I call it with $ i3-msg fullscreen disable, floating enable, sticky enable; $HOME/.scripts/wm/hover.sh $ bspc node -t floating -g sticky=on; $HOME/.scripts/wm/hover.sh
keepmenu is better
Camden Gray
>for i in {01..13}; do mv -iv "Owarimonogatari - $i"* "$i.mkv"; done Literally typed that faster than you could do your gay edit.
Liam Nguyen
For sure you did, autist.
William Hall
use `bc'
Robert Flores
Use `dc'.
William Diaz
I updated it so it doesn't destroy your files. Use this one, not the old one: bulkrename() { OLDFILENAMES=$(mktemp) RENAMETMP=$(mktemp) ls *$1 | tee $OLDFILENAMES > $RENAMETMP && nvim $RENAMETMP for oldnum in $(seq 1 $(cat $OLDFILENAMES | wc -l)); do for newnum in $(seq 1 $(cat $RENAMETMP | wc -l)); do if [ "$(sed "${oldnum}q;d" $OLDFILENAMES)" = \ "$(sed "${newnum}q;d" $RENAMETMP)" ] \ && [ $oldnum != $newnum ]; then echo "File Naming Confict" && return 0 fi done done for oldnum in $(seq 1 $(cat $OLDFILENAMES | wc -l)); do [ -f "$(sed "${oldnum}q;d" $RENAMETMP)" ] || \ mv "$(sed "${oldnum}q;d" $OLDFILENAMES)" \ "$(sed "${oldnum}q;d" $RENAMETMP)" done rm $OLDFILENAMES $RENAMETMP }
#toggle redshift if [ "$(pgrep redshift | wc -l)" -ge 1 ]; then pkill redshift && exit; else redshift -O 3500; fi
#Start a new latex document from a template and start the cursor after \begin{document} template=$(find ~/dox/latex/templates/ -type f | sed "s/.*\///;s/\.tex//" | fzf --reverse --header='choose the type of your document: ') read -p "name of your document: " name cp ~/dox/latex/templates/"$template".tex ~/"$name".tex nvim -c 'execute "normal \/\\\"\_c4l"' ~/"$name".tex
holy shit. Last time I copy paste from Jow Forums.
Read the xxd flags and thought I was safe.
Zachary Peterson
if you dont type the marabthesis itll never work
Jaxson Rodriguez
Evan Rodriguez
Jesus, what's even the point of using vim when you navigate it like it's the fucking notepad.exe?
Owen Ross
the point was literally in OP how blind do you have to be he used both regex commmabds and visual block
Bentley Smith
It's not about what he used, it's about the way he navigates through text, retard. He literally just holds the direction keys instead of using motions, which is like half the point of using vim at all.
Luke Cooper
# takes an input file, outputs the Jow Forums hash openssl dgst -md5 -binary "$1" | base64
count=1399999; for i in *.jpg; do mv -nv -- "$i" "$((++count)).jpg"; done # batch-rename
X=1; for i in *.txt; do mv $i $(printf %04d.%s ${X%.*} ${i##*.}); let X="$X+1"; done # batch-rename with leading zeros
Asher Anderson
I use vidir for this. Although it's a perl script, and also much bigger and with more features.
Hunter Evans
I've renamed reaction faces to Jow Forums style names by just using a for loop and mv'ing them all to $(date +%s$3N).jpg Haven't lost any to overwriting yet, kek.
It doesnt work on my terminal in fact for copying i use alt + y and paste is alt + p Just because you use one software and have only experience with that one means the keybindings are universal
Gavin Lewis
Doesn't have anything to do with the terminal. Bash interprets Ctrl+L as clear command. What shell do you use?
Elijah Diaz
Good script, but I noticed it doesn't work well with spaces in the filename, so I made a small improvement bulkrename() { mkdir -p ~/.temp ls > ~/.temp/newfilenames && nvim ~/.temp/newfilenames local files=(*) for filenum in $(seq 1 $(ls | wc -l)); do mv "${files[${filenum}]}" "$(sed "${filenum}q;d" ~/.temp/newfilenames)" done } rm -rf ~ /.temp/newfilenames }
But thanks OP, definitely putting this in my .bashrc