>Indians will take our jobs
Indians will take our jobs
Other urls found in this thread:
IT engineering graduates paid by year
>US : $100,000/year
>India : $20,000/year
>China : $ 50,000/year
Who do you think companies are going to hire?
>implying companies care about quality
It's all about cost.
this, quality is something only other programmers need to be concerned with
1. Don't give a shit about code quality.
2. Work for less money.
having lower downtime and less incidents where consultants are needed is lower cost
>US: 34%
That's still shit. It should be closer to 95%.
Pro-tip: it is 2019 and companies are becoming increasingly aware of the consequences of technical debt. I get that your apocryphal example is a traditional coroporate hell that will outsource to india until the heat death of the universe, but most are catching on at this point.
fuck america. we love russia.
Chinks and Indians.
they will, because you can pay them so little and modorn consumers expect buggy software
This poster hasn't written a line of code other than hello world in his life.
Code I've written has been used by millions.
9.9% of 1.3 billion is still more than 120 million people, or around 1/3 of the US population. This 9.9% will be willing to work for pennies on the dollar. So yes, Poojeets will take American's jobs.
It's like you can't even into basic math.
>he thinks that 9.9% is referring to India's population
haha brainlet, that's 9.9% of all IT engineering graduates, that means less than 10-20 million people from a country of 1.3 billion.
So we have 1 to 2 million grads who can write code on part with US kids, I think they'll all be hired over burgers, easily. 1-2 million is enough for every company in the States.
You forgot to count the 50% of US undergraduate are international, and almost all post-graduates are.
>willing to sell yourself short for a shit job you know they're just abusing you for
People like that are the exact reason congress has to pass a $15 minimum wage. Pathetic human beings deserve nothing easy or free.
You guys all seem to be forgetting that most engineering graduates in North America are actually Indian/Chinese anyways
I doubt it's abuse to the pajeet, he gets paid more than he would in India and his workplace is infinitely better because he's coddled by liberals and if anyone talks shit to him he can just bitch on Twitter
>doing training for my job
>get emails from obvious pajeet name with instructions
>requires 2FA to login download this Google security token app on your phone
Are you fucking kidding me?
>use these cloud-based VMs we prepared to run labs
>VMs literally take 5~10 minutes just to boot even though they're basic as fuck
>"they're already completely set up for the labs"
>one VM doesn't even have ADDS installed and there's nothing in the lab instructions that tells you it needs it to complete the lab
Holy fuck, this shit is a mess. How do these people keep jobs? Fuck pajeets and fuck cloud shit.
But the Indian is making it worse for himself, and his community, and his job market, and his life value. Undercutting the average wage basically ruins everything for everyone.
It's the most vile form of evil there could possibly be.
Its coated in sugar and naivete but it's still a huge pile of shit.
ironically reported by an indian company
So hello world then?
Source: my ass
Couldn't find an actual figure for CS per country, so I'll use the approximate STEM graduates.
Can everyone please stop this? Software developers aren't engineers.
>people are using words that are nearly interchangeable and only have minor differences in meaning OH NO
Fuck off ya git. If I cared about word usage I'd have gotten an english degree and been homeless.
>Just employ 4 indians, it will still be cheaper and 9.9x4 is more than 34%!
This is what bean counters actually believe.
Not that you'll have 4 times the bugs and unmaintainable spaghetti. They don't understand how programming works. All they can do is simple addition and multiplication and comparing numbers.
The managers who hire them don't care, either because they're Indians themselves who practice extreme nepotism, or because they'll save the company loads of cash in the short term, get promoted, and won't be around for the inevitable disaster (which may even kill people like it did with the 737 MAX).
It's still better than living in India.
You aren't a code doctor or a code lawyer either.
If someone came up to me and said their profession was a code doctor I'd know exactly what they meant. Code lawyer would be dumb sure, but that's nowhere close to my original artguement. Nice job though moving goal post.
How can you be so wrong yet so smug?
Short term profits or cost reduction will always outweigh long term damages to a company or rather it's CEO and board.
4 Indians instead of 1 American
Just look at how slow everything is.
What’s your point exactly?
India’s population is so mindboggingly massive that they could have tiny percentage of competent graduates and still completely saturated the US market.
Actually you should be worried that your competent coder percentage is *only* 4 times theirs, when they have 10+ times the population.
This. Assuming that only 0.05% of all Indians study anything IT related every year and of those 0.05% 10% are halfway competent you are still looking at 50.000 competent students every single fucking year.
This is fairly eye-opening
>Boss we cut 20k off our expenses
Do you think the accountants and stockholders care about long term stability? (((They))) just want a quick profit.
that feel when you want 40 times the the spaghetti instead of a usable code base.
Makes sense. Stack Overflow solutions usually don't have errors.
Few good teachers + the numbers are dragged down by metric tons of non-whites.
This, Its boomer mentality, they would rather spend less on workers and bite the cost of higher defects and fixing errors than actually hiring competent workers.
>down by metric tons of non-whites
lolno. The non-whites are the only ones keeping that score up. I had 5 white friends in CS at uni, not including the russian jews. Only 1 of them, a chad actually, 6'2", had a good GPA, like 3.8 or something. Slightly better than mine. The rest were typical spoiled, middle-class affluenza types with GPAs under 3 talking about dumb shit like making games and "whoa due 420 blaze it". I had to carry 2 of them through a group final project and I stopped being friends with them after I realized they seriously intended to live their lives half-assing any work that comes their way. Once I started working in the industry I've noticed a similar trend, although h1b pajeets create a relativistic effect.
Russian jews are good. They were all hard working and intelligent, and there were definitely overrepresented in the classes. You might mistake them for being white until you talk to them and find out they're jews.
>employ 4 indians
>now you have 4x more unusable code
imagine not half assing everything. Do you want to be successful? You don't get that way by "working hard" kid
where's the sauce for this? Some article said that less than 1% of Indian graduates could program at all
The sjw cuddling doesn't actually apply to non-whites with the sole exception of american niggers, and only if they do what the white trannies tell them to do
None of the system responsible for the 737 MAX crashes, the MCAS, was done by Indian companies
MCAS was entirely made by American companies employing Americans
Why europeans can't code?
>Code I've written has been written by millions.