>family gets new 5G router system
>dog has been atustically staring at the router box ever since it was installed
okay this is getting me really fucking worried. is this shit safe if animals can detect it like how they detect incoming storms?
>family gets new 5G router system
>dog has been atustically staring at the router box ever since it was installed
okay this is getting me really fucking worried. is this shit safe if animals can detect it like how they detect incoming storms?
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oh shit its happening. my electroics have been acting up too
I personally vow to never buy a 5G device, if OP tells me who pays him to make these posts
we'll never know
5Ghz router is not the same thing as 5th generation mobile internet retards
t. Pajeet
animals are stupid.
I don't even think OP gets paid for these shill threads. He does it for free.
>5g is harmful
Dogs have better hearing than humans.
Box is probably emitting high pitched whine - most likely power supply.
Switch it off and see if it still bothers him.
This, poor doggo.
Your router may be haunted.
>atustically staring at the router box
shouldn't have given him his shots. vaccines cause autism.
Fucking shit power supplies.
I cannot stand their fucking whine.
My 5g router burned my foreskin off, now I can't enjoy women, they just laugh at my mutilated penis.
I bought a couple on line to power some POE gadgets.
Can't use them; they blot out AM radio in the house.
Nice humblebrag
> switch it on and off and see if it still bothers him
So turn the 5g off and see if the 5g still bothers the dog? interesting.
My wife's boyfriend got a 5G router to emit cuck beams in my house and now I'm a cuck.
yes, first isolate the box as the source of the discomfort, then isolate between noise and EM (a faraday cage should do nicely)
>gets 5g box installed
You suck at larping.
t. doggo
it's probably letting out a low frequency hum only the dog can hear. i'd get another router. don't want the doggo to suffer needlessly
am I the only one that gets an headache if I leave 5ghz wifi on for too long? the router is like 1 meter from me.
Couldn't imagine having a 5g router
thread theme
>Switch it off and see if it still bothers him.
you're a smart one
it must be true
But it's literally you waiting for a new AMD product
Dogs are nigger tier trash
some of those are me
it can sense the radiation slowly cooking your brains and it wants to destroy it