Why people seem to hate Unity...

why people seem to hate Unity? it's the best game engine both for 2D and 3D projects if you ignore prices (let's be honest nobody gives a shit about those things).
And yet I constantly hear it's bloated, too easy to use and made with C#. Literally Windows of game engines.

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No one trully hates unity.
It's just that everyone and their grandma cashes in on the unity asset flip game and everyone hates that side of it.

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Because it's easy and fun to hate on whatever is popular.

is 'made with c#' a downside? afaik its made in c++ and only the user scripting part is c# which is very good because c# is a great language

enjoy 20 fps

Alot of shit games have been made with it

there are few good games in the sea of asset flips running off unity

wat, ubuntu uses gnome now


Name 5 non 2D or 2.5D good games written in unity?

Unity is a great engine. It got it's bad reputation BECAUSE it is a great engine.

It is very easy to hack something somewhat playable with the unity with no concept of computers, programming, only half a brain and solitaire and MS Word as only experience in anything. That's why there are so many bad unity games.

Cities Skylines
Return of Oprah Dimm
Escape from Tarkov
Family Guy Online
Paralives (not released yet but even the gifs look amazing)

7 days to die

The Mobile/PC Port of FFIX was also made using Unity iirc. It's 2.5D though, does that count?

also its not the best u retard the best engine is whatever you're good with

I'm good with Unity so it's the best engine

all of them are shit


Bad performance. A game made in any other engine runs at least 3x better than the same game made in Unity.
Too easy to make shovelware garbage games.
License allows Unity to take information from end users without any notification.
There are fucktons of other engines that are so much better including making a game from scratch which allows one to make an infinitely better, optimized game which can work better with your exact needs, yet people still use Unity.

I will give a few reasons why I do.
>It's a really shitty engine, out of all the game engines I have used, it has the most laggy, very poorly set up game engine (in terms of UX)
(I say shitty in this case because of how poorly even tiny projects run, compared to other game engines with far more assets and scripts in them)
>The security is non existent for REing the games, quality/version control etc
I can download 3 tools and within minutes access all the games code and assets, far more easily than other game engines.
>You actually have to code in an FPS cap limit, and since retard devs can't do this or don't know how, you have games looking worse than the Ps2 era frying up your computer, because they try to run at 500+ fps
Also, There are plenty of other reasons to hate it. It's just a shit engine, and you are full of crap saying oh it's the best 2/d and 3d engine. In no way is it, other than it allows mouth breathing retards like you to spew out filth and easily publish it online.
I have used more than a dozen game engines,wrote a few small ones in python, java, c++ etc, and I can say that unity is just bad.... it really is.

If you're not writing your own custom game-specific code from scratch, you should kill yourself.

>why people seem to hate Unity? it's the best game engine both for 2D and 3D projects if you ignore prices
No it's not, the best engine for 2D is godot and the best engine for 3D is unreal. Unity is slow bloated dogshit.

>best engine for 3D is unreal
HAHHAno. God fucking help me almighty, Unreal has the same fucking god awful problems as Unity.

wow your taste in video games is so patrician and refined

First of all if you're making a 2d game you shouldnt even be using an engine when frameworks exist. Second if all in what world isnt unreal a million times better with the same amount or royalties in the end

retards and shills