
Learning golang right now as my first language. Tell me how I made a terrible mistake to discourage from programming.

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install gentoo

But I already use arch, btw


Parabola, to be precise

Probably fine for learning the basics of programming.

Terrible language for trying to actually make things as an experienced developer, though.

Go was made for the lowest common denominator. It shouldn't be a first language for this reason.

I mean, it's an alright fucking language. It's not fucking, which is just pseudocode with abysmal performance, it's c-like, if I want to be really efficient, I can easily move over to C or C++ later.

>I'm learning X as my first language
Who gives a fuck? You'll learn more languages as you go, regardless. What you start with just doesn't matter.

Thank you, you are the voice of reason on this retarded website.

it's good for writing messy, buggy, unreadable and unmaintainable software

>inb4 docker, k8s, etc.. were developed in go
because they didn't want to use Python and Rust wasn't stable yet back then

Go is a good choice, I don't use it personally but it was made by the creators of UNIX and Plan9.

>it's good for writing messy, buggy, unreadable and unmaintainable software

How is this the fault of the language and not the programmer?

I really like Go but I always thought of it as a good second or third language since it's very opinionated.
On the other hand it strikes a nice balance in a lot of ways. You'll probably be fine.
Many of the design decisions make more sense when you already know which problems of other languages they are trying to solve.

It doesn't actually matter. Once you can program, then you'll likely be learning a lot of languages in a short amoung of time on a need basis.

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a fine choice

read kernighan's book i guess

t. no experience whatsoever

listen (You) too, faggot
I get what you're up into, but for the case of Go, a language that was created only 10 years ago as a systems language before they rebranded it as web service lang, the language itself is way too mediocre to be used in a big and long-term project, for example, no file-scopped declarations, no circular importing, hardwired FQDN importing, no enums, no sum types, no generics, derefencing nulls is allowed which is a catastrophe on its own especially in concurrent/parallel programming, too much verbosity for anything and everything even for the most basic functionalities, imposing camelCase, no compilation with unused variables even those you just use for debugging (not warnings, the compiler won't even compile the shit), the language is a joke for type safety, it has very slow FFI, very slow regex, many reimplement their own basic structures that can be used in std because core-devs won't add it or refactor their slow code

Golang is a big meme, but the good thing is you won't even recognize that if you're a low IQ webshit or inexperienced like this faggot

Go is a great first language OP. It teaches you good habits and allows you to focus on learning the fundamentals of programming instead of boilerplate and ceremony of other languages.

Don't listen to the naysayers. Getting good at one language and writing a lot of programs will immediately make you much better at writing programs in languages you haven't learned yet.

I only know what I've read, it seems fine besides the project structure and repetitive error handling.

>derefencing nulls is allowed
u wot m8

You're talking about python right?

It's fine, Go has some problems that makes it a pain to use if you're familiar with features from other language, but it does a fine job of teaching you elements of programming otherwise.

You should not learn how to code

You should learn formal logic, algorithms and costs of them, and how to think with recursion (when necessary).

Then, you can pick up a language (ideally C)

I really like GO , I also like python (sorry /g) and c. Learn a bunch of language simultaneously, don't try and master anything at first, all programming knowledge begets more programming knowledge. Find something you enjoy , probably GO :) and start a project, fail , succeed and fail, and realize that logic isn't always 'logical' to you at first. Language arguments are retarded, programming is key, practice is key, evolution is key, keep programming, just keep programming, don't quit, keep learning. create.

Why is Jow Forums full of pretentious NEETs like this one?

>Why is Jow Forums full of pretentious NEETs like this one?
I'm employed and I went to uni for comp. Eng.

Enjoy writing spaghetti that costs o(n^2) and having to cross your fingers that garbage collection is able to deal with your memory leaks.

If you learn a language that has stupid design decisions you tend to use those more when you learn other languages ie baby duck syndrome.

Nobody cares about fast software. They just care if it has a pretty UI and slick animations.

>Nobody cares about fast software
Which is why Android phones in 2019 need 6gb of ram

By all means go on

Up to a point...

Which is why slack, a shitty bloated electron chat application, is a multibillion dollar company.

Clean UI. Slick animations.

By all means go on...

I thought op wanted to learn to code, not make money

Just short Tesla stocks if you need money

>cross your fingers that garbage collection is able to deal with your memory leaks.
That's not how it works retard.

>muh ebul GC
You are definitely not employed. Stop LARPing.

It actually is. You can have memory leaks in managed languaged by having lots of old objects holding references that never get cleaned up.

yes, I just have brain farts all morning

It's not a leak if you still have the reference. That's just shitty programming.

>I enjoy writing spaghetti that costs o(n^2) and having to cross your fingers that free() is called at the right point and hasn't been called before to be able to deal with my memory management.

>If I put more memory on, the software will be faster

>Programming and making money are different things

>"I aM eMpLoYeEd"

Attached: 1536870286559.webm (640x290, 2.43M)

iToddlers BTFO

Attached: 1563551301505.png (1275x966, 778K)

>calling other people toddlers

So is rust the language of the future? Can i expect official bindings to popular toolkits and such?

you must be new here

>outperforms python
>outperforms node
>outperforms ruby
>outperforms php
>near performance parity with java, doesnt need the JVM
yeah its a shit language

>performance is everything
Why not write hand-optimized asm then.

>slower than java

I started posting here around the same time you got addicted to animu.

No matter the language, my ass will continue to bleed internally, and that's the real struggle of being a programmer.

Go is a good first language. Once you reach a point where you need generics switch to another language, it's good to know multiple language. I would recommend Rust but its not that mainstream yet so I'd opt for C++, Python or JavaScript so you can start reading and contributing to big open source projects on Github, which will make you a much better programmer in the long run than learning Rust without knowing how to design your programmes without making a big spaghetti mess.