It's okay to have 1.4-1.5v on daily use

>it's okay to have 1.4-1.5v on daily use
>it's okay to have spike temperature between 40-70
>it's okay to not reach the frequency write on your box
>it's okay to have a fan on your mobo
>it's okay to have new application not working with your cpu
>it's okay to lie

just use windows power plan bro, like what the fuck, just add a number, just disable PBO, just set the good LLC, just be urself

Attached: 1.jpg (3840x2160, 316K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's ok to lie
do you really want to use that argument?

just dont be an early adopter lmaoo

If any of your complaints were real Jow Forums would turn into tech support board. Post proofs of your ryzen purchase or gtfo, shill.

>still trying to cope by forcing this retarded meme
We get it, you bought a 9900K, no need to remind us every day that you're fucking retarded.

can't wait for my 3800X+x570 mobo to arrive.
for what i've gathered most of the problems op is describing come from using a x470 or b450 mobo (at least i hope).

Go shill your shitel pozzed housefire elsewhere lol



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is this real? is this really widespread? tell me that i will be ok, i receive my 3700x anytime now, actually waiting for the mailman to ring the bell.

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i love these numbers
if this is what people are getting they could use some help

if you use windows power plan the cpu actually downcloack in idle, as soon as you do anything with your pc, open a porn page, open teamspeak, literally start a mp3 file, the cpu willskyrocket to 1.45+ and temperature from 40 to 60 or even 70, making your fan spin up like a jet engine

what if i have an NHD15?

op here
guys sorry but i posted wrong image

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>it's okay to spread FUD on the internet

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I think it will be better, temperature and sound wise, i'm using the stock cooler and it's a nightmare it goes to 3000rpm easily just because I opened a file for a brief second

>it's okay to have 1.4-1.5v on daily use
what is boosting based on the cpu load

>ever ever beta testing brand new chips or chipsets
Everyone on Jow Forums who fell for the viral marketers is retarded and likely underage to not realize you never buy new things immediately.

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regarding the voltages, won't that also degrade the CPU quicker? I won't be using it for the next 20 years for sure but i want it to survive the next 5 years or so.

high voltage + high current is what degrades them

>high voltage + high current
i am a brainlet, explain.

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P(ower) = I (current) * V(oltage)

and how to control the current on the MB? I can only see voltage.


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You control the power limit.

go kys you degenerate fuck


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what retard OP is trying to prove here that MSI fucked up
see gigabyte x370 Gaming 5 board, I also see 1,4 on VIDs it's not vcore
vcore is 1v tops on average, it's just software not keeping up with CPU switches

I have a gigabyte x570 and I see way higher values using hwinfo64 beta

Imagine with the heat wave they're experiencing right now being one of the Europoors who fell for the Ryzen marketing meme

>people make valid compliant that vcore during idle and load is still not fixed

Attached: 1559596044315.jpg (249x368, 19K)

the heatwave was a result of all the 9900Kelvin buyers. get fucked for causing (((global warming)))

>still runs cooler than intel even at insane volts
And yet some people still fell for 9900k meme.

until you see 50C+ idle don't bother worrying

you're ignoring the fact that high voltages will damage the cpu in the long run

High voltage = high power consumption
And yet it doesn't consume insane power???

literally, "you are an idiot"

>voltage doesn’t matter
>temperature doesn’t matter
>fan noise doesn’t matter

you're so fucking dumb


You poor niggers. Learn the difference.

>runs cooler than intel


fuck off NEGRO

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yes, I would like you to learn the difference too

have sex

I'm finally able to run my cheap LPX memory at 3200(cl16-18-18) stable with 3600x. 1600x couldn't handle it.
Ran cinbench to see temps, 67.5C full load on D15. Seems about right, 51C single core. Pretty good.
I guess my cinebench results slightly lower due to my shitty memory. Or maybe because I'm running vuze (at about 7Mb/s downloading) and chrome in background.
Still it's almost x3 faster than 1600x, quite happy with the purchase.

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>x3 faster than 1600x,

Doesn't he literally say to only use 1 monitoring program at a time to avoid race conditions? Why the fuck do you have two open?

so is 1.45vcore average while on desktop with chrome open safe ?

Don't worry, the average AMD upgrading cycle is shorter than the lifespan of your computer

remembered numbers wrong
it's 33%-37% faster depending on load

it is not 1.45v. look at temps not the voltage, if it's under 50C it's fine

>if it's under 50C it's fine

The absolute state of AMDpajeets

how are you enjoying those 90C+ temps on load?
I'm seriously wondering how much do you make form these posts that ignore objective data.

how are you enjoying those 90C+ temps on idle?

>no u
checks out

>AMD CPUs already back to being housefires
Some things never change, eh

35C for me, and it's 33C ambient
enjoying it quite a bit

Yeah, the boises are pretty fucked right now but also
>it's ok to have a fan on your mobo
what the fuck are you on about, that's basically a non-issue

>35C for me

Attached: you.png (775x835, 479K)

>it's okay to have 1.4-1.5v on daily use

My 2700x did this too, until I disabled the Coreboost in the BIOS. AMD may competitive with Intel now, but they still aren't quite there yet. There's no need for an idle CPU to have 1.5v pumped through it and trying to boost to max clock speeds all the time.

why does VDDCR Voltage and VCORE Voltage show different numbers in my HardwareMonitor? VDDCR seems closer to what i set in BIOS but VCORE (under the motherboard section) is much higher.

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different designs have different voltage requirements. what's normal for 14nm Intel is just that. we had cpus using 1.6 or 1.8 volts in the recent past, or even 5v if you go all the way to the pre pentium era. and they still work

there's no reason not too, you'll die before your cpu does

Stop using shitty software.

huh, my USB DAC stopped randomly crackling when I upgraded to zen2, peculiar

can you elaborate further? every major "tech reviewer" uses it

Does that fat fuck Jayz2cents use it ?

hwinfo. not hwmonitor

ok so spikes seems related to desktop usage, I played some AC Odyssey and my vcore were going between 1.3 1.45 and temperature between 60 and 70°. This is normal ? I'm not destroying my cpu right ? I'm a poorfag and this build costed me a lot

why would you switch from hwinfo you fucking low IQ nigger?!

why the fuck is the temperature written right behind the cpu?!?! what is the fucking point of the graph at the bottom then?! holy shit. you fucking braindead shills grasp at every fucking retarded slide you can get you hands on. kill yourself you useless shitstain

what mobo?
stock cooler?

why does my 2700x overclock better then the new zen 2 chips?
i won the silicon lottery grand prize or something with my cpu.

4.2ghz @ 1 29v / 4.45ghz 1.43v
ddr4 3603 14 15 14 44
>ibt avx , aida64 stable
>matches 9900k stock in 90% of benchmarks.
>peaks at 70c on ibt and aida

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x570 gigabyte elite, yes stock cooler wraith prism (that shit is loud as fuck)

enable fan controller in bios. calibrate fans and set up a curve...

what' the point of PBO it gives me maybe 30mhz at best

yea they use both, as do i. so im guessing the vddcr is wrong? or should be ignored? hwinfo doesnt seem to have it.

>why the fuck is the temperature written right behind the cpu?!?! what is the fucking point of the graph at the bottom then?! holy shit. you fucking braindead shills grasp at every fucking retarded slide you can get you hands on. kill yourself you useless shitstain

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That never really happened with current Intel releases.

Wait didn't people already said that about the gen1 ryzen stuff? I thought the reason for all the problems were "dude you are an early adopter :^)". Is the "just wait for the next gen" meme going to continue?

>just disable PBO
PBO is disabled by default

Wrong, by that logic you could run 12V trough your CPU, yet every time that happens it fries

Hwmonitor is the 3rd party program advised for use by AMDs top engineers

Still a hell of a deal though. Just look at this. No reason to buy Intel right now.

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how do you people have so many fucking problems with your processor? ive had ZERO issues. my shit stays at 30C always idk what you degenerates are doing to fuck up your temps.

oh wait.... i just realized that this is 95% a shill thread.

>88 replies
>40 posters

Does the mentally ill AMD shill ever sleep?


I like how that AMD employee defended the temperatures when even he's using a fucking NH-D15 and Kryonaut trying to keep the temperatures down.

>2C above ambient ever
>2C above ambient with Ryzen 3000

Imagine being able to convince yourself of such blatant falsehoods

>CPU is idling at .9v and still manages to be nearly 40C
Is this supposed to be good, lol? My 6700k idles at 24C and gets the same performance in games.

It's fake goyim, wait for "patch"

t. intel

>pozzed housefire

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>maximum: 1.45v
Proved your own dumb ass wrong.

just wait for zen 2+ you dumb fucks, it'll be good, I swear, we'll finally beat intel

you never owned ryzen, software always reports max possible voltage for a second on it
ryzen switches C states all the time depending on load