What modern OS can I squeeze onto a 1GB (yes, one gigabyte) SSD?
What modern OS can I squeeze onto a 1GB (yes, one gigabyte) SSD?
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Gentoo and you will still have 700mb
Most netinstalled gnu/linux distros, especially if you use a FS that supports compression and not store temporary files, caches and users' home folders on it.
Any modern OS. Fuck you. You may think 1 billion bytes is not a lot because of all the zoom zoom video games you play, so fuck you
install backdoor OS on a thumbstick. I dare you.
I bet you've never programmed anything in your life
>Any modern OS.
I take it you don't know what "OS" means?
why even bother, give haiku or some other hobby OS a try.
Alpine. You will still have 950 mb
OpenBSD, mmmaybe.
Slax, TinyCore, NetBSD, FreeDOS, Alpine, tomsrtbt, TempleOS
puppy linux
Extra great on SSD. Merely 10% chance next day it will be completely empty once again. Lubuntu is good 4 u OP.
most linux installs (once you have graphics drivers and the X window system) come to at least 600mb in my experience, with debian having a very low potential profile if you use the flag --no-install-recommends to only install packages you absolutely need.
Fuck you. I bet you never took a course or read a book about low level processing
Amiga Workbench (any version)
Install Gentoo
I came here to suggest Puppy too.
>Nobody mentioning TempleOS
Shame on this Community.
>Nobody mentioning TempleOS
>needs to lurk more
Arch without X, probably.
I tested it in the TTY and w3m works, and obviously so does nano. I'm sure you could get emacs-nox or emacs -nw going and basically have a complete plaintext based operating system.
TempleOS, FreeDOS
>seriously suggesting an OS with no networking and a dead maintainer
>a dead maintainer
TempleOS is maintained through Christ's church, brother.
You could do Arch under 1GB pretty easily. TidOS was about 600 MB and even included ghc for xmonad which was like 400 of the 600
Gentoo use more disk-space than other distros for the same package.
-Os you noob
Alpine linux, Openwrt;
void linux musl
calm down you turboautist, they are fucking with you
Fuck you
Isn't Wangblows like 10-20 gb
DSL - Damn small linux
It's designed to be able to run on a 386.
i challenge you to install win7 on a 1GB SSD then
Shrine gives it neworking support.
> noone gives helpful answers
Install something without kde or gnome, as those use up approx. 1.4 GB with all dependencies and default programs. Lxqt or any wm are a good choice. Additionally, a minimal distro with few preinstalled package, such as void, arch or gentoo, will save space.
Maybe templeOS.
Actually now that I think XP came on a 700 mb CD-ROM back in the day...service packs probably go way over 1 gb though.
You could get away with win 2000 or 95/98/ME also.
Linux wise try puppy.
But aside from that yeah go DOS freeDOS or templeOS.