Is there any good Terminal Multiplexer

Is there anything like tmux but with sane keybindings and not this ctrl+b+" and ctrl+b+% shit i mean like who tf thought it would be a good idea to bind splitting to " and % ??
I dont wanna press a bunch of keys just to get my terminal layout done, pls help

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Can't you open multiple WSL instances and just alt tab between them?


Windows Subsystem for Linux

why don't you just remap the key bindings?


install gentoo

I like byobu.

Why don't you just configure yours to act how you want?

Yes, it is called X11. Enjoy.

cos op is a fucking baby and can't rtfm

this, it's easy to remap to ctrl+a, which is way better

OP is this true ?

I wasn't trying to be mean but I killed OP-san. I'm full of regret.

Attached: 4a55706c0c672a641dcf10e815d959b074fa04acaec726d95d1077d558d7766c.png (500x430, 49K)

>don't like default keybinds
>switch programs
do you also switch distro to change which browser you use?

> Is there anything like tmux but with sane keybindings
> who tf thought it would be a good idea to bind splitting to " and % ??
>I dont wanna press a bunch of keys just to get my terminal layout done

Use a GUI then you fucking casual

yes of course i would switch if distro uses chrome by default

any modkey like Ctrl+* is shit, why cant I set the modkey to just Alt?

>any modkey like Ctrl+* is shit, why cant I set the modkey to just Alt?

You can.

I use ` for tmux keybindings. It's works quite well except for string literals or bash commands, but even then it's just ``

You can re-map tmux keybinds you stupid nigger.

If you're reading this, you probably don't need tmux. Just open multiple windows. That's what the window system is for.

Just use emacs as a terminal emulator with emacsclient.

you're an idiot op you fucking fag

emacs keybindings are worse though

unless you're using it over ssh or something just use a tiling wm.

tiling wms are shit. i dont use terminal applications only

>i dont use terminal applications only
You do realize you can use graphical applications too in tiling wms?
It's the main reason they are strictly better than tmux.


Apt-get/dnf/yum/pacman install terminator

Your welcome

not an alternative