How do we stop lazy programming?
How do we stop lazy programming?
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Don't use shit software
Well that explains it.
Rom size doesnt decrease performance so whats the problem? Autism?
no but they still managed to fuck up the music anyway
and add DRM while they were at it
They added DRM where you HAVE to connect to a Bethesda account to play this 1993 game that already run flawlessly on hacked switch with the original files
>doesnt decrease performance
Initial loading time is slower, added DRM and spyware.
Still faster than loading a floppy
friend I'm afraid you may be retarded
Nobody uses floppies to play doom.
>277MB of DRM
By deporting pajeets
thats actually not that bad desu
they had to update the software to be able to not only run, but to run on custom portable hardware.
then to include 2 types of multiplayer
and with an expansion and extra levels.
14mb to 291mb is not that bad.
Except the original already runs on the switch without all the shillware
2 atoms have been deposited into your account, Toddbot
>console peasants
Switch users don't care about how big Jamaltendo releases are, or how much infected with venereal DRM they are, they just want their wife-in-law happy and filled up with the proper RNG seed.
The game didn't need any 'update' it already runs on a pirated switch just fine
only on hacked switches, and bethesda probably can't do gpl software on these drm boxes
The extra data is DRM, not 'updating the software'.
You don’t understand, it was already working on hacked Switch with full features and they added +200mb of restrictive drm
Do you think floppies were like snes cartridges that you would put in whenever you wanted to play or something?
Wait, since when do console games come with DRM? I thought they never bother with this since the closed-garden nature of the console is supposed to take care of this already.
The extra space probably comes from converting the midis to .wav files because they were too lazy to write a midi sequencer on a modern system.
Stupid zoomer
fuck off todd
dude seriously, you need to get off Jow Forums
Jesus fuck.
PS4 version is 330Mb
lol Born in the 90s?
>Left: The likes of Windows XP and Prior
>Right: Modern Software
>everyone pointing at my faults is a Jow Forumstard
>t. pic related
Just end it all, it'll be less embarrassing for you and those around you.
i dont get it
It's the equivalent of needing 200 dependencies to display one crusty jpeg
It's a retard misusing a tool and being surprised when the end result is as retarded as he is.
do you know what Unity is?
shovelware game engine
I'm not really sure what's lazy about this, if anything porting an ancient game to another engine just to strap DRM and modernized multiplayer/system integration to it sounds like a ton of wasted effort.
>14mb to 291mb is not that bad
the thing is, you could convince someone of that if it were anything else
but it's doom
doom is on everyone's calculator, everyone knows doom can be made to run on anything with very little effort
You think that's bad? Look at this fucking shit.
You don't.
Development time is one of the most valuable resources in the world.
Getting a non-shit internet connection is way cheaper than hiring a team of programmers for months on end just to reduce the download size a bit.
Meant that for oops mb!
lol fail, a true summer zoomer newfag
>coping this hard
Right does significantly more so it's not a fair comparison. It loads ads and tracking and enforces styling so it's more consistent across browsers than the left.
>tfw this is the kind of people that code your apps
>increased audio quality
>graphics 10x better
gee I wonder why its so much bigger?
Indeed you are! I really have no idea what you were expecting when you used a tool designed to handhold aspiring JS web application developers to shit out a single line of plain HTML.
>xdd you cant play games off a floppy
Whos laughing now retards?
Booting a game from a floppy has much lower load times compared to modern PS4 or even fucking Xone. It happens in seconds, not minutes
>inb4 I was just pretending
Stop having autism about file sizes. You could fit the Unity port fully into the RAM of a netbook from 2003. Modern computers are not limited to 256MB of RAM. There's an argument to be made that modern AAA titles with 100GB+ filesizes are silly and obscene, but I have fucking audio tracks on my phone larger than the entire game you're crying about.
By hiring you. Wait , no , you're unemployable because you waste time by refusing to use tools to make your job easyer. Go back to first year cs and do some foobar code autist.
Wait. They... Weren't? Games came on CD too, and you put the CD in and play the game off it. Take the CD out and you can't play the game. And it's the same deal with game cartridges.
How were floppies different than this?
> the drm code is 200mb
Right sets up for an actual website, including proper DOCTYPE and meta data expected by modern browsers.
Left is an autistic retard writing as few lines as possible just to make a point.
Retard. Games are installed from CD, if you need to put in the CD to play it's generally just DRM. Usually no data is read from the CD. Do you not know what a no-CD is?
you are twelve and what is this
perhaps babby does not remember games like Myst that were bigger than most people's hard drives
Stick to making simple games like the original Doom? 291MB doesn't even cover the main character anymore (textures, animation, etc.).
That's why I said "usually." There are certainly old games with the option or requirement to actually read data from the CD. Some games would have a minimal install option where some data would be read from the disk and a full install option where it would all be installed on the hard drive. But certainly doom, and most games, were installed on the hard drive.
That's what you expect from not writing your own engine.
The average shitch game is around 20GB.
The shitch has a whopping 32gb of storage (and only about 26 of those are available for games)
If you want more you're stuck with whatever microSD(XC) card you put on it (and any card larger than 256GB costs almost as much as the fuckin console).
So yes. Fucking megabytes matter.
I don't get what you literal soi onions are crying about. This is a re-release that nobody forces you to buy, play or whatever, you can just play the original version if you don't like it.
I'm one to shit on Bethesda for varey of reasons, but this is just ridiculous, we have a billion source ports that are way better than this.
look at those people in that image, probably all dead by now
feels bad man
>playing doom from a floppy disk
I tried it. Just install it, open it up with a new file, make a single link, export it.....filled to the fucking brim with bloat.
They're removing the DRM via an update.
Why do you faggots from /v/ never stay on your own goddamn board?
Jesus Christ user next time just take the L, it's much more dignified.
>coping this hard
This is funny, because the one on the left is the same across 6 browsers while the one on the right is rendered differently across 6 browsers.
see that video if we continue tolerating shit ports, DRM, and shit software development in general, soon we won't have a choice
>a fortnite dance
Guess who the zoomer really is
You're acting like we ever did. Companies wouldn't do this shit if people wouldn't pay, but they pay, so good luck.
Fucking zoomer
>fortnite dance
The fuck you're on about
I want to impregnate her
Yeah, because it's not made for sites that are just a single line of text with a link, you fucking retard.
you limit lazy programing by setting limitations (there isnt a single thing on the switch that utilizes its limitations so dont bring it up) which used to be the hardware itself but we have gotten to a point where laziness can breed with no consequences.
I saw this vid yesterday. Fuck Bethesda. Garbage company.
This is like everything is now; bloated to fuck and back but not really fun/worth it.
For ex: Unreal Tournament (1999) and Quake 3 Arena (1999). Both came on a CD (700mb). Fully installed both is under 1GB each. That's with the patches & official bonus packs added.
Both can be played on modern hardware and both are still fun as hell now as they were back then. Now games are 20GB on up and are "play once and done" affairs oh and cost you a cool $60. Not to mention a lot of them suck ass. Or how about those WEP games, you know the little games MS released back in the early 90's. All 4 packs fit on 4 disks. (1.44MB x 4). Still fun after all this time.
Fucking based and retropilled
Kill yourself retard
now THAT's a game that should on the switch.
Can't see how it's going to be playable.
>DOOM (1993)
>the expansion, Episode IV
so it's The Ultimate DOOM (1995)
from the 2000's that was largely true, but certainly not to begin with
DOOM was a big game, earlier floppy games absolutely ran just from the floppy, there was a stretch of time where people had only floppy drives, no hard disk, so you had to run software directly from floppy
they were, not so much when doom came out, most people had a hdd by then, and doom itself required installation to a hdd, but earlier on absolutely
okay, but now make it gpu accelerated under the same size constraint as the original and with the same relative amount of effort as the unity port
Unity runtime is around 30 megabytes.
It's probably some HD videos and audio
>they had to update the software to be able to not only run, but to run on custom portable hardware.
there's nothing particularly special about the switch compared to the many other platforms doom has been ported to
>then to include 2 types of multiplayer
these were part of the original doom, they weren't added
>and with an expansion and extra levels.
this is the latest version of doom, the ultimate doom, from 1995
>14mb to 291mb is not that bad.
the ultimate doom cd is 21MiB
>now make it gpu accelerated
1. why? even the switch isn't so weak as to not be able to run doom with software rendering at full resolution
2. gzdoom, a source port with opengl acceleration, is 14MiB installed, not including the 12MiB for the doom wad (game data), which makes it 26MiB total, barely bigger any than the original ultimate doom cd
>increased audio quality
Where is this increased sound quality?
maybe they went with streamed audio rather than including a midi emulator
why does it spend just as long on a loading screen as a freaking libretto?
Go back to 320x200x8 res.
Go back to 11kHz audio.
Hand-tune the assembly.
Oops, people won't go for that.
To all the zoomers ITT: vastest majority of that 291MB is the first and the second.
is the first and the seconds what?
he missed the memo that most of it was just the DRM and port to unity rather than any proper content
but he's also right that all of the whining zoomers ITT can fuck themselves regardless
but it doesn't?
>fa/g/gots bitching and moaning about shit they don't understand is remotely worth the consideration of someone who actually beta tested doom
the libretto takes 6-7 seconds from the initial dos window to the splash screen (loaded and running, you can hit a button and start a new game immediately from here in the original)
ignoring the 25 seconds of added logo videos and text which are probably unskippable, since they're probably not hiding any loading (even though that'd be a good idea)
the switch one has a different splash, one that does appear to indicate the game is loaded yet, since pressing a button here brings up a loading screen that doesn't exist in the original, and that takes 7-8 seconds (demo starts a moment before the loading text goes away)
I will need an axe, the same pizza every day on a set schedule, and a cat to get rid off
>one that does appear to indicate the game is loaded yet