Tick Tock Windows 7

>still using Windows 7
lmao What will you do when it stops working in less the six months? Give it up already

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>stops working
I swear the amount of old people who come up to me worried that their computers will literally no longer turn on after Jan14th if they stay with 7.


Keep using Windows 7

Microsoft will keep releasing vuln patches so what's the big deal? They patched XP again just the other month.

What, exactly, does "end of support" even mean? Nothing. It's not like anyone has actually ever reached out to MS support for an OS issue that wasn't license related.

I need a Windows 7 ISO for testing something, might keep it after that, which version do you recommend? Home or Pro?


dude even as far as 2010 people were running XP (not even SP1) without EVER updating in a more "wild west" internet before the safespace onions/pajeet internet era and doing fine, I think I'll be fine with uBlock and MSE

Attached: 1547246516793.jpg (250x238, 8K)

uBlock + uMatrix and you're set

Well for my main desktop I already switched to Linux years ago. I still have Windows 7 on my gaming machine for stuff that I can't get to run under Wine, and when support ends I'll probably just keep using it for that. Blocking all the botnet garbage in Windows 10, and halfway-unfucking its god-awful UI, is too much work just to play vidya.

>havent updated win 7 in 6 years
>still going strong
enjoy your built-in ads, keylogger, forced updates and having your loli porn reported to letter agencies

guess ill have to just sell it on the black market and never use a computer again

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>Give it up already
I already have, after the hard disk with the games on it died I don't even have it installed anymore. Most of the stuff runs fine on Linux so I haven't yet found a reason to install Windows on my home computer.

just give it up winfags

Why not Ultimate? You're pirating it anyways, right?

ultimate 64-bit

it barely even works now without destroying your hdd anyway so
luddites who prefer it to 10 haven't tried it with telemery disabled, it actually has useful stuff like quick audio output switching

>What will you do
absolutely nothing
u mad?

If microsoft really somehow remotely gimps my windows 7 install, I'll just get 8.1 and apply every privacy patch I see.


countdown for 7boomers:
>173 days

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imagine the horror when you realize there are people still using windows XP because they refuse to move on

I'm surprised people are still using Windows 7 outside of enterprise setting


>stops working

I gave it up the day that the pop up ad for W10 showed up on W7. Did a quick search, installed Linux Mint, and have used it ever since. Even if W7 was going to be supported indefinitely, you couldn't pay me to go back to it.

That's the point of all the FUD Microsoft is spreading. It's straight out of their playbook but, understandably, most people don't tend to keep up with the corporate policies of their software vendors.

>*notices your unpatched exploitable vulnerability*

>he bought a 4c/4t Ryzen
Kek, what a choice

how will they make more waifus if 10 is the last windows? is microsoft dumb?

This, I turned off win update 5 years ago.

god microsoft has tried so fucking hard to push win10
the only reason people started switching is when they started pretty much forcing them to by rejecting newer hardware, which actually takes work. they are literally working to make win7 obsolete and yet they have failed. I can't believe anyone even uses win10 after they did that shit

In a year or so Win 7 will come down to like 20% market share. In 5-10 years it'll be as dead as XP, >2%. Grow up and either get Windows 10 or move on to an inferior OS.

How is Mint inferior?

>market share
and what the fuck does that have to do with anything
you know there's a mountain of evidence Win10 isn't safe for privacy, right? or are you one of those "I have nothing to hide" fags? aside from privacy, win7 is better in nearly every way. the design of win10 is atrocious to the point where you couldn't be blamed for thinking it was designed for phones or touchscreens primarily. it was designed by pajeets for tech illiterates. why would you trust microsoft after they spread lies about win7 to get people to switch, or when they actively try to make hardware and drivers not work on win7 for no good reason? why would they go out of their way to do that user? maybe because they want to be able to have spyware on everyone's computers? and don't even try to say it's better for games, it takes more resources while win7 can be debloated down to less than 400MB memory. older games aren't supported as well as they are with win7. it also forcibly removes shit from your computer, changes settings back, updates itself etc.
should I continue?

so can you tell me why the fuck I should use windows 10? give me a single good reason user, I'm waiting

Attached: Windows10.jpg (3297x3319, 1.46M)

>What will you do when it stops working in less the six months?
Nuthin, yo nigga. Never ever updated my Win 7 Pro. Same with XP on netbook.
>Why update?

Pro, SP1!

>useful stuff like quick audio output switching
wudd? You're drunk, zoomer!

Home Premium is the one you want. Its not striped down nor bloated
Starter and Home Basic are too stripped down. They don't even have the Snipping Tool.
Ultimate is a poor choice for a standalone PC. Its bloated with services and stuff that are only relevant in a corporate networked office environment. It can be stripped down and made to run good but why go through the hassle when Home Premium is what the end goal will look like. Professional version is also bloated but not as bad as Ultimate. This reference chart breaks all the editions down.
The only advantage 64x offers is more ram usage beyond 32x limitation. Both run the same speed though 32x can sometimes be faster on some PCs depending on hardware. 32x OS and software uses less ram then 64x too. If working with a small amount of ram or limited CPU power 32x is a better choice.

It'll still get security updates even then because it simply retains too much market share.

>give me a single good reason

Because 7 is 10 fucking years old?

I can't believe Touko-chan is an Intel + Nvidia sellout. It's no wonder she's insane.

how much of a brainlet do you have to be to think this even approaches an argument?

Literally who fucking cares. Linux exists and there's a huge amount of distros that get constantly updated. Every single one of them work better, use less resources AND nowadays, work just as good as any Windows version thanks to WINE and how much it has progressed in the past few years.
There's literally 0 reason to use an OS like Windows 10 filled with telemetry, bloat and that does not respect your privacy in the slightest.

I've heard something about Windows 10 Chinese Government Edition. Can I get an .iso somewhere and install the english language pack?


but why?

Because it doesn't have telemetry and it doesn't phone home either because China was based enough to make MS cut out that bullshit.
It's THE definitive Windows experience.

so if I have to reinstall windows 7 after it no longer receives updates will I still be able to download the updates already available? Or do I have to make an image of an install with the updates installed and restore that?

That's because XP has a (comparatively) huge base of legacy applications relying on it. Vista, 7 and 8 don't have that. I doubt any of them will get long term vuln patches like XP.

How do we know it's not malicious anyway?

Found this in just a few minutes of sir-ching (xixi)

It's most certainly malicious in its own way.

Plus I just read it gets no security updates for actual Windows vulnerabities unlike LTSC. It's probably not that great an idea.

>implying any version of Windows 10 is a good idea

its not. Windows 10 EOF is october 2025

I will be using Windows 7 till the web browsers stop working on it like what happened for XP. I will then shut off my internet and continue using Windows 7 offline till I die. Internet is the only reason to upgrade and clearly the internet is shitty shit getting shittier every day. Its not worth upgrading hardware and OS to be online anymore.

Install gentoo

I keep trying Windows 10 hoping it has improved, but it's fucking unusable garbage, mostly the UI but also the update system is awful. I don't really care about spying but I can't take these daily update restarts and half the UI looking ugly as fuck and randomly freezing and failing.

Went to linux instead.

Check their videos. 2 big name voice actresses and still barely break 2000 views, Windows waifu age is over.

Attached: wintit.jpg (540x591, 94K)

You're either a really fat nerd or a really skinny nerd

You're either a really bad shill or really insecure about your looks.

>Windows waifu age is over
this can't be happening

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w7 Community fork when?

can someone decompile windows 7 and reconstruct the source code like they did for super mario 64 so we can have a non shitty open source OS?

I'd add noscript and a custom firewall to that, AI-driven malware is gonna fuck shit up

This is how Microsoft treats users, like cattle that should live in fear of their omnipotent master.

I haven't updated W7 since like 6 tears ago.

>windows 10
Pick one

>when they actively try to make hardware and drivers not work on win7 for no good reason
Aren't hardware manufacturers to blame for that? I don't think MS would be able to do anything is Nvidia/AMD/Intel/whatever decided to keep supporting Win 7/8.1, but they all bent like little bitches

Not right now without going to "pound you in the ass" prison for copyright infringement. After the copyright expires its open season.

>Hardware manufacturers to blame
>I don't think MS would be able to do anything
They are all in collusion. If no aspect of the industry evolved the market would saturate and little hardware/OS/software would sell. All aspects of tech work together to force consumers to upgrade of all tech regularly. That is a fact.

True, but if before I could stomach new MS OSes, I simply can't bring myself to install Win 10. Sadly, switching to Linux isn't an option.

windows 7 > wine staging > windows 10 > reactOS

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This, and fearmongering over "muh exploits" doesn't mean jack fucking shit when Windows 10 is all mossad/glownigger spyware anyway.
Literally just don't be a retard and use ublock/umatrix when web browsing

Use Ultimate

I want to see her Active Desktop crashing.

>I simply can't bring myself to install Win 10
Same. I use it a few times a year a family/relatives house ect. From my experience, historically Win 10 it is the only OS that has gotten worse with every update since first release.

I'm probably just going to bite the bullet and install it (or rather the LTSC version) next time I build a new PC. I know you can use different shells, so maybe that will make it better.

Last time i cgecked, an E46 M3 is still significantly faster than the majority of modern day cars.
>Its 10 years old current year meme.
Does that mean i should use a newer more bloated software that's actually slower?
Maybe i should let cortana touch my pipi too.

>E46 M3
>still significantly faster than the majority of modern day cars
Nope. If you really want to use cars analogy.
A modern $50k BMW would be:
>much much faster
>much much better safety feature and crash rating
>much more comfortable to drive
>more and much better doodad shits
Yeah and that's the price without inflation, the price of an E46 M3 should be closer to $60k.

It's not, 335i's get lapped by e46 m3's.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>muh $60k E46 M3
>A BMW M3 E46 Just Sold For $90,000

also this

26% :)



That's not a performance model tho. Also the e46 you're talking about is a coupe, so a 440i would be a little more logical comparison.
>get lapped by e46 m3's
after a trillion laps, sure.
>A BMW M3 E46 Just Sold For $90,000
That's not the point. My point is a fair comparison would be a modern equivalent, an M3 or M4.

At 26.21% of market share Win 7 has more then 2.5x more market share then 8.1, 8, Vista and XP combined. Its not going to go anywhere anytime soon.

8 is dead, Vista and XP are older than 7. It will drop below 20% by 2020.

8 and 8.1 are newer OSes though. For 7 to have so much market share more is an indicator of how usable and popular 7 is. 8 and 8.1 together should have more market share then 7. Clearly the opposite is the case.

beats out a i7 4770 for $75 bucks

>implying I wouldn't still use win XP

>stops working
doubt that'll happen
anyway, I would bet that Microsoft ends up willingly not patching a basic security flaw, then using that as a way to get people to switch to 10

windows 7 blocks newer CPUs, in fact it started blocking ones that were already out and already working fine
why would AMD or Intel go through the effort of supporting win7 when MS is trying to block it to force people to switch. on top of that, it's in intel's best interest to do that as well.
there's not much AMD could do if they wanted to try and support win7, because they'd be fighting with the shit microsoft did to it
>While you can still install Windows 7 and 8.1 on newer processors, microsoft does not officially support it, and has tried to pressure users into switching to Windows 10 by disabling updates on those PCs. This includes driver updates, security updates, and Windows Defender

they have also spread lies about windows 7 in an effort to get people to switch to win10. I can't understand why anyone would trust them after this, or shill for win10, when it's very obvious microsoft doesn't want to give up it's spyware


That doesn't excuse you from not buying 8 threads at minimum

>8 threads

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>stops working
I swear the amount of young, dumb, millenial fucks who come up to me worried that their computers will literally no longer turn on after Jan14th if they stay with 7, is unbelievable.

Fixed that for ya, asshole. Even fixed the grammatical error.