I just got this email...

I just got this email, obviously its a form email and I don't even have a webcam but this nigger actually got the password, or one of them anyway, right, am I fucked?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1164x539, 175K)

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Probably a scam. I'd ignore it.

>am I fucked?

No but you're a fucking retard. This is a scam not even my 70 year old grandmother falls for. Check your email on here- haveibeenpwned.com/ Chances are your password came from one of those leaks.

obviously its a scam you nigger the thing I'm worried about is they actually got my password right.

> the thing I'm worried about is they actually got my password right.
So you're a retard that can't read. Got it.

Depends on what password it is and what it's used for. If you made a pornsleaze.com account with your personal email, chances are he only has access to that one pornsleaze account and its password, which potentially has a password you also use elsewhere.

Here's what happened. One of the sites you browse got compromised, and the database containing emails and passwords was either publicly leaked or put for sale on the dark net. The scammer obtains that list, iterates through the email address, puts the associated password into his email template and Gamble's that you used the same password for your email account.

Most of these scammers don't actually have anyone's passwords. Your e-mail client will display whatever they put into the "From" header of the message, which is not dictated by any authentication. Ie. I can send you an e-mail from [email protected] this way and your e-mail client doesn't know any better.

Welcome to basics of e-mail.

There are some protocols for additional security like SPF but e-mail servers are not obligated to implement/respect them.

>gambles that you used the same password for your email account
Not even that, he says it's just a password he used for something at some point.
He's retarded if he falls for it.

The scammer doesn't even try to pretend he has access to his email account, look at the address he sent it from

You're fucking retarded OP.

Your e-mail and password are of public knowledge, dumb Jow Forumstard. Next time choose a non-shitty 8 character password like a fucking normalfag.

>8 character password
oh no no no..........

>Muh Jow Forums bogieman

my father got the exact email. funny part is, we dont have webcams and his accounts are as worksafe as they get. sites get hacked all the time and these scammers blast emails out to everyone. everyone is selling everyone else's data, at a minimum just change some passwords and forget about it. nothing actually happened.

you seem to play league of legends.
I got that mail too. Riot is in the list of

I got the same email with an old password I no longer use. It's just a scare tactic using a bot to email off a list of compromised accounts to make people think they have dirt when all they have is a password, which you should now change if you haven't already.

just send him a dick pic, bro.

Go to haveibeenpwned.com

Your password is public because of some security breach. Just change that password immediately. I have also received old password with threats on my mail.

>drive by exploit


We had a good laugh with my story 10 months ago

>be obviously me
>use hotmail
>sign up into some freemium mmorpg from some random company with that email
>ff 2 years ago
>checked the haveibeenpawned
>mail is pawned
>reach October of 2018
>threat email comes, asks money
>say fuck off, send.
>1 day later
>2fa hits with an sms on my phone
>"someone tried to enter to your email account. Use XXXX as the code"

Attached: 1558217651642.png (868x958, 258K)

nobody gives a shit. google would answer your questions.. but you're just fucking illiterate. and Jow Forums isn't tech support for retards.