Deluge, transmission or qbitorrent?
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Deluge won't even start with +1k torrents and qbitorrent is just a meme.
Well this was a pointless thread.
Deluge because it's the one that just works for me.
Deluge: unusable
Transmission: Good if you dont need anything else besides a list of your torrents
qbit: Good if you are looking for RSS downloader and other features
Picotorrent: transmission without updates
uTorrent 2.2.1
uTorrent. I can start a download before leaving for work and have my PC on hibernate right after it is done
Fuck off.
qBit on my laptop, Deluge on the server.
>on the server
What did he mean by this?
Not him but I use Deluge on my Raspberry Pi since qBittorrent straight up doesn't work with a web client on Raspian.
Isn't it pretty much a universally agreed upon fact that real men use transmission?
Picotorrent, sorry
Has anyone tried Transmission on Windows?
Crab a cute. CUTE!
Why would you? transmission-daemon can run on any *nix server and you can connect with the GUI on windows.
I like the interface a lot, it's minimal unlike qbit
Sometimes you just want to download something locally or you don't have a server
transmission, easily.
i use it. it's pretty alright. has some minor quirks but nothing that makes it unusable
Post her nudes.
Transmission for Windows has been in ``early preview'' for years.
Deluge 2.0 was released over a month ago and it still doesn't have a Windows build.
Why is QBittorrent the only client that gives a shit about Windows?
Deluge on Windows rutorrent on everything else.
No, thanks, I'm good.
>Anonymous (17)
Really weak bait.
Headless transmission server on rpi
Real chads use Tixati
post your setup pls
i just got a fucking Pi and idk what to do with it