Best meme of 2018

Someone started a thread on Jow Forums yesterday, but you know how that goes. Not Politics!

Attached: 1545803273434.gif (775x510, 824K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Self Bump

Attached: 1540990699879.jpg (924x980, 184K)

Best meme of 2018

Attached: cad.png (1280x1420, 90K)

the best

Attached: kfwq.jpg (1740x1740, 145K)

Attached: 1536520666587.jpg (1200x1600, 474K)


Attached: sfs2.jpg (1025x2407, 343K)

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

Attached: schlop classic.jpg (249x166, 7K)

Attached: trump dabs.gif (1024x683, 326K)

Attached: 1542099744988.png (600x1078, 485K)


Attached: 3ef90a42.jpg (1080x1501, 51K)

Attached: 1545864012902s.jpg (187x250, 5K)

Attached: d88.png (499x280, 127K)

Clever and Based

Attached: 1545853627563.jpg (1125x696, 175K)

She's kinda cute tbdesu

Attached: 1531445104102.jpg (835x773, 333K)

Attached: 1535604790452.jpg (720x720, 359K)

Hi my name is Reggie,
I like guys.

Attached: Hi My Name Is Reggie.png (306x166, 35K)

I ruined the thread, didn't I?

I like this meme, but some fags turned it into "based fuck jannies" bullshit
fuck them

Attached: apu.jpg (657x635, 42K)

this did.

Attached: 1545891227953.jpg (2048x1150, 597K)

If you're not some pretentious faggot then its 28 year old boomer closely followed by >england and NPC.
If you are then probably gayposting.

literally fuck jannies so fucking hard.
I am banned on Jow Forums right now for bullshit reasons because putinbot janny won't allow criticism of russia.
but, right now some based american is saving Jow Forums, go check it out xD

Attached: 1533307507245.jpg (334x334, 88K)

>started a thread on Jow Forums

Attached: 20181201_114253.png (1918x1062, 883K)

hey janny... how do u like this?

Attached: 1545663410638.png (762x1048, 220K)

Attached: 20181201_093057.png (1312x1164, 388K)

Attached: 1542495718200.png (665x670, 176K)

looks a little skinny to be a braphogg


Attached: 60f.png (680x489, 103K)

that's a greenskin you bumbo

Attached: 1538854458582.png (600x725, 48K)

that's a greenskin you bumbo

Attached: I c.png (250x170, 14K)