>he encrypts his disc
Reminder that encryption is broken, youre literally wasting performance. Not having anything to hide is the only way to win.
Pic related
>he encrypts his disc
Reminder that encryption is broken, youre literally wasting performance. Not having anything to hide is the only way to win.
Pic related
How dare you save my pic faggot.
I love summer.
Encryption doesn't protect your data from the government.
It protects your data from random jamal in case he steals your pc.
Go back to your cubicle, agent.
Wow, sure is >>>/b in here today
So you dont need strong encryption because chances are Jamal cant break through password screen. Hell, he will probably sell the PC instead of caring whats in it
>password screen
Why bother booting it?
He can just connect the drive to the pc directly and read the data.
>not /b/
/b/ hasn't posted EFG for years.
where I'm from Jamal is a slav who definitely can do
As if Jamal can do that
encrypt with thermite ezpz
Doesnt actually work
You have to worry about whatever fence Jamal sells the laptop too. That guy will steal all your dataz before wiping it and selling it on.
There is literally no performance decrease if you have a CPU which has AES-NI instruction set, which is basically every cpu. Performance decrease from encryption is a meme from the 90's.
Even if jamal couldn't, the shlomo who buys the pc from him easily could.
As NSA used to say back then they were still based: Don't leave your security up to chance.
You probably think an SSD is a real performance enhancer?
>Why yes, my sidechannel leaks
>saving anything
just code and publish and move on without a trace
>encryption is broken
...Yet, there are all those courts ordering people to give them encryption keys or face contempt of court.
>boomer tier EFG meme
There are two reasons for that
>Spooks want to give false sense of security
>Spooks dont have the manpower for every small time crook
epic fail
The government already has all of your info, dude. If they need what's on your HD they'll have a search warrant.
/b is dead, dude.
No, it is because pressuring people or gaining their keys using other methods is a lot easier than trying to brute force keys or making up a fictional "backdoor".
>No, it is because pressuring is a lot easier
Bullshit. Do you seriously think these high profile, smart criminals cant handle the pressure?
>people or gaining their keys using other methods
Yeah, ergo encryption isnt safe. Sure, in theory youre right but in practical terms you would get fucked
Sure is low quality bait today.