What's usually the best harddrive brand?
What's usually the best harddrive brand?
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but brand names are less relevant than hard drive grade (consumer vs high end entreprise)
they vary each year. like last year wdd had more failures than seagate but the year before that it was the opposite.
Okay, let's say I am looking for a intern 1 TB hardrive 3,5 inch
I buy cheap WD blues and mirror them. Any better suggestions?
HGST HDDs are usually pretty good. I have a 1tb from 2012 as my boot drive and it still runs well.
I have one of those too, but they don't produce them anymore do they?
Hitachi gst was bought by wd but it's still hitachi (japan) quality. Also toshiba is good
Jow Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.
So are all the WD hdd's HGST? Or only a certain few?
literally just marketing as the HGST brand name is owned by Western Digital
literally just marketing as the WD brand name is owned by Western Digital
Fuck marketiering
Pretty sure my 1TB was made by pre-WD hitachi, fuckface.
>my 1TB was made by pre-WD hitachi
>implying that OP might be interested in that information
Ok retard
Just buy and hope it doesn't shit out on you, if just going for general storage the cheaper the better and keep backups!
HGST I own 2TB/3TB variant. Just go by Backblaze HDD reliability index.
What do you mean? The only company on earth that sells hard drives is Western Digital, and that is fucking final.
Are the current or last year Seagate Barracuda 72000RPM 2TB drives any good?
Don't bother. SSDs are cheaper per GB when comparing to the most reliable HDD brands, and yet SSDs will, on average, inevitably last longer; even the cheapest chink shit.
p300 toshiba
or if budget tied go for WD blue
WD black. I had 10+ of them and they all got to 3000+ days at 100/100 in Sentinel, only one was at 98% performance (though with 1000+ days life expectancy). I sold most of them afterwards and got a second hand 1100 days one. I also dropped one from the table and nothing.
Fucking indestructable
Seagate ;-)
>WD is Western Digital
gee who would've thought
HDD brand don't matter that much anymore. Each brand make their own batches of solid HDDs that refuse to die and utter trash that dies within months of operational time.