Alright Jow Forumsuys, let's get this started.
I'll go first.
Tech gore thread
electron sucks big dick!
That is not gore
I don't think you know what the word 'gore' means...
what the fuck
What do you mean, this 480 is serving its purpose.
the good news is that this is a bugged reading, not an actual temp. 255 is the highest 8-bit integer and 255C is well above the melting point of solder which would obviously fuck the whole PC up if the CPU started sliding off the mobo.
>that kot is made of poo?
>nah, he knows the loo.
its amazing what can happen slowly over time
do people actually pay these prices when these resellers put shit up for these outrageous prices?
Dude, I started sneezing and my eyes dried up just from looking at this shit.
What is that in real money?
yes. 148,634 kangaroo buxx
iktf, replaced 11 capacitors on some 478 mobo. Can't test it yet due to a missing VGA cable.
oof i hate smokers
my last bf was a heavy smoker, every time i had to clean up his computer it looked like that
antenna right next to a power line. what could go wrong?
this isnt even really gore
this dumbass gaymer heatsink was in the way so he bent the fins
Based 1.7 screws nvidia fire.
>how to start a housefire
I got one of these for free ages ago. To be fair: The cable's fucking horrible and it's a bad headset.
That's what I'm wondering about the discontinued AIO I've seen listed for 1k. I wonder how it happens, is it an accident or intentional?
NTR, poor DS.
It's tax evasion. Buy computer hardware, list at outrageous prices so you can say you were trying to sell it, then use it until a buyer comes along while writing it off as a business expense.
good. taxes are a scam anywas.
how many times did he suck as payment for you cleaning up his mess?
Best thing that happened to technology since the invention of electricity
suck your cock*
The shitposter's dream
I've got a Slot 1 mobo from the beginning of the capacitor plague. I remember it had serious stability issues back when I still used it, may actually try and recap it one day to see if it works okay.
>Commodore 64 still in commercial use in late 2010s
That's tech porn not gore
I used to work for an ISP as buisness tech,
Worst shit I ever saw was at Petes Coffee where they actually have the fucking garbage cans shoved against the rack IN the kitchen.
I must have gone there 10 times, every single fucking time I told them they needed to have corporate have IT come in for a rebuild of their network.
EVERY SINGLE TIME, I was told that they would get it on by an increasingly younger staff member.
I hope to god that OSHA got those fuckers in the end because i'm pretty sure that Petes burned down.
You sure that's not RG6? because it sure as fuck looks like it.
>'oops, please swipe your card again sir'
>placing your component inside of an active heatsink
wouldnt that get hot?
not as hot as your mums anus after i'm done with her
it looks like it hung itself
why is that gpu plugged in via a riser INSIDE THE FUCKING CASE???
I don't think he mean "what, is that in real money? but rather "tell me what that is in money that isn't from a penal colony"
I can't stand em either, every single adult in my family smokes and it's more annoying than anything "oh sorry I'm late I had to stop and get a pack of cigarettes I was almost out"
Do GPU cooked eggs taste any different?
I think his nails are the most terrible thing in this picture.
about treefiddy
20 bucks says this was done by an angry girlfriend
>Glass table
That's not tech gore that's a retard hazard.
I think I know what happened based on all the beer bottle caps on the ground.
There is a bottle opener in between the glass next to the bottle on the ground so I doubt it.
The owner of that "setup" called AMD users retards who "enjoy their housefires".
Looks like the average battlenet user
He's not wrong tho
"Thank you" for your "highly valued" input intel drone #28479823924
Story? Looks kind of new.
Ceiling modem watches you fap :3