How and why is this botnet shit even legal?

Is the constitution dead? Whatever happened to the 4th and 9th amendment?

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not saying it doesn't happen, just never seen it.
>not gookmoot I swear

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You've never seen Facebook, Google, Amazon, and a ton of other unknown scripts on websites? Even on Jow Forums, I get and google analytics scripts. I know google and gstatic are essential for the website to function. Unless someone some workarounds without buying the pass

I'll see if umatrix is more choosy but no, not really.

not really a change

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Do you go to any other website outside of Jow Forums?

reddit, various forums for vidya, random google searches for specific shit for programming, various blogs to learn assorted ideas for you know.. programming, mangadex, not that many places, twitter if linked never shitbook; rarely amazon

aka yes some overlap with the domains you have shown in your pic but nothing that actually embeds extra frame bullshit. I've got javascript disabled by default on both chrome and waterfox and enough filters on ublock that most sites start breaking

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>allowing Jow Forums to execute scripts

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Kek, people are now figuring out that before Intel Me and AMD PSP we had DASH and ASF, we’ve been full botnet since the mid 1990s.

What does reds mean? Vulnerable to viruses? Tracking?

I don't use social media, but apparently all that tracking spyware is to "help" with your timelines or some shit. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently sites you visit and things you do online, if unblocked, will all pop up in your facebook and let everyone know what you've been doing.

What's the difference between umatrix and ublock origin? Should I get umatrix if I already have ublock?

it allows you to filter more shit than ublock origin advance will.. in so much as its more granular. I'm using it on waterfox since I'm a brainlet and can't figure out how to just nuke javascript by default like shitty chrome.

fair note: you'll need to set shit up on a per site basis to make the site functional; but that does have the benefit of all sites you don't trust (which should be everything at this point) don't work and don't run shit. so no redirection loops and honestly its just saner/safer in that regards. plus good luck fishing with some random url now.

Thanks! I'll check it out.

The reds mean everything is blocked by default, and I have manually unblock domain scripts in order for the website to load. Or, as ublock origin calls it, I use the internet in nightmare mode.

>Whatever happened to the 4th and 9th amendment
Those only protect you against the government. With any company you choose to use their product.

The constitution applies to the government, retard.

Why does Jow Forums come here just to make these retarded ass threads

>Is the constitution dead? Whatever happened to the 4th and 9th amendment?
kys, no one but other libertardians like you.

You waived your 4th the moment you agreed to their terms of service that nobody bothers to read.

the reason XP is safer & HTML5 is cancer

Attached: ublock report.webm (712x828, 647K)

>Whatever happened to the 4th and 9th amendment?
It takes powerful interests to get Amendments into the public's consciousness.

>Even on Jow Forums, I get and google analytics scripts.
Not him, but strangely enough, I checked just now and and the Google Analytics scripts are not showing up for me anymore, but they were certainly showing up since the beginning of 2018 or around that time just like it happened to you.