So me and my friend were walking around forest and I found this. We first taught that it was rock, since very little of it was showing. But its made of really thick steel. What can it be anyone has any ideas?
So me and my friend were walking around forest and I found this. We first taught that it was rock...
It looks like a cannonball, not very old
Could it be one of those metal balls you put in your freezer and put it in your drink instead of ice so that it doesn't dilute the drink?
it's very big look at the size of the footprint
How big is it?
Probably a 12 pound cannon
Look at the shoeprint in the dirt for a rough guess. Looks about 4 inches wide to me.
Not a cannonball for sure its like helmeth but smaller and has two rods that go deep in the ground.
Haven't seen the Dukeposters around lately, guess it's up to me.
Does it look rusty or oxidized?
what the fuck are you doing that's a fucking MINE. GET AWAY
Maybe it's one of those floaty things you use to put Cl on pools
It has really little rust on it, we brought magnet later to see if it sticks just to be sure is not some strange material from space. I dont think its any ordenary object, and its not a mine as well because I was jumping like crazy on it trying to get it out.
Now I need to know what it is! Bring a crowbar and wedge it up.
That's bizarre that it's not oxidized. Even a little exposure to moisture for a decade or so should at least give it a bit of rust. Good luck user.
prosthetic testicle
Its werry dirty, looked like stone at first. I would even dare to say its more like patina then rust.
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Dude dig it up.
What happened could you get it out?
Where are the two rods?