is edge chromium the browser of Jow Forums
Is edge chromium the browser of Jow Forums
it's nice to see a weeb's desktop windows user instead of a trannie linux or itoddler to bee honest
a re skinned chromium with both google and Microsoft spying
honestly Edge>edge chromium
Firefox is clearly the Jow Forums browser
Do you really play little that Liru porn game so often that it's pretty much the only thing on your desktop? I got bored with it after like 3 playthroughs...
Also you're wrong, Kirino is unquestionably best girl and Ruri is trash.
>Kirino is unquestionably best girl and Ruri is trash
edge was good until chakracore became anherod and edge became yet another shit chromium browser using v8
She's nothing but a thieving homewrecker.
Also both Edge and Chromium are both trash themselves, combining them into one browser = double trash.
was it revelead the reason for the change?
I bet it's MS being cheap ass but I'm curious
have sex and install linux pedophiles
Can I install this in wine?
>anime desktop
kys 2D pedo trash.
be nice to her
Visual Novels?
Yep. Works flawless here with that guide.
firefox has been dogshit for a while now
If they made windows 10 like this (going back to its original style) and went with a unix-like subsystem, like xenix, I would be happy. But unfortunately we don't live in that timeline oh well...
>firefox has been dogshit for a while now
Still better than the rest.
that’s manami
I use Iridium, but have Pale Moon and Firefox as backups.
anime website
kys mentally ill wincuck
here's your answer
kill ur self my man
enjoy your chinese botnet
>firefox has been dogshit for a while now
No, it's the entire opposite actually.
>wanting to be an opera user
I hate Manami the most, but at least she had the home field advantage of being a childhood friend.
*blocks your path*
Chrome/Chromium builds are botnet central
They fixed majority of the lag/memory hog issue a while ago. I recently switched back to firefox. Been using it for month now.
Your ISP is botnet central.