Jow Forums oldfags assemble

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here since last week fresh out of reddit AMA

oldfag here start sucking my peepee

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only oldfags will remember this ;)

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newfag please, ive been here for one month and i got here from facebook meme page

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Even better, sir.

PD still a thing or this place got consumed by the gay?

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discord thread


reddit thread

where are manxlets

Where's the upvote button

Coke and peanuts

voat thread

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Dank and forcepilled


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i remember simon

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Unknown OF here

oldfag here

I would like to say hello. I haven't completely left this place. It seems I can't leave afterall. Once I am done with this year's studies I will be able to create Oc for this board

here from the start

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Good old Blepe days

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Créme master race here