>entire business model BTFO by 1 .txt edit
Entire business model BTFO by 1 .txt edit
What am I looking at?
It's about INTEL, isnt' it?
It's not a txt file and it doesn't work. How can you fuck up that bad OP?
Do you need root to steal premium spotify? Because I am tired of free pandora
that's not a text file and i hardly think that will work.
why won't you just download music?
How is the hosts file not a text file?
it is a text file, but not a txt file
just like a sourcecode file is a text file, but not .txt file
It doesn't work forever. There are discord servers on cracking forums where you can pay $1 and a bot will add you to a family plan of a cracked account.
>discord servers on cracking forums
The absolute state.
how do i use this?
heres before and after blocking feed just now
has no type at all actually, but can access it normally with txt editor
but I do
its just editing your hosts to block the usual ad delivery servers and then some
It's a text file you stupid windows nigger
Just because it doesn't use an extension doesn't make it not a text file
absolute state of Jow Forums in 2019
This thread confirms that I'm on crack
I want to nakadashi Azusa
So does this give you free spotify or something?
txt is just an extension that doesn't matter at all, just like a .ini and a .txt is the same thing, the thing doesn't have a header to be identified so it need a extension to the end user know what inside somehow.
dont you ever post my wife, user. I mean it
>using proprietary software
it does not work nigger I tested recently
>falling for megumeme
Megumeme megu me m-m MUSCLE
yeah, wtf, her little sister is so much better.
>from weak manlet to tall buff
thats not how weight lifting works
based pedo always based
wouldnt know about recently, I set up mine half a year ago and it still works
He's younger in the first panels, suffering from the naivety of youth. By the end he's grow older, wiser, taller, and swoler.
Nice demoralization comic, Mr. Shekelberg
Just crack a family account and add yourself to the family plan. Works for me
everything is a file.
>using a service that doesn't stream flac