What's not to love?

What's not to love?

Attached: javascriptLogo.png (245x245, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/tree/master/up & going


this but unironically


can anyone redpill me on the JS?


Cant wait for deno to go stable.

>can anyone redpill me on the JS?

Read "You don't know js" the first chapter is on github and should enlighten you as to why it's an underrated language. Some of it is bad, can't deny that, but what it offers in exchange is beautiful. It's a great tool and it's dynamic nature makes it a joy to use if you can spend the time learning how the language works.

Which one? There's six.

{} + '' === 0 //true

My experience so far with JS is:

> "Wow you can actually do this pretty neatly"
> "Why can't I do this simple task more easily compared to other languages?"

Most of those complains get fixed using ES6 though.

This one

github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/tree/master/up & going

You Don't Know JS is a terrible book, the author over-complicates simple concepts and doesn't have any understanding of why things are implemented the way they are. Most of his explanations, especially for edge cases, are along of the lines of: "You'd think it would do this, but it actually does that, because I tested on the console. Moving on..." The entire book sounds like he's teaching something that he's still trying to learn himself.

>any other language
>you either terminate statements with semicolons or you don't

>i guess you can use semicolons if you want but sometimes you have to and sometimes you don't

And type coercion

Kyle Simpson is one of the most respected members of the JavaScript community. What have you done to be able to pass such judgement?


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>What have you done to be able to pass such judgement?
What has *he* done? The only thing that he does is writing books and giving talks: the quintessential software evangelist. Being "respected" in the JS community is therefore just a matter of carefully cultivating a personal brand. He has never written any important piece of software nor did he do anything extraordinary in programming, so do not appeal to credentials because he has none.
And of course the point is not whether he is qualified or not to write about JS: the point is that his book is mostly irrelevant, and his explanations of critical concepts are lacking. YDKJS mostly describes the quirks of JS, but it doesn't explain why they work the way that they do, and it doesn't seem like the author himself knows why they work the way that they do, either.


Let's see your git repositories now and compare.

Not him, but you are quite the sheep. The book is mediocre at best


Ahh, the classic "let's see YOU do better!" fallacy. Thanks for confirming you have nothing of value to add.

Dynamic typing makes you lazy as fuck

Not him, but you don't need to prove your better at something to levy valid criticism. If a chef of 20 experience years gives you a burned turd, you don't have to go to culinary school and work as a chef for 20 years before you can say the plate he gave you was shit.

Wow you really called out that fallacy. Such an intelligent play. Your fallacy detection skills mean you win. Don't worry if you can't refute anything all you need is to find a fallacy then you don't have to acknowledge their arguments.

Criticism and saying that someone only writes books when they clearly have some decent github repos aren't the same thing.

Lazy people always blame everything besides themselves.

>Don't worry if you can't refute anything all you need is to find a fallacy then you don't have to acknowledge their arguments.
Except there is no argument. "Let's see you do it better" is not an argument. You have not provided any refutation or counterargument to my original post on how YDKJS is a bad book. All you have said so far is: That Kyle Simpson is a respected member of the JS community (and therefore his book is immune to criticism?), and that I should show a GitHub with more contributions that his (because I can't point out flaws in his book if I don't?). You're not willing to have an honest discussion on anything, you are just triggered because I pointed out the book that you idolize is bad.

>This author seems to be learning the language as he writes the book lol. What a tard

Kyle is a prominent member of the community

>No he's not hes just an author who does lectures. Double tard

Here's his github with multiple repos with over a hundred stars.

>Well that's a fallacy because you tried to compare him to me

You should stop talking shit about people without being able to back it up. You make sweeping criticisms and then have your period when someone calls you out on it.

>Kyle is a prominent member of the community
Which is more due to the fact of him marketing his brand more than anything.

>Here's his github with multiple repos with over a hundred stars.
All of which are small async/FP experiments and a bunch of ESLint plugins. Again, he has never written any important piece of software nor did he do anything extraordinary in programming.

>You should stop talking shit about people without being able to back it up.
"Don't talk shit about what I like!!" Grow up.

>This guy isn't impressive
And why should I care about your opinion? What are your credentials? Here are his.


what doesnt make sense about this?

I said YDKJS is a bad book and in which specific ways it is bad. You brought Kyle's credentials up as an attempt of a counterargument: "Kyle is respected in the JS community." It's just ironic that neither are Kyle's credentials as impressive as you think they are, nor would that invalidate the fact that his YDKJS book series is garbage. kek

What doesn't make sense about adding an empty object and an empty string and getting the number zero?

languages? they all the same
i can program any and don't even remember their names.
WHAT language (You) IN LOVE WITH?

Is the concept of a loosely-typed language difficult to understand? It's not exactly rocket science.

If you think those are decent repos, then yours must be truly garbage.
No, I'm not linking my account to compare, even though I'm sure my hobby work (job work doesn't end up on GH) is miles ahead of his. I'm not linking it because I'm not going to open myself up to being stalked by some weirdo from here.

Attached: Dzhaba screebt.png (700x700, 880K)

>What's not to love?
Your dads

lol i cant beleive this is actually true, why is it so

.sort is meant to sort strings
you can add a compareNumbers function as an argument (as per documentation) to get it to sort numbers by size

>What's not to love?
I don't know, maybe the fact that it almost singlehandedly enabled tracking online and numerous exploits.

It's still unintuitive. Sort should do what you expect it to. I shouldn't have to look up documentation to explain why 10 goes before 3 or use additional work around to fix it.

ah so hes just making a fuss about nothing then?

youre assblasted lmao

read the docs you lazy pussy

Tbf, it should be apparent WHY you get this result after seeing the output, but I admit the solution is unintitive and shit. If you put all integers in an array they shouldn't be automatically treated as strings. Especially since the whole selling point of js is high level abstractions that just work without having to worry about types. Fucking js man. Webdevs seem to think if you keep shitting out new framework, and patches, you can fix js, but all they really do is create a dependency hell of spaghetti where all the parts are glued together and you just kinda hope it works. And people say this shit is the strength of js.

I dont disagree about it being unintuitive but u should still read the documentation

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>What's not to love?
The specification, implementions, syntax, how it's used, what it's used for, the users/community, that dumb logo, and the name. It's just dumb.

another very useful reading is "JavaScript: The Good Parts".
It's about pre ES6 JS and of course it lists the bad parts also, and the possible fixes to them (some of them has been actually implemented in ES6).
It's an essential reading for JS programmers and it's both concise and comprehensive, qualities that are hard to find together in most programming books.