*gets you fired and steals your job*
*gets you fired and steals your job*
I live in Eastern Europe and my boss is a literal Jow Forumsfag
commence the dilation
if you got fired you deserve it.
*commits suicide at 30*
wtf I want to fuck gigachad now
He's not though. Slavs hate Communistm as much as they hate Nazism and they dream of Slavic Fascism which is quite unlike anything Westcucks understand because the Westcucks themselves are categorized as enemies under such a system.
You have no clue what youre talking about, amerifat
I do know what I'm talking about cepoŃo.
Sounds still better than getting replaced by some shitskins and tranny subhumans user.
Trannies are not worth bothering with, they finish the job themselves eventually and those who don't at least have some strength of character to respect a little.
Blacks have no relevance in the Slavic world because not a single Slavic country colonized or had any history with black Africa for the past 4000 years at least with the sole exception being the Soviet period of arming black insurgency against the West and training them to either stay Soviet or stay unaligned as Yugoslavia led. There's no white guilt towards blacks and Slavs aren't even considered white to the neo-nazis or nazis.
Mudslimes however are never ever going to be welcome in any Slavic land after 1 millennia of Mudslimes pulling the first knife and invading, enslaving, oppressing, subverting, and murdering Slavic people unprovoked. They've made themselves unwelcome in the lands of currently 4 billion non-Western people which includes every Slavic nation, and any accusation of Islamophobia gets argued with 1000 years of history which warrant it that dumb Westcucks don't share nor have any business understanding.
God I wish it were me.
No one knows of Jow Forums and reddit outside of the virgin nerds in Eastern Europe.
virgin nerds can be successful too
>implying Serbia is representative to all Slavic nations
On the issues of Communism, Nazism, Islam, and having no history with black Africa and therefore no obligations towards the race, any Slavic nation speaks for every Slavic nation.
Name one person who actively posts on Jow Forums that matters
>Mudslimes however are never ever going to be welcome in any Slavic land after 1 millennia of Mudslimes pulling the first knife and invading, enslaving, oppressing, subverting, and murdering Slavic people unprovoked
>any Slavic land
Friendly reminder that Russia is the #1 country in the world when it comes to sheer numbers of Muslim minorities.
Westcucks also love Fascism. Switzerland and Austria have fascism, but not in extreme form. They are okay with almost everyone as long as people are white, speak german, and are not russian, polish, or baltic.
No you are speaking out of your ass. So speak, Serb, on the issue of Islam on behalf of Bosnia and Russia.
That's because chechenyans are fucking barbarian savages and their mobs/mafia dominate in Russia.
Yes, and there's still lot of work to do to kick these Colonizers and traitors out. Starting with faggot Putin who rubs his dick with them.
No, I am speaking on history of a dogshit religion whose prophet was a warmongering child fucker who waged over 50 war campaigns of aggression, enslavement, pillage, genocide, and projected his warmongering ways onto his personally written book and his personally invented religion which is followed by every colonizing Islamic filth.
Also you Bosniaks are colonial rapechildren and colonists, and you will be kicked out eventually whether by Serbs or Croats, or face genocide, the same conditions your Muslims ancestors gave to the region when they invaded and colonized and enslaved it.
too true
>Also you Bosniaks are colonial rapechildren and colonists, and you will be kicked out eventually whether by Serbs or Croats, or face genocide, the same conditions your Muslims ancestors gave to the region when they invaded and colonized and enslaved it.
I'm neither Muslim nor Bosnian, but nice try. Where was the union of proud Slavic nations when NATO criminals annihilated your country 20 years ago?
>Where was the union of proud Slavic nations when NATO criminals
Recuperating from the fall of Communism in confusion and instability and dealing with their own problems. Also of note is that this Islamophilia in the West wasn't as prominent then as it is now, therefore in these years everyone is on the same page regarding Muslims.
What you don't seem to understand is that I don't give a fuck about the ethnicity which finally reigns supreme in any region so long as it results in kicking Muslim remnants out for good. If an ethnicity needs to be sacrificed to pull this, then so be it, so long as another Slavic identity keeps the land.
>Jow Forums - Technology
More technology than linusmanlettips.
>my boss rambles all day about his uneducated opinions caused by stereotypical white male insecurity
Must be hell in your everyday life. Have you found another company to go to yet?
Is that birthrate by race with whitey at the bottom?
>mfw i make below minimum wage
You can have it.
It's the IQ with blacks at the bottom
>stereotypical white male insecurity
you are confused, user.
no black man ever voted to give black men the right to vote.
no woman ever voted to give women the right to vote.
only white men gave all others the right to vote.
some regard this as an unwise decision and it has made lots of people very angry ever since.
yet, the fact remains--equality is a white concept instituted and perpetuated by white men.
I thought it was suicide rate with trannies at the top
Unironically got some dork fired for making an attack helicopter joke lmao
gigachad is pretty based but he can lose the socks
wallahi all transgender will be hanged
What a comfy job. Is it possible to find something like that in America? I'm not a Jow Forumstard, but SJW bullshit is fucking annoying in nowadays.
we should start our own company, no sjw hiring policy
u need nigger what part of Canada is eastern europe