I don't know how to feel just now
I don't know how to feel just now
why? the man is a meme
kind of my point
He is a whiny goody-two shoes realising that he actually wants money and wasnt just making videos for informing people but for marketing AMD's products. He is angry that he isnt getting anything in return.
Such is the fate of moralfags.
Just stop giving attention to that retard, fucking faggots.
I'd respect him if he'd stick to his guns. I keep seeing him defend himself from public opinion and backtracking when shit hits the fan. I don't even care if he knows things early anymore.
This. He once banned me because i quoted what he said from earlier which contradicts what he is saying now, no insults or anything.
When has ANY company ever made it mandatory to shoot fake leaks and random speculation down? And why the fuck would they? ESPECIALLY before a launch they absolutely could not fuck up? Let retard tech Youtubers pretend they're god because they think Zen 2 will have easy 5Ghz OC's due to a chart someone made in Excel, it's free advertising to the incredibly stupid
Apparently his Patrons love AMD content so he'll keep doing it.
In other words, his Patrons are AMDrones paying him to make shit up
Kek he probably misunderstood and thought AMD was his friend and were entitled to correct his leaks
>i quoted what he said from earlier which contradicts what he is saying now
I don't know the specifics, but normally when you get new info about something you can change your opinion. Otherwise, you are just acting religious.
By earlier, i meant 1 hour earlier. It was during the whole patreon thing. He said that everyones reactions made him realise he made the right decision, then backtracked on everything and took everything down.
But that's purely his own opinion that he can change, that has nothing to do with technology.
i stopped watching it after a few minutes and have no idea what he said. the guy is just seems absolutely ass blasted for no reason and just ranting about his personal feelings. i think him being wrong about amd's launch and people laughing at him fucked with him hard. if he doesnt make any more good videos about tech ill just unsubscribe. its probably best he doesnt report on amd anyway since he just keeps creating problems every time he does.
The fact that its his opinion is the point. Technology and information can change all the time so if you believed one product was bad then later liked it because for a particular reason, thats great. However, if your ideology on a topic just flip flops around all the time (indicating that he is lying or he himself is not even sure what he believes in) and you ban everyone calling you out on it, it means you are a shitty person who only says things when it benefits you.
A ban is uncalled for sure, but someone deciding to not uploading to yt then changing that decision is completely his own thing.
Leave ignoredtv alone!!!
Off Jim.
He's basically part of the AMDrone marketing team
AMD can't pay for real advertisements so they use Jewtube shills to shill their products for them
I mean look at the disparity of both AMD and Intel subreddits and how AMDrones literally forum slide and poison any CPU or GPU news with pro-AMD shillposts
>AMDrone marketing team
are you retarded?
he whines on the video how amd didn't pay him, even though he decided to put out there videos about their brand.
he just jumped on the greatest hype train, which is
and he thinks that he is entitled to get paid for it by viewers or by companies.
>haha i was merely pretending to be retarded: the video
why doesn't he fuck off to patreon to sell his own gamer neet bathwater?
oh right because he needs his youtube neetbux to survive
accuracy 9/10
Anyone got the updated version?
These hate threads about a Youtube nobody stand in contrast to the endless dicksucking threads he got prior to the Zen 2 leaks showing he was wrong.
In keeping with his fans being an devoted mob with a taste for shrill harassment, it suggests they're created by ex-cult members revolting against their god thought infallible.
You all were, and still are, mentally unbalanced. Log off your computers, and psychologically detox your fried brains by leaving your basements and entering the workforce.
Everyone who called AMDoredTV wrong got labelled as Intcelfags
Now AMDrones are pretending he wasn't on their side and trying to claim that he's irrelevant
Based mothposter.
Only reddit fags believed the "leaks"
That makes 80% of Jow Forums reddit and to be specific Jow Forumsamd.
Currently amd shills are low in numbers following the abysmal pozzen and poovi launch.
You should take English lessons.
>***AMD never paid me
>moving all hardware videos to paywall memory hole. Most of which are pro and anti-intel.
>mad at AMD for the flimsiest justification, an out of context slide, which sure no other company does all the time.
>intel still has nothing concrete so the intelbux are flowing from PR dept.
Hmmm wonder what happened here.
>make fake news
>get exposed as a lying hack
>pretends to have a health condition and will 'retire' soon
More like mission accomplished, his main shilljob is done
This is the comment I made on the video:
>Okay, I have been on your side through thick and thin. Ive laughed at the haters and bashed the trolls. But all youre doing with this move is proving them right. AMD damged their relationship with you? What the fuck? There is no relationship. There never was. AMD owes you JACK FUCKING SHIT. It doesn't matter if you have personally got down on your knees and sucked off Lisa Su and the entire AMD board of directors. If they didnt ask for it, their debt to you is nothing. Its sucks that the world works that way, but thats just how it is.
>On top of that, I'm sick and tired of creators refering to the flood of comments that disagree with their opinions as "trolls". Yeah, theres a lot of riff-raff. Yeah, theres a lot of fucking morons spouting shit they don't know jack about. But guess what? You put your shit out there, thats what you open yourself to. Don't expect ME to feel sorry when the "trolls" and "haters" make you start to cry. Its the fucking internet. How about we grow a pair and tell them to fuck off? Yeah, maybe theres a lot. In fact I know there's a lot, I see them in these comments all the time. But why the fuck would you give them any kind of validation if you know you are right? What they say will speak for itself, theres no need to run off and hide just because someone said "I disagree."
>I could not believe my ears in this video. The fact you ever thought ANY of this was a good idea is baffling. Im glad youve reversed the decision, but I don't think its enough. I think you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and think about what got you to this point today. Because it wasnt fucking whining about "haters", and as much as people like to claim you're a shill, it sure as hell wasn't fucking AMD.
>I dont watch AdoredTV because I think you will have the first review of the newest CPU lineup. I don't watch you because you have the coolest guides on how to get 5 extra fps in LOL using one secret trick. If I wanted that shit I'd be watching Linus fucking Tech Tips. I watch you because you arent afraid to create a controversy. You arent afraid to delve deeper below the surface and get into the dirty details of the industry. You make content with meaning and with depth. Thats why I've been a subscriber for as long as I have.
>I know it might seem odd that I'm still upset even after you have changed your mind. But I almost wish you hadn't and that you hadn't made this video, because I was clearly mistaken when it came to what your mindset was as a creator. I didn't realize you were making content so that AMD would send you their new CPU first or so that you could deliver a safe friendly message to your viewers. I thought you made content because you had something to fucking say. But after hearing your "context" in this video, I'm begining to think I was wrong. I really hope I'm not, but I suppose we'll have to see.
>Edit: i want to add that I still love your videos and still love you, to the point where I probably would have begrudgingly paid for access just to hear your thoughts. Im saying these things because I care, and think you are capable of great things.
>his main shilljob is done
He's not a shill, shills get paid. He's more like a dumb piece of shit.
I understanding this right?
The big problem was that she could bare to live by his own self-proclaimed standards?
It was money that he wanted?
After saying again and again that the as impartial and clean?
Fuck you!
So edgy.
So homosexual.
Meh I don't care anymore. He obviously got tired with tech and their community in general.
This is purely speculation from my part. I am guessing he must respond to "trolls". He mentioned it on his reddit ragequit video. Thats his problem. He is aware of it. He was also getting shit on a ton on both sides, the press and tech community. A man can only take so much before calling it quits. Instead of thinking he cares about AMD sending him stuff for promoting them free of charge like an idiot, you should consider another angle whereby he was used as the dumb expendable guy who promotes their stuff. This will be ok if the companies made the products he promoted operate in good faith. As we all knew, that didn't happen as shown with the latest leak. Remember Lisa Su tweeting his Zen 2 vid? Fueling the hype train even more and misleading him (and everyone else) to believe the leaks are true. Obviously, most of it is wrong. He was pissed as hell companies(AMD in this case) are using him like a tool to further their gains while making him the sacrificial lamb. A lot of people shit on him for the wrong leaks while AMD (and tech press) got away literally scot free for enabling and promoting it even further. I am assuming he is mad about this, not absence of money/stuff given to him from said companies.
Put it this way. He did so much for the tech community (good or bad is another matter), what did they gave him? Nothing. Worse, even more trolls, shit flinging, companies profiting off his videos, out of context screenshots, AMDrones memes, braindead bait one-liners etc. Once the shit starts flying, it sticks on you for the rest of your life. Sure it was fun for him at one point. Now? Clearly not.
Presently, I don't even care if he closes his youtube account. His latest videos clearly don't have his usual drive or passion in tech. He sounds tired. I am tired watching his new videos. Might as well end it all. This whole drama shit is asinine.
I did the same after 5 minutes. His previous video that he said he unlisted made it sound like he was getting out. Then, the next thing I know, he's flipping his shit because like 60% of his fans were mad about all his whining. There's so much "he said, I said" crap, and his videos run out of content but string on for an extra 15 minutes anyway.
Just done.
Oh fuck, don't give that thing attention. Corey loves attention even when you insult it.
>yer a faggot, Harry
some youtuber whined about AMD not sucking his cock
I thought Lisa su just tweeted thanks Jim or something like that
I think you nailed it.
the fake zen2 leaks really fucked him up lmao and lashing out at amd for not giving him gibs
the scottish neet strikes again
instead of just owning his mistake, nope, its AMD's fault for that, even tho AMD wasnt responsible at all for those leaks
The guy told people that a chiplet APU was coming in 2019 when Picasso, the Raven Ridge refresh was already on roadmaps, already found in drivers, and was officially launched at CES only a couple days after he showed his "leaks" read: total bullshit speculation that he invented himself without any outside input.
There is no way to excuse his bullshit. Instead of trying to skirt around it and move past his obvious lie blowing up in his face, he chose to double down and start claiming that AMD's marketing department lied. Its incredible.
Love how all the AMD shills and shareholders who were spamming his "leaks" here for months are disavowing him now that he's exposed their entire network of Youtube shills.
It certainly couldn't be the case that people thought his "leaks" might be real based on his supposed previous track record, and now people are upset because the release proved his "leaks" were made up out of whole cloth to scam people into giving him YouTube views and Patreon subs, right?
Yeah I'm sure AMD are horribly upset about his "leaks" hyping up their product and contributing to a huge amount of sales and couldn't possibly be upset about him exposing their little shilling network on his high profile Youtube channel.
Yes, obviously I was referring to AMD and not to the behaviour of people who were posting that Scottish cretin's fake 'leaks' here for months before they got exposed as fakes and everyone rightly turned on that scam artist.
You don't even make sense you're just randomly typing insults in anger and frustration.
AMD are the ones coordinating and moderating the AMD online community you fucking mong.
Cross out everything except the names
How about this subhuman kills himself?
shall we make it a patreon goal?
What's in the video?
Him exposing all the Youtubers who were getting paid by AMD to spread "rumors" and fake benchmarks
Did he completely lose his mind after being exposed from his fake leaks then?
He had a lot of dirt on AMD because his discord is where most of the AMD shills used to hang out so when AMD fucked him off he decided to spill the beans on AMD's shilling network.
okay, but like there are no youtubers being paid by AMD to spread rumors and fake benchmarks though
What could motivate a man to write a post so utterly retarded?
The APUs on there are entirely wrong, because those parts don't exist at all.
Does Jim have any proof that isn't random people on discord?
It's so transparent. His complete silence as July 7th approached spoke volumes about how he lost all confidence in the "leaks." All he had to do was make one video in that time saying the rumored performance was exaggerated, but I don't think he could admit he was wrong.
He's probably having trouble selling his AMD shares before they tank so he has to shill extra hard
I don't understand the hate against him and his reactions, its just a leak and it could turned out wrong right? He could just apologize about the wrong info and not double down like this.
True, I remember on Jow Forums before Zen 2 launch there are countless post like Intel btfo, etc and now anons pretends nothing happened.
He refused to apologize and said that AMD marketing was lying about their performance
What idiot would sell AMD before they hit $40 at least?
Welp that's stupid. Nobody could believe him if he got no proofs right? Or did he?
drops all the good shit behind a pay wall
blames on amd drones
and this is why Jow Forums is full of retards
the truth is he's greedy and making up excuses as to why
nah fuck him
AMD did nothing to prevent the leaks from spreading.
People reporting on leaks is free hype and marketing for AMD, why would they bother? I think they respond to only the craziest ones though.
Do you seriously think that anyone's going to buy your shares once they hit 50 you literal fucking mong
Are you retarded user?
>make videos about a company, unsolicited, of your own volition
>they ignore you because.. they're a huge multinational company
>somehow feel wronged by this despite them owing you nothing
>get mad and start hunting for and publishing leaks about the company
>the leaks turn out to be inaccurate, people make fun of you
>blame the company despite it being your leaks that were wrong
>throw an embarrassing tantrum, making your illusions of grandeur plain for all to see
>lose all credibility
never trust a scotchman
Wow, he must have really hit a nerve for you to spend so much time typing all this retarded bullshit and attach a "funny" picture to your post
out of respect for your feelings as an AdoredTV fan, I have deleted the offending post. no offense was intended, and I am sorry.
But he wasn't right about the prices: there are no processors with those specs at those prices.