Has autism been a blessing or a curse to you?
Has autism been a blessing or a curse to you?
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It's a curse I don't even know how I got this
it all started when your dad slided his penis in your moms tight vagina
Curse in childhood surrounded by fucking degenerates and idiots.
Blessing in adulthood surrounded by fucking degenerates and idiots.
Yes, I can see how you're actually, unironically autistic.
I don't have autism, I'm just German.
I'm not autistic, but having most of my friends be autistic means I've developed a fairly autistic personality. I love it, I'd much rather be a disagreeable introvert than some peer-pressure-riddled normie wannabe. I don't need verification from other nobodies. Speaking of which, normies are in my flat's kitchen (the flat doesn't have a living room) playing loud shitty music and drinking too much, making a bunch of noise, probably smoking too (I can smell something), which they have been doing so for the past ~5 hours, and I'm starting to get really fucking hungry. But I shall not give in. This goes on for one more hour however and I'm dashing out my room and going out to eat.
Also I find it incredibly stimulating to point the point of a knife to be just between my eyes, as close to the skin as possible without touching. All my nerves stand to attention and it's a calming and intense sensation.
Sometimes I'm mad at myself for not being more normal. But in the end, who cares? The world is unfair in so many ways. Everyone has to try and make the most of it.
Just go in and have a drink with them and chill out
I'm not some sort of hedonist
>moms tight vagina
>his mom doesn't have a penis
Was ist der Unterschied
so far, it's a curse, because one of my toddler twins has it. I just hope that with all our efforts, we can make an independent, close to socially integrated human. It just breaks my heart to see him uninterested in normal toddler stuff. But I love him no less
I have a cousin with autism. All he does is eat like a pig, shit and piss. if you don't repeat what he says back to him, he'll sperg out.
when he gets old enough to start wanking that's not going to be fun.
this is stupid because then no mental disorder is real. obviously its just a set of characteristics that is out of the ordinary.
You faggots don't have autism. You're socially awkward and losers in general. I have sympathy towards autistic folks, but not towards virgin weeb losers who try to claim they have a genetic disorder in order to justify their own complete failure at life.
Vaccines don't help.
Also in utero FTM transgenderism is really common.
Real men have functional parts.
Being a weird in between FTM makes things awkward.
i just want kuroneko's tight vagina
Omg that's so me! #relatable
I didn't claim I have it, I stated it's a curse because my child has it. I am in no way a failure or claim to be, just a regular guy
Literally me besides no fear and hatred of cuddling
Not really
I wonder what mental illness will be the next hip fad. Depression is already losing popularity.. perhaps we need something new? What illness should we meme into tge mainstream? What's the next trans?
I said I have a cousin with autism. he can't even speak and is on the same level as a parrot intellectually. You're trying to say there's nothing abnormal about that?
>autism is a mental illness
Borderline or pedophile bloodlust
borderline was already "in" 5 years ago
>You faggots don't have autism.
This statement almost sounds like an insult on this forum nowadays.
There is some serious issues with the definition of "autism" to be honest. To add to this confusion with the term, the shitposting of the term on the internet is further confusing the term for people. That is simply the consequence of using language in sarcastic ways, it mutates the term amongst people over time.
I think the "high level" autism that borders on extremely gifted should not be considered "autism". To me autism is lacking such a gift and having developmental issues on top of that.
Aspies are weird, but to me they are not what I would consider, from a general street level perspective, autists.
The whole thing needs redefinition. People are confusing a talent with detail and logical order at detailed levels as "autistic" nowadays because they're a bit socially awkward due to having such a detailed perception of the world.
"Autism" should be a mere step above retardation. It shouldn't encompass largely functional people. We should call the largely functional people with oddities "weird" or even "gifted" (if they are so) instead.
Sorry, I meant "reddit and 9gag clone".
Go back
Out of curiosity, did you circumcise?
Borderline personality has been in for a while as
correctly point out.
Look at thot e-celebs nowadays.
The next one might be schizoid personality disorder. That disorder is becoming more apparent than ever as it's highly functional and destructive to society.
However that disorder is becoming confused with numb people who've just seen too much shit.
I agree. They've stopped calling people aspies now though, and just chuck them under the autism umbrella (which seems pretty awful to me. telling a kid he's the same as a drooling literal retard when he's just slightly odd).
>pedophile bloodlust
how is this going to be "in"? People don't exactly love us in the first place.
>The next one might be schizoid personality disorder. That disorder is becoming more apparent than ever as it's highly functional and destructive to society.
Schizoid is unlikely to be the "cool thing" because it's inherently anti-attention-whoring.
Though it might become the new boogieman, with retards like you seeing it destroy society.
same shit faglord
it's so correct it hurts.
The part about building random things (eg. stacking pencils on top of each other) is missing.
Once I was on 300 ug of lsd and I watched people interact. It was insane, suddenly I understood all their nonvocalized cues. Life would be so much easier if I could understand it all the time.
>suddenly I understood all their nonvocalized cues.
well it was like, the body shifts nearly imperceptibly some way, and I immediately understand that the person moved like that because they didn't like what they heard, or someone is interested in the other person (eg. a girl is attracted to some guy).
I was sitting on a first floor balcony above a busy kind-of park place, so I was able to hear everything, but nobody really noticed me.
I confirmed my initial take on the situation by listening on the conversations, I was 100% correct in all cases I was able to confirm (people talking where I could hear them). It was eerie how informative a minor movement of the head could be.
I understand how cold reading works now, there must be people who are like that all the time. On a scale of 1 to 10, I was at 10, normal people are near 5 I guess, without lsd I'm 1.
sounds weird, like an extra sense
>On a scale of 1 to 10, I was at 10, normal people are near 5
No, you really weren't.
>may prefer to be alone
Wait, whats wrong with that?
I made an actual experiment, I was noting my immediate predictions.
A girl is talking with someone on the phone (can't hear the other side), she reacts physically in a way that says "no". I hastily write rejection/negative. ~15 seconds more and she rebuffes someone with some made up excuse of lack of time.
My accuracy was 100%.
who said they were wrong?
A blessing because I can think clearly in many cases allowing for objective outlook in almost any scenario because of the effect of emotional dullness.
Curse because I have to deal with normal people, who are extremely emotional(if you compare me to them) and thus every talk/argument will be driven by an emotional response. Its quite draining to talk to normals as they cannot think clearly.
Autism does not exist just like russian collusion
The biggest advantage of humans over other animals is cooperation, not individual intelligence. Emotions are a way to coordinate social cooperation.
Autistic traits can be viewed as valuable from a kin selection pov, because while being individually very bad at cooperation, their differing standpoint can help the group overcome local maxima in group beliefs.
what does emotion have to do with cooperation?
>The biggest advantage of humans over other animals is cooperation
Myth. Animals cooperate regularly.
If this drawing,which is inspired by the classic chinese catroon comic "The killer papernote bundle", is correct; then I have absolutely no autism nanomachines in my body.
I think you fellas are a bunch of no good whores.
Pic not related.
This is correct.One of my coworkers is a colored.
What's an "emotional response" in ? Most likely implicit argument from social pressure - "it's not normal", "everyone does that", "it's creepy", etc. They sound infuriating, but once you get people like that in one place they are able to execute their jobs very efficiently, simply because the idea of doing something completely different is repulsing to them.
"Thinking clearly" leads to a world of rational actors, and a world of rational actors just doesn't work, because they always choose defect. To obtain a global optimum, or something reasonably close to it, you need superrationality, which can only be achieved by people acting individually irrational.
on a much, much smaller scale.
russian vermin are more prone to schizophrenia anyway.
Or you could just pay people decently and tell them to stfu and work.
Its not shitsofrenia.I know the universe is a stimulation and were all npc without spirits.
Don't forget to cram possession/mind control or pedophile jews somewhere in your crank worldview.
I have a lot of trouble with concentration. I tend to dissociate and space out a lot, which seems to be due to anxiety. However, I'm having difficulties even figuring out what I'm anxious about - which my therapist suggests might be an autistic trait.
I've not taken a full assessment yet, but it seems likely I'm a potato.
Fucking concentrations fucked up my PhD, that I spent over 10 years trying to get done. So now I'm a 38 year old who's not even started a career and I live with my dad who has alzheimers and is probably also autistic.
Thanks autism!
You think funny until jews fuck your son in the ass and drink his blood to stay young
I have such trouble too.Alcohol and mirtazapine helped me.
What is it with you schizos and obsessions with both jews and pedophilia anyway?
What's a decent pay to go war with a 50% chance of dying?
The choice is either fight or try to run to other country.
The rational choice is of course to run away. That's the individual rationality.
Yet, on the whole, the countries/other large groups/ that has people that are willing to fight is going to rule the world, and those that run away are going to get killed.
This is a big part of why nowadays only retards and subhumans suggest war as a solution to problems other than "humans existing".
Feeling guilty cus you might have to drudge up some sympathy for the fucked up losers on this site from that swamp you call a heart?
Curse. I did not get any of the superpowers, only a very slightly over the average IQ.
Yeah, those are the normalfags who roam in Jow Forums saying how shitty their life is and then they casually talk about how they had a gf once or they lost virginity to a crazy bitch. Try being absolutely deprived from any female contact, fucking failed normals.
don't get the pervert one. should it be obvious?
no, but being schizoaffective is
where is that image from? Is there an equivalent of trace.moe for manga?
>teehee im def autistic and quirky like my friends and totally not a loser normie like those guys having fun in the kitchen while I whine on Jow Forums im sooo unique
Mental retards fixate on stupid shit.Its like when 3 year old children fixate on things like firetrucks.
Theres some stupid Australian comedian who says he has autism, and while he's definitely kinda fucked in the head he really doesnt fit the true autism profile.
There is some other mental/personality disorder out there that causes people to have some autistic like traits, but its more like a weird concoction of instability and seemingly random preferences and feelings.
Whatever this disorder is Id say its what most people on Jow Forums have rather than true autism. Ive met so many people from this forum and all of them were way too high functioning for it to seem fair to put them on the spectrum. Like people who are chris chan level autistic are a serious minority on this website.
Ive got problems for sure, definitely not a normal person by any means, but I dont really fit into OPs chart at all
But I see a psychologist and have a diagnosis. Not that I want you to feel sorry for me, just that I think your way of thinking is worse than mine and ur a fag lol
Normal people are able to do this without being on drugs, per your own kooked up rating scale you were really at a 5 too. But even then normal people are also able to communicate in this way not just watch other people do it, so really youre still lower than them.
But hey practice makes perfect and if you work at it and try I bet yoh could decently unsperg yourself
You're completely right that a lot of normies aren't really that good with social shit. The other user is just trying really hard to take you down a peg for some reason.
On my quest to unsperg myself I've started noticing social weaknesses in other people a lot. Normies can easily be oblivious and retarded about things like introducing people to each other. Body language specifically can be difficult for anyone depending on who they're looking at. I often see people be completely mistaken on things both with humans and animals.
How do you know what reddit and 9gag are like?
It's very frustrating to see people speak of autism like this, when I have to take care of my braindead brother for the rest of my life, and you guys obviously have light asperger. Because of that it's been harder and harder to treat people who actually are completely handicapped because now when someone mentions autism they picture some retard on Jow Forums. And I'm pretty sure the state pushes that agenda that being autistic is ok and make you completely normal because then they don't have to take care of the more braindead ones
>Spins objects or self
I-I always spin around in my office chair. Am I autistic?
my dad is 65
my mom is 57
im 22
do I have autism
firetrucks are cool
My mother was a notorious loose whore thank you very much
both, but mostly a curse
Going for psychotherapy in September. Been diagnosed with aspergers, diagnosis has been dropped, diagnosed again, dropped again, now apparently I may have OCD. I have severe ADHD and depression, and so far it's fucked me over more than I can remember. I was also given a warning that I show signs of early onset dementia and/or schizophrenia, but nothing from that ever came into fruition. I'm a pretty normal person, but I need to know what's wrong with me so I can prevent becoming a fucko who wanks in the middle of the street while quoting entire Newgrounds flashes at the top of my lungs in the future.