and wears a different one every day then doesn't touch them for 11 months

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Got me a pair of these guys from Deutschland.

Attached: boot.jpg (647x705, 66K)

You mind showing a pic?
I'm sure they look very nice

i have a few christmassy things but i always forget and just wear my standard formal wear on christmas

They look german alright
Nice trippos btw

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Christmas is in 11 days, stop asking this.

Are those the no more blood in my feet collection?

Also nice trips

Stop being Russian and weird

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They are very nice

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Nice nice!
can we also see the jacket maybe?

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>Stop being Russian
working on it
>and weird
you just gotta deal with it, m8


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chocolates from people I barely know and a pc from my parents

Attached: Saku.png (800x550, 73K)

I'm jealous!
Nice. Were you in the Marines?

No but my grandpa was he was the one who got it for me

At least quit celebrating holidays on the wrong day, or even month would be good

Pretty snazzy
looks like something you might see a biker wear
i also have a jacket similiar to that one.
though i barely wear it since i feel it isn't quite my style
hope you get more use out of yours~

Chocolates is ok i guess if you don't know what to give
a pc is pretty good though!
What are the specs? is it high end or just enough to browse the net?
Hope you gave them something in return as well as a hug and a kiss~~

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>I hope you get more use out of yours
oh I will

I gave them my love!
I'm not the most obedient of kids but I try...
Rtx 2070(1070ti out of stock) and Ryzen 7 2700(2700x out of stock)
Can't believe I got cucked but I Ryzen's default fans are way better than Coffee Lake's so I'll probably overclock it

Also those were delicious chocys

Btw have you been here before? I kinda remember you I think...

People know me by different names
I think you refer to me by something beginning with "M" and ending with "ax"

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