I hate it more every day

I hate it more every day

Attached: kisspng-oracle-certified-professional-java-se-programmer-c-grails-development-groovy-development-gra (260x260, 16K)

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learn a new language

I hate you.

I know C++

you should, because it's shit

Yeah me too. That why I use this.

Attached: superior-language.png (1280x1280, 84K)

>var i : int

>static float
GOD I hate Java

Stop using static, moron cake.

Java is boring, but it's actually great for stuff you'll have to support for years and years to come, especially given how fast the average developer switches jobs

Scala is cool too.
I like it how you can really downsize your code to 1 line.
While in Java its like 3 or 4

>Writing POJO's in scala

var name: String =_

but you can leave the String out to make the compiler choose if its a string or integer.
Kinda like JS which it also can be used for frontend work.

Then use something else moron.
Also, nice arguments you have there.

Kinda like it for backend programming with Spring boot.
Its kinda comfy and fast to develop for.

Hey, what's a good tutorial to get up and running with Spring Boot fast? I know Java and I know other web frameworks, but spring just seems so huge, I can't even use the Initializr

at least its not javascript. be greatful you fuckin asshole

Just use intelliJ open it then you need to go to maven > spring-boot > spring-boot:run
Its usually on the top right

Baeldung has a lot of good tutorials and on You tube.

Same guy.

>Learn first how to make controllers with Pojo's.

>Make it return JSON message to your browser

>Learn how to implement repository interface with JPA
Super easy and can make custom SQL queries and just set your pass and database url in the application.properties file it will be there automatically

>Learn how to make payloads

>Then go and learn Spring Security
This is kinda heavy to learn but once you understand it you can make some custom security privileges and stuff encryption etc.

And for the love of god don't use thyme lead for your ui. You will regret it
Use some javascript framework like react

Thanks, user! Gonna check it out.

I work mostly with APIs, won't be doing too much of anything Javascript, but thanks for the advice

You mean thymeleaf?
Yea only use that if you want to make it fully server side

Not server client.
Its more for security otherwise don't give a shit.

But you can combine it with React, Angular etc.

After that you can still use Scala or Kotlin, Spring doesn't give a fuck cause it runs on a JVE

Nobody forces you to use static...?

Use Frink: frinklang.org/

Use Python

Be glad you aren’t using php

php >>>> java

Learned Java in highschool and thought it was alright
Then I started using C# at work and realized Java sucks

Worked in spring java before, currently work in php 7

Would rather java

I learned C# .net and dished it for Spring boot java and in Scala.
I realised .net was like a cheap knock off of Spring with less liberties and constraints especially in security.

even java is better than php

I've never worked with Spring. Seems like a good number of people ITT like it, so I guess I'll have to check it out sometime.

I'm forced to use java/eclipse at work for part of a project due to some senior developer only knowing java so that's what they had to go with. Every time I boot up eclipse I want to kill myself.

Attached: 1554366959435.gif (600x449, 1.56M)

Oh love it.
Cause its easy and simple and vast and complex at the same time.

Like it can hold your hand on some mundane stuff and then also lets you override some functions to do more complex things.

Use intelliJ community, eclips is kinda good for beginners/intermediate.

java is comfy for large-scale applications. do you really want to worry about memory allocation and weakly typed variables when you have 100k LOC?

Full of bloat
I recommend vertx.io

Depends i still use Java/Scala with C/C++ through JNI.
Cause Java can't really communicate with hardware directly.

But can't complain its diverse work in IOT.

>Full bloat
import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle;

public class Server extends AbstractVerticle {
public void start() {
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(req -> {
.putHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
.end("Hello from Vert.x!");

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication

class IotAvrApplicationScala

object IotAvrApplicationScala extends App {



Now show me how you do Controllers

Attached: 1552581607403.png (400x397, 244K)

>created by russians
>soported by the jewgle botnet
No fucking thanks


What do you think that does you nigger?

Spring is full of annotation magic that constraints you in how you can do things. Meanwhile vert.x supports multiple styles of programming and is light weight, can easily be integrated in applications that aren't CRUD webservers and is graalvm ready.

Also it is MUCH MUCH MUCH faster that spring:

Spring is the pajeetest of pajeet, the most shit of shit frameworks. Slow. Bloated. Garbage. For Simpletons.

>I hate it more every day
I don't hate java
just the endless updates

Attached: fuck java updates.png (705x378, 10K)

it's like the shitty focus of using libraries for everything from python, with the syntactic ugliness of c++ and the pajeet spagetti potential of c

@SpringBootApplication is the same as "extends from AbstractVerticle", moron, one does annotations and the other inherence but both hide the complexibity.

why the hell would you learn spring for a hobby. some of you people terrify me

Seethe more Netflix uses it even to the point it digs out so much data it slows down peoples upload speed.

The absolute chad.

Some people want to actually have a job
you know

It's not for a hobby... I have a server at work that does heavy algorithimic work (a single run takes several hours) and is implemented in Python+Django.

As you can guess, I want to speed it up, so I'm choosing between a native C extension or simply rewriting the thing in Java+Spring. Each has pros and cons, I'm just measuring my alternatives

I use JNI for that to interface with C/C++.
Usually to interface with embedded devices.

But i have seen people that use it for like heavy duty analytics.

there's not a single language Jow Forums loves

except for rust

haha no

Ever made custom annotations?

yes, and if you actually knew spring you'd know that is full of bloated ones

Do I need to know Java before jumping into Kotlin? I'd like something new to play around with and Kotlin looks appealing enough.

No, you should know just the learn the basics of Java stdlib and how it is organized since youl'll be using it most of the time - kotlins Collection is a wrapper of Java Collection for example. Just consider this while learning.
Also, i woul' suggest Kotlin In Action If you know the basics of Java and Learning Kotlin By Example on the kotlin website if you want an easier way.
If you're completly new to programming thou, learn Java as there's not a lot of good resources for programming begginers in Kotlin.
If you want to learn it alongside Android, there's Stanfords free open course with Kotlin+Android on youtube which is amazing (Lectures given by Marty Stepp).
You can pick Kotlin pretty easy, just don't dive too much in it's functional features if you never programmned with functional languages so save It for later.

If you want to get up and running fast, just follow one of the tutorials on spring.io. They are good.

If you want to learn Spring, read the reference, or at a minimum the parts that explain the IoC container and the Spring Bean scopes. I've worked professionally with Spring for around 15 years and I can count the colleagues who actually got these basics down correctly on one hand. It's a one day effort and if you nail it you're highly employable.