Learning C

What books does Jow Forums recommend to learn C?
best beginer books
best advanced books
anything else about c

i am reading the pic related book but not sure if its the latest c standard, if i should be reading something else

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that's one of the top tier reads on c

i would also recommend a book on the more theoretical aspects of computer science, if you are a total beginner

what book would it be?

Attached: satania with a book.jpg (2048x1152, 158K)

The first prerequisite of C is being white.

One of the best places to start finding answers, rejoice!

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How does it fair for a total beginner who is (re)learning algebra?

Depends, do you mean highschool algebra or post grad algebra?


Basically starting from square one on my math to plug the gaps because i barely passed high school algebra.

I would not recomment SICP for you. It's a good book though.

btw, I am another random guy, not the same you are talking with.

Thanks for the heads up. On the wish list it goes.

Eh... Yeah probably.

A big thing to keep in mind is you can be next to retarded and still get a programming job/degree. That's why fizzbuzz destroys a lot of candidates, although to be honest those people can still produce functional albiet unreadable/unreuseable/unextendable/unoptimized code.

Pure Math will be a toolkit that you use sometimes but it's hard to know when until you get there.


The only thing that gives me hope is the fact that I passed Geometry with the highest grade in my class...while being stoned half the time. All you summerfags: be cool stay in school and don't gaff off your Algebra and PreCalc classes.

I wish I could have seen that advice a long time ago. I didn’t even try in high school and that was a long time ago. My life could be much different (better) if I had of both tried in high school and had any sort of clue as to what I wanted to do in my life.

Brah I'm 32 and going back for comp sci after being a welder then a paramedic. I don't care that I'm 10 years behind the curve on this.

thought it was hard af to get a job after 30s


We'll see. I'm not going for FAANG.


Rate my bookshelf Jow Forums

Introduction to Algorithms 3rd edition; Cormen, leiserson, etc
Structure and interpretation of computer programs 2nd edition; Abelson and sussman
Introduction to automata theory languages and computation; Hopcroft
The C programming Language
Reinforcement learning 2nd edition; Richard S Sutton
DEEP LEARNING; Ian Goodfellow

Not as good as mine. Pretty good thou

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What about this bad boy?

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Thats if you go for the people who pay the most. No! I personally acknowledge that I screwed up in life. So I will take a stable wage to get me out of this cardboard box.

Get this one. I learned C from it and it's one of the most beginner friendly programming books I've read.
Not the latest standard but it's C99 and C hasn't made any huge changes after that.

Attached: cmodern.jpg (407x500, 24K)

do some programming instead.
write a program doing something.
will be much more useful.
you will google n read a lot

I second this book. It has a lot of FAQs at the end of the chapter s which help solidify what I just learned.

Everyone hypes up that book, but C is much less of a clusterfuck now. If you're going to read it, make sure to learn the c99/c11 revisions. When that book was published you couldn't declare variable length arrays or declare variables anywhere but the top of the function, for example.

If I was relearning math as an adult I would start with more abstract and fundamental mathematics like logic, set theory, abstract algebra, topology and category theory stuff because it's super fucking useful to understand before moving on to calculus and analysis type stuff, because you actually understand what the fuck is going on and why you're allowed to do what you do. Also those types of math are more applied to comp sci in fields like algorithms, complexity theory, automata etc etc. The /sci/ wiki is always good for this stuff.

Thirding this
User-friendly af