Anyone high IQ here? How do you cope? I hate being self-aware of it

Anyone high IQ here? How do you cope? I hate being self-aware of it.

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Having freak crushed hands != being high IQ

Alright I can field this one. I have a near eidetic memory and I cruised through a top school with ease, was a high performer at my FANG job and run my own business now. I "cope" (if that's even the right word) by talking to and surrounding myself with similar calibre people.

Intelligence is a blessing. If it bothers you then your problems lie elsewhere.

Where, then? I hate being conscious of lots of things.

Same here. I only feel satisfied when talking to similar people.

How can I answer that? I don't know you. Acknowledge your worries but trust that a well-lived life is good. Then discover how to live a good life. In my limited experience what you need are Jesus first, and a goal to spend the gifts you have been given second.

Well, professionally of course I prefer hiring excellent people but generally I get along with everyone.

250 IQ here, I already transcended the primal needs of inferior beings and spend my life shitposting on Jow Forums.

I think believing in Jesus is the same as losing your soul, as if you gave it away to him.

Actually, offering your soul to Jesus opens a lot of possibilities. It is well known even in bipedal apes culture, they seem to call it a "hive mind".

>high IQ
>shitposts on Jow Forums

Oh, that was nice. Thank your for the answer.

Jesus needs nothing from you. He would have taken it already if He was what you thought He was. Jesus gives infinitely. By trusting in Him and doing something good freely for others you get closer to him and others. See how it will change your life.

what if you're low iq with high self awareness
how to cope?

Thanks user. Youve changed my life. Bless you.

Killing yourself is one of many possible options.

Use your self-awareness to concentrate on what good you can do, and do it.


Get used to using Vim as an editor first. If you don't want to, don't bother learning HJKL for any other reason.

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CNS depressants

so many retards who think they have a high iq think it because they did a child test that tries to "predict future iq" that's accurate to like +-30

Nice try, but you can't be high IQ as a capitalist, that's pretty obvious.

Very slippery slope though. I started with weed, then proceeded to diazepam, then alcohol, then alcohol and diazepam, and now nothing works anymore unless you are interested in complete blackouts.

you know whats your next step right?

I know you can't be high IQ as a communist

I can't afford it, fortunately.

Have you ever understood the definition of the IQ?

>me no like knowledge
sounds like a retard to me

you stop using a 60% layout and migrate to at least a 75%, you fucking degenerate

>win key

>"high" IQ
>needs to cope with it
>can't figure out how on their own

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ye that's what I'm trying to do, just wanted to hear what other gotta say

Oh Valium is good.
The withdrawals are terrible though, like 2 weeks of no sleep, appetite, muscle spasms, feeling you're going to faint and anxiety through the roof...

Driving on 4 beers and 10x Valium 5mg was hilarious though. Not for my passenger though.

It is lonely at the top.

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>high iq
>what you need are Jesus first
Yeah no, you can only have one

If you do have an eidetic memory i feel sorry for you. You would remember things most will have long forgotten.
Never met anyone who was very bright, sure some people had specialist knowlege but none had awareness or logic. Just bubbles, cliques and echo chambers. Just flavors of insanity.
Good luck.

Yeah, you generally don't want to get depended on anything that calms you down.

I want to hear more from you. How did you come up with your business idea? Did it come naturally? I’m a software developer and none of my business ideas are sticking. Do you have any advice for me?

300 iq has been deposited
The correct answer. True fulfillment in life can only come from the divine. When it comes to what is best for an individual, coping with one's higher sentience and resultant isolation is beyond our reaches and requires those beyond our own. You can't possibly be gifted and live sanely among others who are (relatively) not without the grace of God.
Both prove my point
I always though self-awareness and IQ were directly proportional. One of us is wrong.

can't even spell faang properly
larp harder

Do a reverse high IQ.
Im so fucking retarded that people think that im a genius or someone speaking in multidimensional 4D chess.
Fun thing it actually works and sometimes i just throw random words and people try to interpret them like if i were a god.

Potatos float, carrots not.

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Vision/ goals -> gold
knowledge -> silver
IQ -> lead

After "making it" to the top you'll realize that big brainers can be just as fucking retarded and spiteful as iq implings.

Now I just give scuba lessons and code software on my downtime. It's honestly the best life I could've ever asked for.
