Should I get a computer engineering degree or computer science degree

Should I get a computer engineering degree or computer science degree

im looking to get a really high salary, wouldn't being engineer pay more?

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Get a job and get certifications unless you're in a cucked country that pays for your degree

>im looking to get a really high salary

No. We need more farmers.

Yes Canada is actually one of them

Yeah I really want skin cancer and back pain

If you have high IQ and strong discipline go for Computer Science and specialize in set theory and algebra shit.

B a S e D

I'd like to specialize myself in artificial intelligence I'm pretty sure this is a really valuable skill

in first world countries being an engineer is a much better paid and respected job. in the usa though it's bullshit and you just do what the shareholders want

Even going to a state school in the US is cheap if you can land a dev job afterwards

You'll just drive a tractor around all day

If you were smart enough to be an engineer you would already know the answer

Post the in store prices

ride, you ride the tractor, rarely "drive"
almost all of this shit is gps guided now


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Engineers are smart.
I bet you can't tell me what gap your're spark plugs should be at, or the difference in how 10-50w or 20-40w oil in your're car would be without googleing it.
It's not all changing wiper blades and air fresheners you know.

no we don't

t. ag engineer


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now i want some mcdonald's

1. if you can gap the spark plugs on my daily you can have the car.
2. weekend is .41
winter weight is the smaller number, brainlet.

big fuckin shock, the grease monkey took some time off changing wiper blades for $10/hr to pretend to be an engineer.


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get a REAL engineering degree pls

>i have no idea what i enjoy doing

Comp Eng since you learn everything from CS (except useless computer theory and shit that you will never use in your work), plus a bunch of stuff from E.E. like digital electronics, CPU design and shit. And this comes from a CS graduate.

If 6 was 9...
almost quints my man
nice quads though

...not really... by far most of it is manually driven, especially if you plan on making your own agricultural firm, until you grow hella large you're driving a tractor.

I mean, most people don't

Those courses aren't really standardized around the world, so either CS and CE can mean a lot of things depending on your uni/country.

Don't go in like that. Learn the basics very well and fall in love with a problem. The tools you're gonna use to solve it don't matter that much, you should always seek the simples solution, not the "most valuable skill".

>t. BSc on computer engineering, MSc on math, reasonably high profile uni

I'm an engineer and I make about $40k(translated from jpy to usd). With about 20% tax and taking into account living expenses, I save about $1000 each month.