Want help? >State budget & CURRENCY >Post at least some attempt at a parts list >List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs based on current pricing: >Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS) >R3 3200G - Minimum 30-60fps gaming. The stronger 3400G sells for $150. >R5 2600 - 60fps+ gaming CPU with great value >R5 3600 - Great gaming CPU >R7 3700X - Overkill gaming CPU >R7 1700X - Budget video editing >R9 3900X - Professional tasks
RAM: >Do not use a single DIMM. 2 sticks for a typical dual channel CPU >CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 3200CL16 or Micron E-die ("AES" in code) recommended >AMD B & X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP >B-die is EOP, stock is limited
GPUs based on current pricing: 1080p >RX 570/580 8GB - Can be found on sale/used for cheap. Look for 570s which are >1240MHz boost >GTX 1660 - higher fps / more demanding games. OR: 1660Ti at ~$230, and Vega56 ~$270 >RX 5700 - higherer FPS 1440p >RX 5700 - standard, 75-100FPS+ in most games. >RX 5700XT - higher fps 2160p (4K) >RTX 2070S OC - budget option. Turing scales better into 4K than Navi does. >2080Ti - best for 4K but expensive
>Navi AIB models come mid-August. 5700 non-XT blower is alright, due to low power.
General: >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING >Yes, adaptive sync (free/g/sync) is important >SSD Guide (250GB+ SATA bare minimums): i.imgur.com/79MYtoE.png >NVMe isn't better than SATA SSD for gaming >"Bottleneck checker" sites don't work >Don't use Speccy >AM4 VRMs + Monitors under "more"
>pcpartpicker.com/list/3Q4hRJ Putting together a SFF build for my mother, at least small enough to fit comfortably on a medium siized desk, and for it to function as an office/multimedia PC. Thoughts?
Cooper Gonzalez
friendly reminder that you can undervolt your 5700xt reference and have it run very quietly with reasonable temps
Mines not even hitting 80*C on load and barely registers above the case fans.
Jaxson Rodriguez
In the last thread there was talk about compatability between ryzen 3000 chips and 16mb b450 boards. I am having issues with Windows taking forever to start, it stays at the black screen with the windows logo, while the loading graphic spins endlessly. It does eventually load up windows, but it takes 15 to 20 minutes. I can start it in safe mode much easier. Once it is loaded, there are no other issues with the pc. I am unsure if this is due to the cpu and motherboard or if its an issue with my hardrive. I didn't do a clean install of windows, just plugged my drive over from my old pc. I have an msi b450 gaming plus board and a ryzen 3600 processor.
Jordan Richardson
>recommending blower >ever kys
Connor Ward
>I didn't do a clean install of windows Well there you go.
Jaxon Hill
Forgot to mention, Bios version is the latest available
Kayden Bailey
Buy Intel. Buy Nvidia.
Dylan Cook
What is the point of a dual system build?
Jeremiah Rogers
oh I'm so upset oh I'm so upset
Grayson Miller
>poor As you should be.
Juan Ward
Are cases that emphasize silence a meme? Trying to decide between MasterCase H500 or the Silent Base 600. Using a CPU Cooler and a three fan GPU either way
>blower's main issues can be eliminated with a minor tweak if you dont mind giving up the overclock and saving $$ >no its still bad
jokes on you, now i save money and still have the option to stick on a better cooler than any aib shit whenever i want a boost in performance
Luke James
Install Arch.
Ayden Ramirez
is it better than gentoo
Asher Flores
AMD graphics cards have coil whine
David Ross
You have human whine
Alexander Rogers
have you tried replacing the fan on your amd card user
Robert Martin
Any card can have coil whine you dumbass.
Oliver Stewart
Daniel Bailey
Have a qouple questions about my build. Does the cpu cooler work fine with the motherboard, I hear it blocks ram and the gpu. I imagine the stock coolers of the h500 aren't good but I don't really want to spend much on fans so will it be enough if I replace those 2 with 2 140 noctua ones, one on top one on the rear? Is the motherboard fine in general? Don't want to spend more than 140 on it.
OP needs to have a warning to not trust sites with arbitrary, obfuscated scoring for CPUs such as userbenchmark, cpuboss, passmark, etc. Especially now that userbenchmark sold their souls.
It can't be any less secure, at least.
Install Kubuntu, unironically.
Bentley Young
99% likely it is. Even switching from 2nd gen to 3rd gen ryzen i needed a fresh install to get rid of weirdness.
Love intelfag tears so much, when gaming was their last line of defense and they're getting crushed there too, you know they go into maximum shilling after realizing pozztel is pretty much shit in every way possible.
Thomas Ross
can a 2600 and rx 570 run DOOM (2016) and nier automata at 144hz? will likely go for 3600 and 5700 but I'm curious
so this is a retarded question, but how do you get those stats on the left side of the screen? what program is it?
Leo Flores
>Human eye can't see above 30 fps That's perfect since 30fps is all the 9700k manages when it stutters. Truly the best CPU.
I don't think even a supercomputer will run nier automata at 144hz. Isn't that one of those games that's made to run at 60fps and which just runs like shit, or am I mistaken? There was a mod to put it above 60fps but afaik it was still buggy.
Either way, no an RX570 isn't going to do 144hz except in stuff like rocket league and overwatch and even then probably not on max settings.
MSI afterburner
Jack Scott
Shill Analyzer
Grayson Reed
>nier automata at 144hz isn't it framelocked at 60 because muh consolefag compatibility?
Adam Long
Pc is stuck on a "preparing automatic repair" loop. How do I get to the screen for completely wiping my drive at this point?
Eli Brown
>was considering 9600k vs 3600 for gaymen >realize that i run multiple apps while gaymen >realize that intel aviv only provide twice the threadcount for their flagship cpu dodged a bullet here
i play turn based strategy gaymes they tend to be very taxing on the CPU somehow >imagine defending having less functionality on your CPU
Joseph Rodriguez
>browser uses cpu the brainwashing has gone too far
Jaxson Barnes
Get a Vega 56, undervolt and OC, save yourself 150 bucks.
Matthew Smith
Btw budget under $1000
Cooper Perry
does two cores actually perform like two single core cpus?
Gavin Young
Man it's weird using a Vega card and seeing the memory below 1000mhz at full power
Jeremiah Anderson
3600 3700x and 3900 offer twice the threadcount 9600k 9700k only offer half the threadcount sure i'm losing a bit of fps on gaymes but it's a fair price to pay to be able to multitask on the cpu i really don't understand why intel doesn't make it standard to have twice the threadcount on the core i5 and core i7 line back in the days the core i7 line gave you enough threads but now they're cucking their consumer base for pure greed
Sebastian Johnson
I need to get a job/more money so I don't have this constant anxiety over which parts to buy and if or not to upgrade.. literally peak autism. Anyone else
>I need to get a job/more money so I don't have this constant anxiety over which parts to buy and if or not to upgrade. i make 3500 euros a month and still try to go for best value when you bust your ass to get money you spend it even less
Adrian Long
I have a ft it job and I still feel this because europoor and prices higher than in the West.
>for best value That could mean both a 200$ cpu or a 1000$ one depending on your use case though I'm already frugal af with money but even a low tier wage cuck job I would get all the best desktop parts in no time too. With that salary u aren't buying a poorfag build that's for sure tho
Yea VAT rapes us europoors
Jackson Sanchez
>Hdd >Two separate non nvme4 drives >1030 >Dvd I mean what is your plan
Ayden Rogers
Is there any software that provides a good estimate of power usage while your pc is under load?
Sebastian Miller
did you set your voltage manually? >no that's the reason
Sebastian Parker
I posted a couple weeks ago about PC destablising during 3d applications when RAM was running at XMP or 3600MHz(Corsair vengeance rgb pro 16GB 3600MHz, x570, 3700X). I manually input the XMP timings using Ryzen master and increased voltage to 1.4V, and same issue, so I tested the memory. >memtest86 no errors >TM5 no errors Surely at this point the fault could be put down to BIOS right? I also experience it running at 3532MHz, but it took a lot longer to manifest. The computer slowly has sound cut in and out, with inputs being accepted and then not, then sound fully cuts out, and then black screen as PC restarts. From what I can see using Thaiphoon it's also a B-die, if that changes anything.
Nathan Walker
I am practically having a panic attack for having missed on Prime Day deals because I can't buy my new rig until August.
Jordan Peterson
oh I didn't know about that but that's fine, I'll just run that at 60fps the reason I'm asking at all is because nearly everything I play is either older than a decade, an indie game or a jap game from the 7th gen like bayonetta. in short, I don't like AAA games and most of the games I like aren't grafix whore shit or glorified benchmarks like the new tomb raider. despite my age, I have the taste of a boomer sometimes I've made 2008 hardware I got for $100 total last a decade thanks to tweaking and debloating, but it obviously didn't keep within spec after 2012. so I'm just trying to pick the most high end game I'm interested in and use that to see what I need to run that, and I'm going for 1080p 144hz, though most games being below that is fine as long as it keeps above 60fps. only action games like bayo and shooters that aren't cover shooters like doom need 144fps I guess if I'm making it last at least a decade, $1k is very worth it so I'll stay with that budget which would be worth it more in the long run?
Jordan Long
au.pcpartpicker.com/list/ZZVyw6 Have ssd/hdds (2x7200rpm drives, 2x SSD) and currently using r9 290x, waiting on non-blower 5700xt to upgrade gpu, doing full overhaul of system otherwise, psu is currently 9 years old (corsair hx 650w). Upgrading from 2500k as it is bottlenecking on most newer games that need more than 4 cores, as well as getting long in the tooth (had since 2011 so no telling when motherboard may decide to die). Also as for case, any suggestions for similar cases? Looking for ideally decent airflow, see-through side panel is a non-issue as case usually faces away from me, other case I was considering was a bequiet purebase 600.
Jordan Smith
Set vcore to 1.325 and it still goes to 1.49 1.5while im browsing
its to seperate different forms of files and programs from each other to dedicated disks! i have a lot of data. shit gets real expensive for performance increases of less than a few seconds GPU is just for 2 monitors nothing more, that might become a 2060 super but i'm already looking at around $3000 i make music and use a buffer rate that doesnt make the 3900X collapse, i was moments from getting the 9900K but the upgrade path ruins it for me, the 9900X is a ludicrous price and if I am going that high end I would rather the higher clock speed of the 9920.
>The 3900X has the noted performance latency still, although it seems to vary between applications and we don’t see that occurring with either the Reaper or Cubase test on the Intel side. I wouldn’t normally be happy with seeing anything drop out at 70% or 80% load but there is certainly an argument that it still offers reasonable value as even then it exceeds the 9900K which is currently sat around the same price.
>Certainly, anyone working above a 128 buffer has little to no concern there as it appears to recover in full by the 256 buffer.
I will be buying it prebuilt so I wont run into these stability issues and if I do I will have onsite coverage, i dont have the time or will to nerd out with bios bullshit
>3600 pushed to the limits can barely keep up with 9600k chilling at sub-5ghz speeds Hey at least amd's logo makes it worth buying right go- guys?
Michael Garcia
Can I buy x470 and b450 mobos with updated bios for ryzen 3 out of the box yet?
Owen Cooper
Also interested
Jacob Davis
i believe this has been tested and we notice changes at around 200fps.
Nathan Smith
I can't see shit above 90
Hunter Sanders
My estimated wattage is around 300 or so watts and i'm on a 450W Powersupply. Should I get a new, higer voltage powersupply?
Jace Bell
nah you are fine
Anthony Barnes
Regular 2080 or Super?
Considering that both aussies are the only ones that figured out that the Supers memory is clocked down and has a lot more headroom which allowed them to bring the card overall to 15% to 18% over the regular 2080 instead of the bullshit 5% to 9% others found.
I'm looking to build a 1440p 144hz gaming (+streaming and podcasting) pc, for around €3000 (including the monitor). Is this realistic within this budget, and if so, what parts should I be looking at? (I live in the Netherlands)
Hudson Hill
3900x with a 2080ti
Kayden Davis
Don't get an AMD card. They suffer from 'coil whine'.
Nolan Ramirez
>Regular 2080 or Super? Neither. Both are terrible choices unless they're less than like 5% more than a 2070S. If that, since you can OC a 5700XT to roughly match it for less than the 2070S costs to begin with.
> bring the card overall to 15% to 18% over the regular 2080 instead of the bullshit 5% to 9% others found. That's still not very big OC gains (9%), and you're going to be limited by VRAM when that much performance actually matters.