How has your gook backdoored AMD been doing Jow Forums?
How has your gook backdoored AMD been doing Jow Forums?
>implying AMD users can even boot their computers
I'm afraid they're waiting for a magic BIOS to boot and sustain advertised clock speeds
Just fine. How's your NSA backdoored IME doing?
i wouldnt know, im not poor
Higher is better
Absolutely based.
Now watch poor AMD fanboys post a lot of cherry-picked benchmarks to rationalize their poor decisions
There's literally a sticky on Jow ForumsAMD telling people not to discuss the absurdly high voltages and high idle temperatures
I wonder how long AMD will last until it self-destructs.
Intel will go under before AMD ever will.
Where are the AMD fanboys? they seem quite, now that they realize they've been gooked.
Nice English, Pajeet.
Fuck off, nigger. You must have some sort of comprehension-defects.
Intel is superpowering into the future!!!
because they either are false readouts (see cpu-z in the pic) or they have been discussed a billion times before
what's sad is you might be the pajeet
I dunno, I'm enjoying the 9900kf I got a week ago for $420
>no u
Good rebuttal, indiantel. Keep it up.
>or they have been discussed a billion times before
So you admit that this is a widespread issue that is plaguing the Zen 2 series?
Intel is for diseased streetshitting monkeys.
That these utility writers need to be more involved in the development process so we can see accurate measurements? Yes.
>they have been discussed a billion times before
Probably because Zen 2 is a piece of trash and people are rightfully complaining.
Jow ForumsIntel has the same exact policy. Nobody is inclined to required to fix your OC'd processor under any circumstances. If you OC and something goes wrong the warranty wont cover it. It's always been this way. Newfags are out in full force today
The difference is that Intel CPUs can actually OC, unlike Poozen and its pozzed silicon
Intel should be paying people to use their pozzed stuttering garbage housefire.
Why can't Intel stop being pozzed shit?
(((God's chosen people)))
>pozzed poster is back
like clockwork
Power draw doesn't matter!
They won, so they don't need to cope by shitposting on Jow Forums.
>intel-aviv lists power draw based on the average idle wattage rather than full load
Bragging about getting a "leaky, fully-enabled Skylake-HCC" not the Xeon version.
Calling others poorfags, how ironic......
I got an 8 core for the price of a quad core 2 years ago. It's great.
Reminder that 1.4+V on 7nm die is fine by amd.
Can't wait for all the dead cpus a year from now.
Now that I think of it, it was $100 cheaper than a quad core. Meh.
9900K is overpriced shit-tier even for Intel camp. Any of the lesser K series chips can match it at gamying performance with a little bit of armchair overclocking (The only reason you would get a Z390/K series chip).
On productivity side, it gets stomped by most of the Zen 3xxx line-up. The only justification for HT on it.
9600K and 9700K-fags are laughing at 9900K-fags for spending $100+ more on a feature set that not only has serious security holes but it fails to overtake any of the Zen2 shit where it counts.
Was considered buying a Ryzen to upgrade from i7-2600k. AMDrones make me turn 180 degree to buy a i9-9900k and now I enjoying it and never regret for not picking a AMD cpu. Thanks.
Intel chips can't really overclock at much either.
14nm process hits a wall around 5Ghz with few pieces of silicon going beyond it without requiring suicide voltage.
Heh. Inturds never learn. Every generation they say the "smart choice" is the chip without Hyperthreading, and every single time it turns into a stuttering mess within a year of launch. The 8600K is OH NO NO NO NO-tier already, whilst the 8700K still matches anything on the market once overclocked.
That's better than cpus that run at suicide voltage while idle.
electromigration depends on both voltage and current
8600K is perfectly fine for gayming as long as it you don't try to do serious multi-tasking in the background.
The whole shuddering problem was mostly an issue back with dual-core chips versus dual-cores with HT. It is less of an issue with quad-core chips.
9700K easily keeps up with the 8700K despite the fact it lacks HT.
I'm just going to tell you this once so that you stop embarrassing yourself: if your PC stutters, that means you assembled it wrong and you don't know what the fuck you're doing.
good to know your preferred pronouns.
Based, Intel is for diseased trannies.
>8600K is perfectly fine for gayming as long as it you don't try to do serious multi-tasking in the background.
If you don't care about 1% and 0.1% lows, yeah.
you mean *"gook-backdoored AMD", not "gook backdoored AMD"
You're the same faggot who spams "intel stuttering housefire" in every thread? My guess is you tried to upgrade your pc and you changed the entire motherboard and CPU without reinstalling windows so you had shit-tier performance in every game, then you gave up and switched to AMD, now you still have shit-tier performance and low FPS but at least you don't stutter.
>all this cope
Ask me very nicely and I'll tell you my setup, friend. :)
Don't want to. Google shows no results for "intel stuttering"
It's just you. I'm not interested in your mental retardation.
Top kek
Protip: it takes a special kind of mental handicap to stutter with an 8600K
I'm enjoying the fact that when I put my CPU in and my RAM. No Bios, no software, and it all JUST WORKS every time I turn it on.
If you want a hint, ask nicely. :)
Otherwise keep up the COPE, friend.
idk m8 but having a true all core OC at listed marketed speeds sure feels good. And not like 1 core doing it
Stay mentally deficient bro.
He doesnt have to cope; his PC posts and doesnt need chinks in a sweatshop to release a bethesda bios update that makes everything worse.
>W-We love our PCs!!! That's why we're n-not insecure about them a-atl and don't spend time arguing about CPUs on the inter-n-net!
Don't you find it weird that it's just you who has a stuttering issue with intel? When you google "AMD high idle voltage" you get shit tons upon shit tons of results and there's even a sticky on Jow ForumsAMD threatening their users with bans if they mention the issue. But no one except you complains about their intel stuttering.
Impressive. Very nice. COPE at me some more, friend.
>That's why we're n-not insecure about them a-atl and don't spend time arguing about CPUs on the inter-n-net!
Because most Intel CPU owners have good paying job and able to afford, happily blowing their cash on working CPU with premium price tag. Sorry for being insecure about your own poverty.
The offer still stands. Remember though: Nicely. :)
That's fake by the way if any new friends didn't know.
>68 posts
>34 IPs
That's one mentally ill AMD fanboy
>happily blowing their cash
Good goy.
>tfw delidded 8700k
I'm currently building an AMD system.
Are jealous that I will be getting the same performance as you without having to pay the Idiot-Tax?
checked, based
You take your safe voltage and GET OUT!
>same performance as you
>good backdoored
even if true it's better than having a mossad backdoor
> Getting fucked by tiny ching chong dicks
> Getting fucked by tiny kosher dicks
We really need a VIABLE third option
Did you know your image says "6! CORE" if you turn it to the left instead of the right?
As long as you have the newest board. AMD got updates for their old board, Intel won't even let you use Coffee Lake on Kaby Lake boards
sorry i'm busy laughing because my BIOS update let me upgrade the CPU in my B350 motherboard to current gen Ryzen
Too bad Intel doesn't do anything like that
Then why do none of them work user?
At this point, most gamers who buy Intel are suffering from some sort of mental illness.
They need to spend the extra $500 for 5 more FPS and to post their specs in threads like this to fill a void, fending off their low self worth.
Good Chinese insectoid.
It sounds like you got an underlying software issue (probably some nasty malware running in the backroom).
8600K doesn't shudder under gayming loads unless you are multi-tasking between demanding non-gayming applications.
>Intcels actually believe that their stutterfires offer smooth gaming
How can people keep arguing about this shit
Look at the poster count, it's one guy shitting up the entire board.
AMD stock keeps rising and Intel just dipped despite posting a better than expected quarter
Even retard stock traders know intel's days are numbered.
Feels gud
About slightly better than your kike backdoored system I suppose
See this
I'm going to go ahead and say this, A 9900K has way more potential in single core than anything ryzen has at the moment. If tweaked right you will have superior single threaded capability. Every single test i've seen against amd have been un-tuned and stupid considering if you buy a K series you won't be running it stock. Compare this pic to
>source: goybench
>it beats amd and isn't valid
Meanwhile my 4770 consumes less than 91W under max load.
I don’t need a space heater. 3nm can’t get here soon enough.
Are you fond of 3ghz housefires or what
AMD has another CPU coming that boosts to 5GHz.