Give it to me straight bros. How fucked am I? the heatsink was a bitch to install and after trying to realine the heatsink the cpu was stuck to it like this , with 2 pins bent.
Any chance a vendor would take it back or it can be saved?
Give it to me straight bros. How fucked am I...
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quit being a bitch and bend them back you incel.
im not risking this shit, i rather find someone do it for me even if it costs 50 bucks
It can be saved. Maybe try finding a shop to bend them back and install it into your mobo to test that it work. You could try buying a new one off Amazon and then returning your busted one if you want to be dirty
It's not rocket science. It's just some pins.
get a pair of tweezers and bend them back you retard
They might be dummy pins, just rip them off so it fits again
a mechanical pencil without a lead works very well if you can fit it on the pin
Not all pins are necessary on CPUs.
t. own a LGA1155 socket that has bent pins, CPU still works and overclocks well
As for your case, you can try to bend them back in place with a fine point like a thumbtack or mechanical pencil.
What the fuck bros. How do I avoid this?
twist the cooler off instead of yanking it off like a retard
there you go op it happened to be 17 years ago with my old duron processor
it's literaly fucking nothing
fix it yourself faggot
learn to fix stuff, it's a pretty useful skill
Im scared I will fuck it up for good now while reinstalling the heatsink again.
also the thermal paste is all over the place and im sure i would need to buy some to apply it manually now. I will probably let some clock expert fix the pins and some IT shop install the cooler now.
bend it back using a razor blade
Listen retard shes already good as fuckered, learn how to control your aspie strength and bend the fucking pins back. Learn some grace, something you clearly dont have as you pulled hard as fuck on that cpu in order to yank it out.
fix them with a mechanical pencil
but you're retarded so idk
Just take a stationery knife and bend them back. It's literally impossible to fuck up. Use other pins as a guide.
Ok, next time you remove a cooler.
Twist it horizontally until vertical resitance is gone.
That's all I can do for you. You're fucked.
I dropped a Phenom II pins down and managed to salvage it, stop being a bitch.
Took like 3 hours with an exactoknife, but I was poor as fuck.
AMD shills called me retard when I predicted the bend-gate. Now, I hope they are were from shady pay for service websites and Craigslist and got scammed out of their payments. Has anyone else Noticed how a week after the release shilling died overnight?
Bend them back. What do you think will happen? They're not going to snap off
Thats exactly what could happen though
I unfucked a few cpus by bending the pins back into their places, It's easy
Ignore all other anons.
By murphy's law we are certain that those pins are of upmost importance and since you don't feel confident to bend them back just go as you said to a clock expert shop and let him do it
I saw this same thread last month, I'm certain of it
Next time, fireup prime 95 for 5 minutes, then twist the cooler slowly while pulling up and it should be out nice and easy, unless you used the included thermal paste that comes pre applied on the cooler, that shit cements the fuck down on the CPU which will require more twisting and more pull force to get it out.
t.R5 2600 owner.
Rule #1: Never install a CPU cooler with the pre-applied thermal paste on an AMD. It'll turn into loctite as soon as everything's mounted.
Rule #2: Always slightly rotate and jiggle the cooler on an AMD until you feel it loosening in order to remove it.
will follow this user, thanks
but the picture was taken today
I didnt even managed to boot the pc.. I was trying to adjust the cooler after I screwed in 1 screw and saw that somehow I wasnt able to screw in the opposite (diagonal) side anymore. So I loosened the cooler again , pulled it up and what you see in the OP is the result
im done for today , good night
Sweet Haruhi, do you tards actually have a hard time installing a CPU in a ZIF socket?
not every has the physical strength, required for ZIF, to insert it there.
Literally no worries. My cousin managed to bend 2 of his pins upon installation, he had them bent back by some service fella and now it's working perfectly. Just be careful with it.
This. Always twist cooler on AMD sockets, you won't pull CPU out if you do.
I like this method, is good for isolated bent pins.
Be gentle, so that you don't twist them off.
If you do that, there is one last ditch effort - you can try to insert the broken pin into the matching hole in socket, then install the CPU - you hope that it will make contact if it was critical - or that it was a ground/power supply pin.
Those pins have redundancy and there is a lot of them, so that is also a chance for surviving a pin missing.
This, make sure you have a magnifying glass. Those pins remind me of solar panel arrays. Use the light reflected off of them as a guide. I used to assemble and fix computers for a living.