What’s the most common type of interracial relationship in your area?

Also what kind of area do you live in (province/state, urban/suburban). Include genders as well. So (WMAF Or BMWF Or WMHF etc)

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The men are usually old boomers though.

Jewish-Indians mostly at my state

I see WMHF couples more than any other interracial combo by far.
Second place would be HMWF.
These retards are getting GUACED and following the example of ¡YEB!
I don't understand why they would desire a 56% baby.

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White male + Asian female is the most common form of interracial dating in America

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Franks and Beans.

Jeb's family is ugly because Jeb and his wife are ugly. Not some miscegenation voodoo going on.

Hot white and hot indio/mestizo people make good mixes together.

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Which state?

Which state assuming you mean Germans and Latinos?

Probably Hispanic/white (though they're very uncommon), but there's a mixed race black/Asian couple next door.

Stop bumping these threads

Same round my way. Old timers with their Thai brides. I can't knock - that'll be me in twenty years

Mex-American with green chiles

Stop with the metaphors I don’t know what you’re saying

Which state and genders?

sorry i mean mexican dudes marrying a white lady with a white (or black ((or mexican))) kid already, then they split up but he still stayin there, another mexican impregnates her, then after she kick his ass out she has another kid with the first mexican.

Polish male ukrainian female

WMAF,AMWF,Vojvodina,usually Serbs and Magyars.

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honkys being asian you mean?

Not sure, but I'm Norwegian and my gf is Russian Jewish

Jesus what kind of shithole are you living in?

Magayars are a Central Asian tribe that migrated to the Pannonian basin,yes.

third world american city on the eastern seaboard.

Black on Hindu. Hindu on Lebanese. Croats on Hindu.

what about Romanians? Or Finns?

Sounds legit

based and redpilled

God this is oddly specific. Where are you from ?

Czech Male, Slovak Female.
Their mutt children are called M*ravians.

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Originally, America. Still in America.

Romanians where considered so subhuman that in Medieval Serbia's most culturally diverse period where Greeks and Albos where considered as equals,intermarriage between Romanians and Serbs was still prohibited.
Finland is not nowhere near Serbia and we don't have a Finnish minority so i don't know why you ask.

Estonian men hooking up with Russian/Ukrainian women, even though it's generally frowned upon.

>Hot white and hot indio/mestizo people make good mixes together.
LOL. As if that match happens often.

We've already established that beauty is defined differently for every race, hence why ever race is different in the first place.


That ugly people from every race are the predominant race mixers.

>What’s the most common type of interracial relationship in your area?

I have no idea. Most men my age in my area are single it's actually pretty sad

Finland is another Ugric (siberian) people like Hungarians that migrated west a few thousand years ago, that's why I ask. Interesting that the Romanians were so lowly regarded back then. Is it true that Albanians preserved superior whiteness to Serbs by willingly converting to Islam and avoiding the rape-conversions that were perpetrated on the Serbs by the Ottomans for thousand years?

Meztizos and whites can more or less produce white looking babies because many of them are caucasoids. Subsahrans and Asians are basically another species.

White girls with blacks
White girls with spics
White girls with hindus
Orlando fl

> Interesting that the Romanians were so lowly regarded back then
Not really,they are half-lings.
> Is it true that Albanians preserved superior whiteness to Serbs by willingly converting to Islam and avoiding the rape-conversions that were perpetrated on the Serbs by the Ottomans for thousand years
No,genetic studies show no genetic flow between Western Balkan populations and Middle-Eastern populations.If Albanians are whiter,than they where just whiter than Serbs to begin with.

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Thanks Miroslav, good info in all yr posts.

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Which is more common WMHF or HMWF?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>White girls with blacks
>White girls with spics
Same in NJ
Even girls that grow up in all white towns have nigger and spic boyfriends

That’s black pilling

No need,i was already granted digits by gromovnik Perun for spreading his word against the Vlahic menace.

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That’s strange because In my experience spics typically stick to their own females. At least the Mexican males that I see only mate with other Mexicans.

Browns and whites mixing in socal followed by about equal BMWF and WMAF

Handful of AMWF that earn my respect

Saw a 5'5 slant eye with a 5'10 swedish model months ago and wanted to high five that guy for whatever miracle he pulled off

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White Females are tired of whiteboys and get disgusted by niggers

This leaves browns and attractive mutts for the majority

Just dont have kids

Like I said

He probably makes Trump look homeless

Like 90% of white females only mate with white males. You guys just get off on these cuckold fantasies.

Only marry

They fuck around in the mudd though

Do you honestly believe many spoiled white selfish feminists aren't going to try to have all the different orgasms they can before marrying their white husband?

Virginity needs to be valued for whoredom and racemixing to not rise exponentially

Niggers and white whales

white boy and syrian alphamale

They are everywhere is NJ. I don't know whats in the water here.
I can't go out anywhere in NJ without seeing 3-4 mixed couples or white women with mixed kids with no father around.
Go upscale shopping areas and I still see whites with their pet spic/nigger
I go middle class shopping areas and I feel like the only white person around.
The white population in NJ goes down every year white yet the population increases.
I need to save up money a get the fuck out before its to late.
NJ is fucked if anything major happens, everyday the bridges are jam packed at rush hour, with an 30mins-1hr+ traffic

White women with the highest smv are not going to spend time with a dude that is below their physical standards. Especially an average looking Asian male. He is absolutely paying for her time while she’s fucking some chad or Tyrone behind his back. No doubt about it.

>surburban upper middle class
followed by
about equally

I've personally dated 2 asians and 3 spics and I'm white. There's also a really common mix of italian-americans/hispanics in my area. Probably the most common "interracial" kids.

Imagine those lips on ur dick
fuck ur ethnostate faggots


Aaaah. Feels good man.

Which state?

It isn’t common at all.

>Implying i give a fuck about all that cuckoldry nonsense in her bedroom
I just wanted to high five the guy

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Probably WMHF, but no one really race mixes where I live.

Black man white woman

Whites and Whites

I win

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I see lots of WMAF couples in the cities and even some rural areas.

Hapas are the most dangerous hybrids. Insectoid Asian brain mixed with European creativity and ingenuity produces monsters like Kalergi. God save us from the Hapa scourge.

It all depends on the dad

This is the reason WMAF is so cancerous

Look at Elliot Rogers dad, he even fucking bought him a brand new BMW as if spoiling him would fill the void in his role model lacking tragedy

Dad needs to be worth looking up to and WMAF is generally for pathetic losers

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top kek

This picture is posted hourly now. So the question remains, is that actually her kid?

Spanish male white female

The problem with kalergi is that the Austro-Hungarian aristocracy were all globalists anyways and he married a jewess.
WMAF isn't for losers. Whites men just get an SMV boost when dating Asians so average blokes and nerds actually have a chance at a normal girl. If you are an attractive white guy you can date the really hot girls that are hotter than any white woman. A few betas give us all a bad name but really R/masculinity fags just like to cherry pick and obsess over elliot rodgers.

Lower Saxony. Village. Everyone around me is white except for maybe 5-6 shitskin refugees we had to let in, but they are all single men and women in the countryside are based as fuck and would never date or breed with non whites. Fuck everyone from Hamburg or Bremen.


you retard

unless they're 100 percent native indigenous, originally here indians then odds are the child is 75% white or above

Most white girls dont go for the stocky, short, brown hispanics. they go for the mestizos that can pass off as white to varying degrees. Some look whiter than others.

But the baby is only 50% white if she went for the ones that look like pic related

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They are madgyarized European inhabitants of Pannonian plain not asians. They speak a finno ugric language but genetically are the same as surrounding Europeans. There were enough Madgyars to leave behind the language and culture but not enough for a distinguishable DNA admixture. Finns and Estonians are actual finno-ugrics genetically and linguistically

There arent enough distinguishable minorities here but the most common mutt is a mystery meat niglet his roastie (now single) mom brough back from the UK

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here in southern california

I was able to pull off


and divorce her because she became a meth slut

then remarried as HMAF from taiwan.

the truth is, im already Mexican/Russian/German

All babies come out white which is perfect for me. makes my life easier.

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The most beta pairing of all is without a doubt WMAW. It is literalky the typical Silicon Valley pairing for nerdy ass dudes who lack any kind of personality or manliness but have money, so they use that to draw in the most materialistic of all women, Asians. They proceed to be totally dominated by their wives and pay for multiple shopping tripa and spa days. In reality they are desperately looking for side dick from anyone more manly than their husband. They then continue on to race little halflings, where the sons are almost garunteed to never find a mate, and their daughters will carry on their mothers tradition.

Real men don't go Asian.

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I would say my country, which is Ro, ignore the flag I am here only to work is even worse we have all kind of blacks,arabs,chinks that come there each year and leave countless kids with single mothers.Hell I was watching some TV this christmans and in every cooking show,singing contest or any other shitty contest about dating and so on there are multiple non whites in them.Heck last I checked a Phillipa won some contest for singing there.Its a shame what its becoming of it and I have no power to stop it or the people dont understand what is happening.

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Absolutely disgusting.

White Male Latina female, its extremely common in my city. At least 75% of white guys I know are married or dating a Latina. I tutored middle schoolers to make some money in college and most of the latino students I tutored had a white dad. I see it more than I see coal burners and yellow fever fags. Both my brother in laws are whote guys.

Also I'm urban in southern California.

London. Bermondsey. Nuke us please, I will gladly die in a ball of fire to rid the planet of this melting pot of degeneracy and cultural destruction. Every night I go to bed hoping I don't wake

What's ro?

Do you dislike it or don’t care? Do the mixed kids look white?

white man asian female

Roma / Romani aka Gypsy. He's a sandnigger don't speak to him

How is the Golden State doing? Living the dream?

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White male, Hmong girl
I live in the Midwest and there’s literally sideways pussy everywhere you look.
Which would be cool, if Hmongs weren’t the ugliest kind of Asian

Probably BMWF. Live in a southern city that is 50% black. It used to bother me more and still does a bit, but I realized that almost all the white women with niggers are fat and ugly, and the rest are fucking psychos. I don’t really see many mixed couples though here. WMAF would be second probably

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That's a very difficult question.

t. Turk rape-baby


It's going to shit pretty quick, not a bad place to visit but taxes and homeless are making it a shit place to live. Just way too many poor here to take care of. I'm probably moving to Nashville this year for my job luckily.

I live in Silicon Valley. If you are a white man these are your choices:
A) Date a white womyn who turns a fatty with blue hair and nose ring that will cheat on you with every 3rd world shitskin and hate you but love your money and try to ruin your life.
B) Date an asian female that will do your laundry, fix you food and look cute for you UNTIL YOU MARRY HER and then you are fucked as she will bring her entire family over (on your dime) and you will see how cold and uncaring a female is.
C) Become a faggot and get AIDS
D) Try to play video games but all games now are cucked because evil minded people have taken over the video game companies and now everything is pure shit.
E) Adopt the MGTOW lifestyle and try to make sure you don't say anything at work that can get you fired and put on the black list.

Life is hell here. I didn't include dating hispanic or black or Indian / Pakistani women because they are even worse then white liberal women.

(In my current situation I am choosing E. Already dated white chick that was a secret feminist who tried to get me arrested for Rape and it cost me over $200,000 in lawyer fees to stay out of prison. I won't date Asian females because I know they are all liars who just want to sink their fangs into you and the rest are also incompatible as well).

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Black male white female
From northern central Ohio