why does Jow Forums torture itself with low-level languages, do you hate making money?
Go Thread
>Jow Forums torture itself with low-level languages
Never happened. The average IQ of Jow Forums is too low to even attempt to consider this.
>do you hate making money?
No, that's why I don't waste my time learning Go
Did you SEE the FFI overhead of Go? It's insane.
Otherwise I like Go.
I made the mistake of clicking on the Rust thread and there's people literally pretending like they need C because they're constantly writing low-level drivers
It's called "LARP". Look it up.
>he thinks he's going to get a job working alongside people with 40 years of C experience
I don't really have reason to use dependencies that aren't written in Go in most cases. FFI isn't great in any language imo
>lol no generics
spoken like someone who's never had to debug type errors in other people's code
C is all about the technical details and knowing exactly what your compiler does, particularly in the embedded systems world and/or defense or really anywhere squeezing every last bit of performance out of CPUs is desired.
Older people with "experience" tend to rely on their knowledge of the big picture and how all the parts stick together to stay relevant rather than on the technical details of things like code optimized for branch prediction or modern SIMD parallelism or why the compiler automatically inlines certain things.
In industry, the old guys are there to teach you how the parts fit together and maybe pass on some knowledge you didn't know so when you're their age, you can keep your product sold and performant without having to bother with the minutia of next-gen compiler optimizations.
>why does Jow Forums torture itself with low-level languages, do you hate making money?
When I was 13 I was taught how to program using Mnemonic assembly language
It was useful,
lol because I'd rather write a renderer than a web app. programming language doesn't determine your skills but your dedication to learning it.
If you wanna work for the DoD whatever and C is required for some embedded shit your doing and Java won't cut it then sure I'm not here to stop you. People on Jow Forums stat-dump to prove le C is superior because the only thing they program is their shitty self-made compiler vanity projects, not because they actually have a use for it
go is okay for webshit but it's pretty gross and i wouldn't use it for anything else
(OP) I work on cloud infrastructure mostly, idk if you consider that webshit, but it's better than Java/Scala which is what most people seem to prefer in this field
>Did you SEE this pointless edge case nobody cares about
>why does Jow Forums torture itself with low-level languages
Exactly. Why would you use a language without HKT?
Anyone uses Go to develop for Windows? Any useful tips?
Go is fine for windows , just be ready to install minigw to use a lot of gui libs.
>do you hate making money?
I've been compensated _very_ fairly while writing Go. 183k, Seattle.
There's two choices when implementing FFI in a modern language: throw safety completely under the bus (e.g. Rust and unsafe) or provide memory/concurrency safety by copying values/adding runtime support but penalizes performance. Cgo does the latter.
Funny you should say that when the Go devs just published a second revision of the generics proposal.
Go is fine and not at a brilliant. Its a workman's language for getting things done. It makes no attempt to facilitate writing clever or beautiful code, that would get in the way of being productive. Go doesn’t want you to admire your code, it wants you to admire the results.
I'd take RAII over garbage collector anyday.
Compilers are already voodoo machines and behave in weird ways sometime, I don't want to add runtime overhead to already probably non-optimal asm.
I usually build things for embedded machines tho so I might not be neutral
>Jow Forums
>making money
Try again
I don't use assembly languages. If by "low level" you mean C then it's not hard at all. You're just retarded.
The latter was a moronic decision.
Fair enough user, Go is not the right tool for embedded
Personally I'm fine sacrificing "beautiful code", often when I'm looking at other people's code it becomes very clear that beauty is subjective
Comparing Go with C and C++ is apples and oranges. The thing that surprised me when I was learning Go was that it entirely embraces gc. I would have thought a programming language invented by Ken Thompson would use gc sparingly and try and use the stack as much as possible, but Go uses gc for everything from strings to arrays(slices). Go is meant as a direct replacement for Java. And for anyone who has used Java and is left with a bad impression of what using a gc language is like, then you should try Go. Because when you eliminate the VM and compile to binary, then you'll discover that gc isnt quite as bad as you might have thought. Again, it doesnt replace C and C++, especially not in kernel and embedded systems programming. But for userspace and server programming its all you need.
Gofags love to echo this empty and pretentious sentiment but the truth is the creator is a brainlet covering his idiotic language and decisions under the guise of simplicity. It's a bottom of the barrel language catering to the lowest common denominator and completely ignoring all advancements in computer science. A brainlet language for brainlets by brainlets.
I'd unironically rather write tranny rust because at least they have some technical merits as opposed to shit show go.
>why does Jow Forums torture itself with low-level languages, do you hate making money?
What do you mean?
t. Professional C++ programmer
Inb4 dilate
ib4 have sex
Unlike the iq bottom feeders, I'm already learning the languages of the future
>Red lang
Chainlink is written in Go. I was considering learning it because of this. I really don't know what reason they wrote it in Go for but I'm gonna give it a shot.
I didn't understand Go until I actually took the time to sit down and understand its design principals. Now it's the comfiest language I know, even more then Python.
>It's a bottom of the barrel language catering to the lowest common denominator and completely ignoring all advancements in computer science. A brainlet language for brainlets by brainlets.
>I'd unironically rather write tranny rust because at least they have some technical merits as opposed to shit show go.
we have a Go hate thread every day, its just an echo chamber for brainlet children in moms basement larping as systems programmers and complaining people dont use Lisp, Haskell, C, for general purpose programming
'Go' away.
>especially not in kernel
antispam bump
also gofy kernel by cat-v faggots
>the absolute state of Go
topkek, this language must be designed by mentally deficient retards
I'm starting to actually be convinced that cat -v was satire all along.
I am 22 and I work @ router company. We use C, Shell and Lua.
also I make only 10k euro a year.
you don't say
they even achieved the ultimate satire of killing yourself as a joke
Go has a low latency GC, specifically because you need low latency in order to be able to write highly available web servers in Go.
Go GC latency is sub millisecond.
Jow Forums the golang pepe
I worked with a boomer senior and this is true. His code is terrible to look at and if you nitpick for bad practices you'll see no end. But it's extremely maintainable and scalable, we never needed to refactor when we want to add a new feature.
Had a fresh out of college junior picking on him for muh good coding practices. The fucker just nodded along and in the end the junior's job was to clean it all up, pretty based.
>Calling system libraries is an edge case
I love C#, it's my favourite language, but being restricted to Windows, I wanted to learn Go, because it was advertised as Java/C# replacement. And it turned out to be a massive piece of shit, uncomparable to simplicity, intuitivity and elegance of C#. The error handling is top fucking pepperoni kek, how do you even design this on purpose? Every 5 lines of code you have to include:
returnValue, err := LiterallyAnyFunction()
if err != nil {
// Handle error
How is this better than try catch? I understand they wanted to boost performance by getting rid of exception mechanism, but this is just beyond retarded. The main premise of Java/C# was trading a bit of performance for a bit of luxury, comfort and development speed. In Go you trade a bit of performance for literally nothing as you're still forced to write C amounts of code. Their libraries are poor as well - just yesterday I tried to parse XML into a node tree. Guess what? Their XML library doesn't support that. I can write an XML parser myself - but why should I? I'm using Go to have that shit off my head.
>I love C#, it's my favourite language,
int x = 34;
while (true) {
int x = 46; // compile error
var x = String.format("{356}", "lol"); // 0 errors, 0 warnings
Utter garbage.
Go is low level in the sense that it offers very poor abstractions.
In the while loop you declare a variable that has already been declared. As for string.format I didn't believe this works and quickly verified it as in pic rel - of course it has no right to compile, what are you smoking?
>give compiler runtime bug
>program returns runtime error
are you retarded?
Geth was also written in go.
Go was made for applications that rely on networking.
Developer user already gone, now it's full with consumer user
webshit? oh yeah what about my discord bot that fetches posts from 9gag B)