Is it true that most people who are too dumb for programming go into IT instead?

Is it true that most people who are too dumb for programming go into IT instead?

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yes, at least in my case

still have to do some programming but not as much

luckily pajeet can't plug in those wires from his designated hitting street

>is it true that people who order others are too dumb to code monkey

Anyone who wants to become a software developer is a fucking idiot. You'll have to work for clueless project managers, you'll be expected to work overtime in order to meet impossible deadlines and you'll inevitably get replaced by slavs/pajeets.

True chads become system administrators. When you effectively become the only person in the entire company who knows how everything works, you'll become irreplaceable and you can demand massive wages.


System administrators are going to be obsolete in less than 5 years

yes. the pecking order in my department is this:
computer engineering -> computer science -> cybersecurity/IT. If you fail out of the EE classes that CpE requires you can still do CS (and actually speeds up your degree since less overall credits required) and if you fail out of CS you only have the IT programs left (massive credit waste since most classes aren't transferrable).

And code monkeys from first-world countries already are obsolete.

Cope. IT is a dying field and is getting automated really fast

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You're welcome to try and become a software engineer if you like. But you'll quickly realise that it's the worst possible job you can get with a Computer Science degree. You get treated like a black box where you get told something and you're expected to spit out functioning code. You're expected to pick up the reigns from the last developer and know exactly how things work despite the fact that his code is barely legible and you have minimal documentation. You have very little say in how the program works, even if you know better, you just get told to follow orders. Then you'll eventually get so pissed off with your working environment that you end up leaving (or they fire you) but then you'll realise it's difficult to get another software engineering role since companies would rather hire impressionable graduates that would be grateful for the opportunity to work and would follow instructions better.

Programming is an extremely useful skill and every self-respecting IT professional should be remotely good at it. But no-one should strive to do it as their day job unless you're building a company around a project that you've personally built.

whats left then? how do i get money from this field?

Learn to spell before you learn to code.

I keep seeing people parrot this, but really what evidence is there that this is true?

Hardware may be moving to "the cloud" aka data centers but someone still has to do the actual domain and server management at an organization. There's also still physical people at data centers who manage equipment and overhead network architecture. Any place that's worth their salt probably also has on site backups for cloud data in case of a major outage so business could continue as normal. Centralized infrastructure is great in some aspects but there are always risks that need to be mitigated by local administrators that make the role necessary for a long time to come. If anything we'll see more mostly remote positions pop up rather than 9-5 jobs.




they're about the same intelligence level but asocial people go developer and social people go IT

social programmers make less, asocial IT crew make less
you won't make 6 figures if you're in the wrong category

have you tried
and on

Since 1990's


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It's more like who wanted to have sexy go into IT.

Programmers are all incels, and trannies.

Only hotties start off in IT.... and pajeets.....ok, along with sweaty lardos who have their asscracks hanging out all the time

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Programming is IT.
