Hello Jow Forums

Hello Jow Forums

I'm moving to London in a few months, want to start seriously applying for a position as unity developer (C#). I come from an art/design background so the projects in my portfolio look very clean/flashy (no programmer art here).

However since I am entirely self taught it's very hard for me to evaluate wether I'm even ready for a junior developer position. I've read that bad developers can actually be a net negative to a company. While bad art assets are ugly, they don't bring the production to a screeching halt like bad code does.

So I come to you for advice, and a reality check.

I can pretty much create entire games with a reasonable degree of complexity and performant systems by myself. Including UI systems, basic AI, object pooling, and performance management techniques. I'm obviously also very familiar with the Unity engine, having made entire games by myself, and understand how the different disciplines come together in the production pipeline.

I will now post some projects, and talk a bit about them in hopes of getting feedback.

Attached: morry-_-candy-twi-0.jpg (797x1200, 293K)

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lmao if you can create a stable game right now then you're better than most game devs working for a larger company
don't sweat it, just apply

Some wouldn't say larping is an art.

Project 1: Space Invaders 3d remake


Fairly straight forward project, but visually clean and quite performant. UI will still be heavily reworked to actually be visually appealing and readable. The programming juice of the project is an elegantly scaling difficulty slider that randomly increases several factors, slowly ramping up enemy movement speed, enemy dodge probability, enemy fire rate, etc. allowing for endless playtime. Likewise the player scales by upgrading his weapon accuracy, anti-overheat system, firerate, projectile velocity, etc

Really? Is that really true?

>Really? Is that really true?
if you had followed the state of the industry you'd know it was
day 1 patches, etc, just look at ea and ubisoft. if you're applying for jobs instead of making your own small studio then you'll be working with monkeys

You're fine. Be more confident in yourself

Project 2: Crowd crisis management AI


Still very much working on this. It's an attempt to create a sophisticated and realistic crowd AI for crisis scenarios. The juice of this project is of course the finer details of how the agents interact and the probability based actions/reactions. I'm already 60% there, and many of the features I wanted to have work smoothly and robustly (very rarely do I have to go bug hunting because some agents behave weirdly). The project right now supports bomb explosions, gradual panic increase (meaning agents don't all immediately start running when a bomb goes off, but rather agents beyond a certain proximity to the explosion will only panic when enough other agents are running past them. This looks very cool when tested. The project is also very clean in the way it loads/reloads/cleans up scenes, which I'd like to think is due to good clean efficient code (but again, what do I know really?)

oh yeah, forgot to add: the project supports around 1500 active agents before slowing down on my (old as fuck) machine atm.

welp... this is probably the first time in my life that I've received positivity and encouragement on here instead of being told to kill myself and that I'm never going to make it. My god.

brb buying myself some steak and beer to celebrate



Good luck BongAnon

>entire games with a reasonable degree of complexity and performant systems by myself

Thanks broski!

Tell me more. Shit on me, I'm fine with that. I just want input, constructive if possible. Unity is peasant level programming? What is it that you do against which Unity devs are babbytier codemonkeys? And how do grow towards that on my own accord?


you are really cute user, please be happy

I will be user! Thank you :3

So like... are you into the whole programming socks thing?

>programming socks

I'm a 400lbs fatass with a beard that would make an orthodox rabbi envious. I don't think cute programming socks would look very good on me.

i hope you get knifed to death

Rude. Desperate final bump.

The successful people are the most persistent, not the best at what they do.

I live in London but I'm not as programmer, if you have questions about the city, let me know.

are u pro with 1 git, 2 asset/object io (runtime), 3 parallel programming/background tasks 4 animations/dynamics. If you pro with 3 of those u good .. 2 is ok

That's probably true. I plan to go hard at it though, go to all the meetup events, hand out bizcards like crazy and really apply myself.

Git I know is very important, I still need to get more comfortable with it though. Can you elaborate a bit on the other ones?

Fuck you OP, you're the cancer that's killing gaming. C# is a shit language you Micro$hill. >Using closed source frameworks. lmao playing games are you 12? Install Gentoo. iToddlers BTFO! Buy AMD. Buy Intel. My Macboot Pro with Retina doesn't have this problem. Just give up you code monkey cunt, there is no way you'll ever understand real engineering. Unironically kys yourself immediately.

Was that good?


Attached: 1526817364209.jpg (550x550, 59K)


Attached: index.jpg (259x194, 10K)

fuck unity, just be an asp.net mvc dev. easy money, easy life.