Post in the wrong boad

>post in the wrong boad
>can't delete posts
>say I'm sorry
>get banned anyway

Have another thread, faggot

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how did this thread survive so long?

Anone, have you learned JavaScript yet?

>fuck up
>can't handle the consequences and gets butthurt
What delicate sensitive flower you are OP

Attached: 1562521776058.jpg (394x507, 31K)


narupa miku is best

can I maybe talk you into installing gentoo

I love spooky miku!

You can delete your posts, you just have to wait for 2 minutes before you're able to.

Now that we have an important thread going on let's talk about pic related. Where would "go to church" fit in all this? Would it just beat "have sex" or is there more to it than that?

Attached: arguing_on_the_internet_in_2019.png (843x903, 39K)