What's the most catastrophic hardware failure you've seen?
For me, it was my cousin's 6900k build a few years ago. Instant failure after assembling it and he couldn't figure out why it wouldn't boot. After I looked into it, I found a very small black spot on the cpu, and a piece of dog hair stuck in between the socket's pins.
What's the most catastrophic hardware failure you've seen?
This story isn't mine but a friend of mine shared this with me. He used to work in a computer repair shop, and he'd get dumdasses come with the stupidest problems.
Such as one day, while he was dusting out a PC, he overheard laughter coming from the front of the shop.
He came over and saw it.
Some girl thought it would be a great idea to bejewel her motherboard, especially around the CPU socket. So all you could have seen was a big, harden glob of melted bejewels surrounding the fan and CPU.
Reminds me of this
Phone won't connect to internet unless it's cold. The thermal expansion of the solder disconnected the wireless chip
CD literally exploding in the optical drive. It sounded like a gunshot and I thought it was a capacitor.
I popped some voltage regulators on my Asus Crosshair V 990FX back in the day trying to squeeze more MHz out of my already tapped out FX-9590
>Manage to not only get my hands on a 9590 for pennies, but it's a golden chip
>Does 5.4GHz all day everyday prime95 smallFFT stable at 1.52v
>Entire system is liquid cooled so figured fuck it, time to REALLY lean on the chip
>Manage to get 5.675GHz at 1.69v and some NB/BCLK fuckery
>Get greedy, I REALLY want that solid 5.7GHz for bragging rights
>try some stuff, it all fails
>Rebooting between fails of course due to crash
>BIOS reverts back to default after a crash like this
>On my last run I forgot to set the LLC to super strict to prevent voltage boost
>Boot up 5.7GHz with 1.7v, launch prime95
>Hear a loud buzzing/whining noise
>Think nothing of it
>Magic smoke pouring out of the back of the case
>Manage to glimpse at the screen and see HW-monitor showing me a high and sustained voltage of almost 2.8v because I just let the voltage boost without limit
Ended up throwing away my AMD CPU waterblock, Motherboard waterblock, motherboard, and some other stuff because when the board went, it went HARD. Took a whole mess of stuff with it. I felt like such an asshole
Ended up getting a middle of the road Z97 board and 4790k not long after and even with only a moderate clock on an air cooler, it spanked my 9590, so there's that.
>dog hair cpu socket sandwich
With the launch of zen2 i rushed out and bought a whole new build to put together. The people in the clean room left me a present on my runner-up top tier motherboard. Pic related is the mobo still in the factory sealed anti-static bag. Made me wish the am4 spec had lids atop the socket like on intel chipsets. Catastrophe averted
Put a cracked cd into an optical once, it finished the job.
This is only sad because it implies no friends, unless he has offscreen beanbags or the boys all stand or something.
>What's the most catastrophic hardware failure you've seen?
Ouya launch.
had my case open while I was trying to solder something unrelated. A piece of copper wire slipped out of my hand and fell into the PSU. "Oh shit get down" *BANG*. PSU and mother board died.
But did you died?
Am4 is pga chances it won't even care about hair
PSU made a funny noise, then exploded a few seconds later, shooting sparks and smoke out and blowing the breaker. Was an 80+ gold unit as well
same, but i thought it was the hdd exploding
RIP Unreal Tournament GOTY CD
fun fact, ever wonder why we only had 52x+ cd drives for a little while before they seemed to all go back to 48x tops?
52x is 10,400rpm (!)
Burning motherboard due to a 5 year old PSU being plugged into it.
Accidentally doubled the voltage to my CPU and motherboard assploded, only a X4 phenom II though so it was fine
Plugged a laptop GPU back into it while it was still running
>for desktops
dropped a X58 stock cooler in a X58 sabertooth. I still hate myself for it
When I worked at a pc shop some guy brought us an old pc to fix, but didn't tell us he had just brought it from the US. Turns out the PSU still had a voltage switch, set to 110V.
The fireworks were a pretty sight to see.
>no friends
I bet you're a woman
Get these men to the infirmary, they're delusional. CD's don't explode.