>m-muh russian girls

>tfw 7 out of 10 couples in restaurants are pretty 18-25 yo Russian girls with the ugly as fuck Central Asian/Arab-looking dudes.

I don't think there are women in any country that would fall so low, despite being not very wealthy. To date/marry/fuck worst of the human waste, just to buy the newest iPhone or get some brand clothes and later post photos on Instagram about how cool they are and pretend to be a princess. And such attitude, nowadays is starting to be considered norm in Russia. No pride or honour whatsoever. Degenerate country, degenerate ethnicity.

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Other urls found in this thread:


slavs are a lesser people than anglos.. its sad cause their women are beautiful.. but genetics arent all about beauty.


>but genetics arent all about beauty.
Damn, this must be among the smartest comments I've seen under a burger flag.

digits checked
There are no based russian trad qt's, i don't know where you retards got that assumption

Attached: 1543335056856.jpg (1900x1500, 709K)

Genuinely, Slavic girls are the biggest meme out there. Its propagated by american losers who've never met any of them and only go by what they've heard reading roosh or whatever other weirdos are out there.

Slavic girls are the biggest money grabbers alive.

How it feels to be a racist?

there is no pride when you are broke and your mom makes 300$/month and you have literally no future
then some wealthy goblino showers you with presents and promises of a good carefree life

You're a lesser people.

Being true to nature feels pretty good

No shit, what's next, water is wet?
Eastern women are the biggest and cheapest whores in the world, Thank God Slavs don't venerate their women as westerners do.

Attached: trad wife material.jpg (1280x720, 65K)


Based trad qts don't exist in the first place, it's a Jow Forums delusion.

Attached: 3cbb58ae764fc38628b12b31ee3a980b--depression-hurts-pretty-words.jpg (400x288, 26K)

Lol, 2nd time OP posted this in the last hour. OP is either a LARPer or had his girl stolen from him by a dude with money. Sad!

Mad you can't compete with Ahmed or Tyrone? Russian women are true capitalists and will dump you and move on once they find a better opportunity. Go find a women as unambitious as you are and stay there OP.

Because they take what they can get, unlike the west which puts stupid bitches on some kinda pedestal and bows before their feet.

Its called having a pair of functioning balls and keeeping bitches in their place

Pride and honour are abstract concepts to women. Dont expect them to understand.

It doesn't only apply to russian women

Attached: 5c9b59f2cbd6690081469f0d35d6d8f3b7e5f5a2b38d98f80fd736be3eb7d833.jpg (817x978, 182K)

Fuckin goy. Shut up!

>just to buy the newest iPhone or get some brand clothes and later post photos on Instagram

commuiee effects, these things are not same thing for you or me or them. even western girls are like this but that as much as them. they are too cheap. because iphone means a good phone for italian women, but statu for russian women even thou it is not.

like sex is muslim or %99 anons of Jow Forums. it is just sex for normal people.


пидopaшeк пoлoн тpeд

>1 post by this ID
Remember, if you don't sage when replying to obvious Jewish bait threads you'll be the first to die in the race war

Attached: POST IN EVERY MEMEFLAG THREAD.jpg (718x2709, 483K)

Pretty much lad.


Quickest antidote for Russian women is by interacting with Russian women.

You'll find that they can be very cute and feminine, but they lack any kind of soul and their highest ambition is to be a pampered spoiled house pet.

Sad considering Russians pride themselves on having soul, yet their women have none.

Attached: 1527092793392.jpg (463x604, 35K)

>Slavs don't venerate their women as westerners do.
Russian men do it


Die N I GGE RS :))))))00


That's funny, plently western girls burn coal but they have no economic incentive to do so (they do it because they like it) while these poor golddigers in OP they do it to get something out of it, not necessarily because they like it.

On-line you mean?

>thread made before with same topic
>one post by this id
>same meme flag
Nice try Goldberg

>incel spastics think female nature varies on ethnicity

This board is so low IQ

Western women fuck filthy refugee manlets for free to prove how progressive they are

Russian women fuck fat rich turkasians for money

Westoid spastics will claim the former in worse and #notallwomen
Fyi :Female nature is perverse in general

Just kys

Attached: hn.jpg (215x185, 10K)

well my mother is English so I am practically a bong

Based poland, portugal, and ireland. Turned out Catholicism really did win in the end.

>their highest ambition is to be a pampered spoiled house pet.

Western cuck men think this is a bad thing. They want ambitious empowered women with venus fly pussies that make them lick their toes while they fuck niggers

Reminder to sage all slide threads

Attached: 1541340156291.jpg (1024x1024, 264K)

Russian chicks do it for $$$
Western chicks do it for free

Now who wants to talk pride :)

Their women probably just travel for abortions.

pжaкa пиндoc дaжe нe пoнимaeм, чтo мы здecь пытaeмcя yнизить pyccкий oбpaз дeвyшки, a oн гopдитcя вo дeбил бляяя хыы мaзaфaкa

Aren't russian girls traditional and feminine though?

Eastern Europe is trash. We know.

Do you fuck BBC because you like it?

You had me at licking toes

They aren't

No. Russian women are the most degenerate women on the fucking planet. Highest partner count, most sexually deviant, highest divorce rates, highest STD rates. Russian women are direct descendants of Lilith.

>Russian women fuck fat rich turkasians for money
Bы нe в тeмe. Чтo кacaeтcя Typкoв, тo дeвyшки caми им дoплaчивaют.

>a racist
Trying using actual words instead of lame insults.

Me, yes. A lot. I think I will need a rectal operation soon, fortunately I haven't contracted HIV or any severe STDs yet. Prostate stimulation is gorgeous, you should try it at least once in your lifetime to see what you're missing out on.

Attached: 1528951069835.jpg (580x563, 236K)

I unironically bask in your presence, user

Based and gaypilled

I take shits everyday and they dont make my dick feel good

>their highest ambition is to be a pampered spoiled house pet

this is a bad thing how?

Attached: sex robot 2.png (949x1526, 1.46M)


russian women, despite being sexy as fuck, are walking abominations.

I'm Azerbaijani and my russian gf told me Russian or European men can be good husbands, but they aren't sexually attractive.

Take your dick out of the equation. Imagine your usual penile orgasm, but like 10 times more intense, way easier repeatable by stuffing your boy cunt with as many dick as you can fit and slightly more painful. Getting into butt stuff is a bit like smoking: initially, the rectal pain can be a bit of a turnoff, but once you get past that first phase, you are in for a treat, like for real. You will never revert to fucking girls, I'm telling you. You can simulate that a little bit by squeezing your poop and taking it back in just when it is about to fall out of your cunt. Getting fucked by a black gorilla is ten times better, but kinda more dangerous at the same time, those apes have guns and shit. But then again, it is also about the thrill of fucking a perilous animal.

Attached: 1539644035468.gif (245x200, 860K)

when i lived in russia i didnt see any race mixing but russian girls are far from "traditional" all the same.


I'm sorry but nobody is lesser than the gangly, bird faced, zionist allied anglo.

>Women travel for abortions
Only a extremely small minority. Most of them have them because their families support them financially with the burden of having a child.

Cheeki breeki iv damke cyka blyat nigger

go to bed, Poo-tin

that's funny coming from a potatonigger

Don't blame the women, blame the men for not stopping the immigrants coming in.

Having sex with someone you want to have sex with is much better than having sex with someone because you want their money. The latter is bassicly a prostitute. The former is just a normal human that enjoys sex.

One idiot from 2ch maked this thread, for meaningless discuss. But this is no canceling that, what so many russian girls are whores.

did your Russian girlfriend leave you? lmao

Arent we are cucolds cos making threads like this?

Isnt this the third thread today who promotes whorish behaviors by russian women? All of them started by suspicious meme flags?
Why shills are targetting Russia now?

Guys guys what means your Jow Forums? Our /po/ is community of cuckolds - csenofobs. Are your Jow Forums like our? I never was here.

They are prostitutes and roasties. Asians, arabs and turks overspend money on prostitutes. It is very good that women post information about themselves. You can avoid shit, it was not possible 100 years ago.

Supply and demand. Why do you have so much butthurt?

>uy the newest iPhone or get some brand clothes
You can realistically buy a russian whore for $6,000 usd it is crazy how retarded people are when they calc what it takes to have a 9/10 bitch to fuck.

if you have the money why not bareback instagram whores?

Irish civilization was pretty good until snowniggers from Denmark decided to shit all over the British Isles.

Can confirm. Russian girls love Turkish men.

When the Soviet Union collapsed tonnes came here and married Turkish guys, there's entire colonies in Turkey comprised of just Turkish men and Russian girls along with their children. Also, literally millions of European, especially Russian girls come here every year for sex tourism, no
joke. Tonnes of Russian prostitutes here as well.

who cares about russians?
literal trash can of a country hahaha xD

>russian men
>your Russian gf
I had relationships with Ukrainian and Tatar girls. But never with Russian girls, even though I’m Russian myself. And I’m still single.

Russian girls hate Slavic men and prefer middle eastern looking shitskins or Europeans with money.

>1 post by this User ID
And you faggots continue to fall for the bait

Don't Ukranian and Russians look the same?

And behave too.

>X society was good before Ys came and ruined it all!

so just how much nigger is there in you, mutt? I'd imagine about 56%

>You can buy a Russian whore for 6,000
Sauce and how much for shipping and handling?

Ukrainian women are prettier, men are the same

The amount of nigger in you is 100%, you snow-ape



Doesn't mean they want to be mothers, genius.

>implying Germany doesn't love the infamous BBC

Attached: Muh BBC.png (640x864, 404K)

Russian girls are notorious coalburners here. It's like in female Russian genetics to hop on the first BBC they see. They are cold soulless whores incapable of love or having a normal relationship hence why they jump on nigger dick.

russian girls all whore

Attached: 8.png (422x264, 126K)

sauce here: voyeurweb.com/contributions/view/143034-beach-voyeurnbsprussian-girls-at-turkish-coast

nice find op

i bet you look like a subhuman

Attached: ed-kashi-01_AZE17012_0051.jpg (1200x800, 1.14M)

she is armenian
but beautiful though

its NOT better you cuck.

its the same sides of one coin. shit vs piss.

Attached: Евгения Володина.jpg (950x1425, 159K)

Perhaps women like swarthy subhumans? I'm unironically starting to believe women are attracted to ugliness in both looks and character.

>Russian girls are notorious coalburners here. It's like in female Russian genetics to hop on the first BBC they see.
Same here. We call them "chernilnitsa". "Chernilnitsa" is how race-mixing girls are called here. Moreover, literally millions of Russian women regularly travel to Turkey (our cheapest tourist destination) where many of them behave ostentatiously among Turkish men like cheap whores and even marry them. This phenomenon became so widespread that our most common female name, Natasha, literally became a synonym for a "whore" in the Turkish language.
>They are cold soulless whores incapable of love or having a normal relationship hence why they jump on nigger dick.

>Natasha, literally became a synonym for a "whore" in the Turkish language.

this guy tells lies sage him and never answer in his thread, he creates stupid threards often, he has become a joke on russian imageboard. now he has come here.

Пpиятнo yвидeть poдных Haтaш здecь.

Haтaщa, плиз.