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$ man %command% $ info %command% $ %command% -h/--help $ help %builtin/keyword%
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
>Install Windows 10 VM for work >It runs like shit What the fuck am i supposed to do?
Nathaniel Lopez
Carson Collins
Not really, I have a girlfriend (female) and fuck her regularly
Robert Bell
download a better conputer
Colton Powell
Install a linux VM on a w10 machine of course If you work then there's no reason to cripple yourself
Robert Hughes
What's with the rise in BSD interest on Jow Forums these days? Not only that, but I feel GNU/linux itself is headed to shit, with coc and all the needless drama and whatnot Can't we just ban Jow Forumstards on sight? They're causing all this anyhow
Aiden Sanders
I did that before moving and it ran like shit. I'm not dual booting, im gonna have to buy a new computer
Ian Rivera
Idk man if I can work from my BSD machine then you certainly can on linux
Adrian Gray
I'm gonna need adobe for animations cause company is full of autismo boomers
Angel Bailey
is WinE an option?
Robert Rodriguez
>linux vm >recommending windows Get the fuck outta here.
I feel sorry for you user Come work with databases, I haven't seen a GUI other than a browser and media player in maybe 3 years now
Gavin Williams
there is no bsd rise, nor is gnu/linux heading to shit nice astroturfing through, faggot
Dylan Butler
Xavier Flores
Whatever floats your boat, it's a free country
Ethan Diaz
i haven't checked yet, im about to shoot myself, maybe i should buy a shitty computer from craigslist with windows sounds based but these boomers are family friends and they pay me well despite being literal retards
Alexander Cruz
I'm running my jetbrains ide and other GUI programs inside a vm with a DE. I want to change to a headless option. I read that x forwarding is terrible for performance. Is there anything better? And does it works really well like does it handles 'popup' / modal windows correctly? Alt+tab?
Kevin Peterson
Ah in that case best of luck
Camden Hughes
how would you remove a part of the name of all files in the current directory (lets say i have the files topkek_1, topkek_2 and topkek_3, how would i rename them with one line to 1, 2 and 3?)
Nicholas Gonzalez
prename 's/topkek_//' *
William Myers
also are you sure you need adobe whatever? if it's basic animations or whatever blender could be fine
Adam Howard
should use mv -i to avoid accidentally overwriting files
William Ramirez
for i in ./*; do mv "${i}" "${i//topkek_/}"; done
Carson Wilson
You're right. Thanks.
Joshua Price
I want to build a dynamic command in a shell script using case switches. eval $command $args works, but how to do it correctly? I've read that eval should be avoided and I'm also unsure about quotes.
Nathaniel Powell
Arch linux is a nice OS but it is not simple at all.
Justin Hall
what do you mean by simple?
Henry Sullivan
That is the thing. What they think as "simple" is a pretty strange definition to the rest of the people.
Cooper Rivera
yes, so what do you mean by simple?
Lucas Richardson
Well, in this case, something free from unnecesary complications or unnecesary functions. The first I didn't find true, but the second I did. I'm just saying they should change their motto.
Sebastian Nelson
Uncomplicated; taken by itself, with nothing added. Without ornamentation; plain. Free from duplicity; straightforward.
Leo Thompson
I can agree with all of them except: Uncomplicated and straightforward. The rest we can agree.
Carson Anderson
since they're both a version of Unix, does the Apple's MacOS fix the nothing-ever-works-properly GNU/Linux suffers from?
David Reed
but those are all synonyms, more so on each line let's not pretend that there's not a base "complexity" to computers either
Matthew Brown
Im not really sure "uncomplicated" and "with nothing added" are the same, user. At least in this case. I can vouch that Arch has literally nothing added unless you add it yourself, but this can make other processes more difficult or tiresome.
>tips Fedora >but F30 still has old Mesa packages Maybe I shall go for a Copr Mesa-git package, I can't figure out why package maintainers at Fedora are so inert in upgrading those packages. Hell, F29 is still stuck at Mesa 18 for no reason. Or shall I just jump to Rawhide?
Parker Gonzalez
They're not.
Ryder Ward
If you want continually up to date, why are you not using Tumbleweed/Arch/Void/etc? Sure, Fedora's probably the best point release distro for fresh packages, but it's still not going to be as good as a rolling release.
Oliver James
I went Balls Deep and installed Debian Cinnamon. Pretty happy so far, its my first full linux install. I've only done a Raspberry Pi install before. I had to jump a few hurdles with the graphics, but I sorted it out.
Robert Ortiz
Very best books on shell scripting? I want to read a really good book on the topic, no shitty beginner tutorials.
Lincoln Powell
MacOS mostly suffers from paleolithic UNIX components, brain addled kernel programmers, and HFS+.
The TLDP bash manual is a renown classic.
Parker Robinson
>Tumbleweed Yeah, maybe when I just upgrade my Battlestation from Zen to Zen3 I shall just go there. I hate those Fedora guys for being so outdated in Mesa packages when they have lots of manpower to operate a fucking test week for a fucking already-stable 5.2 Kernel packages.
Reposting from /sqt/ : I can't make my fucking 5700xt work on ganoo/loonix. here's what I did: vanilla Ubuntu 18.04.2 install, apt update/upgrade, download drivers from AMD, extract and run install script as sudo, restart After the reboot I still get no image on the monitor plugged into the card, AMDGPU modules show up as loaded What am I doing wrong ?
Is Deepin pretty okay as a DE? Or does it have chinese botnet shit in it? I'm basically looking for a DE with a dock that has a solid file manager, GNOME's file manager is shit and I've had enough.
Connor Clark
The file manager is ok, crashed on me a couple times. The icons in the file chooser are a huge plus. It's an ok DE, although Deepin the distro is based on oldstable so the packages are quite stale. You're probably better off using KDE or Pantheon.
Caleb White
The reason I'm asking is because Manjaro has a Deepin spin, and I installed the GNOME version since I hadn't used an Arch based distro ever. Best linux experience I've had in a while. How is current KDe? Does it have a dock plugin/mode?
Ryan Parker
what the FUCK niggers, did anyone buy this fucking card, plz reply
KDE has really improved a lot since the early days of 4/5. They have thumbnails in the file picker, even works for Chrom* but Firefox needs to be patched and GTK apps use the GTK filepicker. They have a dock called Latte Dock, that can also be configured to act as a panel, and Kwin has nice blur effects just like Deepin.
I posted a screenshot of the blur effects combined with transparent widgets and Latte dock in panel mode here:
Bentley White
Jaxson Robinson
What to do when the device is listed when you do lsusb but cannot see any networks with networkmanager?
Jeremiah Torres
What kind of internet enabled dildo is this?
Cameron Young
>fresh install of the new debian stable >run into a software breaking bug within the second session I was told the Space Shuttles ran on Debian. Why is this allowed? Also the bug tracker still is just a mailing list.
Gavin Mitchell
How can I play videos stored on my desktop on my laptop? (through mpv, of course)
It's a wifi adapter I just want to know how to make it see networks, clearly the device is recognized
Daniel Garcia
Sorry about asking my questions in a picture, it kept getting considered spam. So I'm trying to get nginx to work on fedora 30; however I'm having a lot of issues understanding
for question 2, I added the instructions from the guide, in hopes that it makes more sense
What kind of wifi adapter is it? You're entering /sqt/ airspace.
Samuel King
huh? it's the simplest distro i've used
Daniel Bennett
thanks for not cropping the picture, so i'm forced to open it elsewhere just so i can read it and write a reply at the same time
you can omit server_name, since you don't have one it's mainly used so a server can serve multiple names (like the same server giving different content for "" and "", or subdomains like "" all being served from the same IP address) since you don't have a dns name at all, you can't do anything with this
Henry Peterson
it's complicated to install
it deploys a small system, the base packages are a lot simpler than having a lot of preinstalled
so you can both be right
sounds offtopic but what should i listen to if i want to get into eurobeat
you'll have to set up some sort of file...sharing... are you using nautilus or another full featured file explorer? just mount it as ssh. if you're using a meme distro with no good file manager i'm sure you can do it over the command line
John Foster
Arch isn't small. It's pretty bloated.
Sebastian Ward
>it's complicated to install it's really not unless you consider anything that isn't a one-click express installer complicated the only arch-specific parts about installing are pacstrap (couldn't be simpler than it is, and it works just like debians' debootstrap), and of course pacman, which is no more complicated than most package managers everything else is standard tools, and the arch live iso comes with everything you'd possibly need
Oliver Foster
I don't think anyone here can answer you as no one would use old LTS Ubuntu with proprietary drivers when gaming on AMD GPU. And Navi support on Linux at this moment is virtually none in a general sense. Check whether you connect your card by DisplayPort first because Freesync is not working on HDMI and this will mess you up. And disable 10bpp color output because no video compositor supports it right now. Alternatively, find PPAs that provide: -Kernel 5.3rc0 or above; -Libdrm 2.4.99 or above; and -most importantly, Mesa 19.2 (still on git-master instead of RC at this point) and just install all of them.
Landon Hall
why the fuck does KDE start to flash and flicker right out of the box? This shit is annoying and the only thing that fixes it is Ctrl+Alt+F12 after login.
Jack Harris
listen, debian had an installer back in June 2005. If your distro can't do it (it's literally 2019, 2005+14) then they're pathetic.
No, copying and pasting obscure commands doesn't make you "1337", it's just tedious. Much nicer to provide you with a live environment so you can shitpost on Jow Forums during the install.
Cameron Ross
get a cheap gpu and passthrough the device to the vm, also get a cheap usb pci controller and also passthrough that. Now you have plug-n-play usb and near native performance.
Hunter Flores
arch used to have a step-through installer too, but nobody used it, so it fell out of maintainership >copying and pasting obscure commands arch never posed itself to be a distro for people new to linux >it's just tedious. Much nicer to provide you with a live environment so you can shitpost on Jow Forums during the install. just for shits and giggles, a few years ago i did a webm clip doing an installation in 4 minutes (double speed to fit in the 2 min limit)
Anthony Perez
Why the fuck is Linux STILL unable to do wifi right in 2019?
Julian Walker
what's a good terminal emulator, not too bloated but with clipboard support?
Jaxson Flores
why? what's wrong with it?
Robert Campbell
lxterminal-gtk2 werks for me
Ayden Bailey
PSA: You probably don't need tmux. Your window manager does the same thing, and it's much easier to use.
Ryan Walker
try using your wm to manage a remote machine, or resume/share a session with multiple clients having multiple 'windows' in tmux is only one small reason to use tmux
Leo Williams
based. multiplexers, especially with a tiling window manager, are bloat.
they take 0.14 and 1.00 seconds for me with xrdb cleared xrdb /dev/null
Jackson Robinson
>get a brand new server setup >set up bootable raid array >efi partition must be fat32 >ok that's bullshit but whatever >run efi volume in raid-1 so all drives have the same copy of the partition and any one can start the boot process in case of hardware failure >works at first >then the motherboard uefi randomly decides to write stuff to one of the drives >corrupts the efi volume and renders it unbootable Fuck all this amateur hour clown vomit firmware, I want the BIOS+GPT back.
Jackson Powell
yeah this happened to me a while ago and I never figured it out, just switch to OB or XFCE
Samuel Edwards
the space shuttles probably run on oldstable
Blake Clark
The terminus font is making it slow, for some reason. Ubuntu mono, misc fixed, and go mono take 2-4 seconds.
Justin Martinez
fixed by enabling fastScroll
Joseph Allen
Any tips on ricing Kubuntu? I want anime girls on my desktop to redirect to my proton mail.