/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on titles above parts lists to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS)
>R3 3200G - Minimum 30-60fps gaming. The stronger 3400G sells for $150. (R3K APUs OCs better than R2K)
>R5 2600 - 60fps+ gaming CPU with great value
>R5 3600 - Great gaming CPU
>R7 3700X - Overkill gaming CPU
>R7 1700X - Budget video editing
>R9 3900X - Professional tasks

>Do not use a single DIMM. 2 sticks for a typical dual channel CPU
>CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 3200CL16 or Micron E-die ("AES" in code) recommended
>AMD B & X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP
>B-die is EOL, stock is limited

GPUs based on current pricing
>RX 570/580 8GB - Can be found on sale/used for cheap. Look for 570s which are >1240MHz boost
>(GTX 1660TI @ ~$230/Vega56 @ ~$270) - higher fps / more demanding games
>RX 5700 - higher FPS
>RX 5700 - standard, 75-100FPS+
>RX 5700XT - higher fps
2160p (4K)
>RTX 2070S OC - budget option. Turing scales better into 4K than Navi does.
>2080Ti - best for 4K but expensive

>Navi AIB models come mid-August. 5700 non-XT blower is alright, due to low power.

>Yes, adaptive sync (free/g/sync) is important for gaming
>NVMe isn't better than SATA SSD for gaming
>Don't use Speccy
>Don't trust sites which rank CPUs by arbitrary, obfuscated scores (eg userbenchmark, passmark, cpuboss)
>AM4 VRMs + Monitors + SSD Guide under "more"

more: rentry.co/pcbg-more

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Other urls found in this thread:


Will a Ryzen 5 3600 + a 1070ti give me 144fps@1080p on most games?

5700 is a better more capable gpu than the 1070ti

Any scummy pieces of shit itt have any luck scamming amazon? I'm thinking about ordering a 3900x and putting my poo chip in there for a return.


for people in the last thread building for arma:
the 3900x gets the same fps as the 3600, and the 3600 gets 1-2 fps above 4790k
get 9600k/9700k/9900k and low latency ram and overclock it like hell

>scamming jews
oh boy

>recommending housefire RX 5700XT with no custom cards available
>no mention of 9700K/9900K which arguably are still the best gaymen CPUs

put it back tyrone

Reminder that this is what it looks like when your game isn't GPU bound

Attached: 1564327465479.png (944x928, 110K)

I already own a 1070ti, I'm just buying the Ryzen 5 3600


>not GPU bound
>literally set your graphics to all low just so you can jerk off to your framerate while your CPU burns the house down
*NEW* graphics don't matter

go for 2600
better value especially considering your present GPU


So I need a recommended PSU and possibly a different GPU but any criticisms are welcome. White colouring is obviously the theme but there's not really a requirement for the PSU when it's under the shroud. Anyone have experience with Deepcool as well? Reviews on PC Part Picker seem decent but elsewhere seems lacking.

Imagine what it would look like they showed the framerates for OC'd 9900K. If I had bought a Ryzen instead of that I'd probably be considering suicide right now.

at least my house doesn’t burn at idle, pajeet

>buying shitel

Attached: shintel.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Damn I didn’t assume the 1070ti was outclassed this hard nowadays. Thanks

>CPU that costs twice as much as the 2600x gets less than twice the framerate in an edge-case gaming scenario
Wow, so this is the power of intel...

Dual monitor setup, one 1440p (main, for games) one 1080p (browsing,youtube etc.). I want a CPU to play games while simultaneously multitasking other shit like discord/twitch/browsing/youtube etc. Will the 3600 be sufficient for me or should I consider the 3700x? Cheers

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1080ti (a flashpoi gpu of it's time) is barely competing with modern mid range gpu


oh wow when the fuck did i recommend nvidia over amd

3700x, get an aftermarket air cooler, enable PBO and XFR and let 'er rip. Look up safe undervolting values for the 3700x to keep it even cooler and give it more headroom for that boost clock.

>vega 56 beating 5700xt

140 or 120mm fans for a Meshify C? And how many?

3600 would be enough. I can do that on my 4770k/1080 with no issues and the 3600 beats the 4770k.
My question is: Would it be worthwhile taking the 3700x over the 3600 if I planned to stream with a 2070Super? I know the 3600X isn't worth the extra shekels due to both chips being within 4% of each others performance but I don't know if getting a 3700x is worth the extra money over the 3600 for the extra cores.

The eternal question: 1080p 144Hz or 1440p monitor ?

Are 16 GB DDR4 RAM really enough for playing games and multitasking/streaming?

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>posts benchmark in which intel wins every single time by a significant margin

the eternal question: why the fuck people asking these kinds of questions never state what games they play and what hardware they have

>GPU Power consumption

For some reason my vega 56 won't reach it's max core clock of 1660 despite 99% gpu usage. I haven't seen it go over 1610. I've undervolted (1.2 ---> 1.07) and oc'd the card (925 on the memory and 1660 on core).

Get one with both. I put 2k@60 for singplayer games and 1080@144 for FPS.


Generally you pick your monitor and then build your hardware around that, user.

No point in getting a 9900k and a 2080 Super if all that's left in your budget is for a 1080p 75hz freesync monitor.

What CPU cooler is recommended for a ryzen 3600?

I have yet to see my vega 56 go over 200w. Usually it sits between 50 - 110w as I cap to 75fps. It only gets to 170 - 200w with frames unlocked.

Will it be enough to last me a good 3-4 years for those tasks? I'm aware it's stupidly easy to just slot in 2 more sticks, but if I feel the need to do so, should I try to get RAM that matches my frequency, timings etc. or will 2 additional random sticks perform similarly well?

NH-U12/S will be fine, or NH-D15 if you want ULTIMATE COOLING.

Does this sound like a broken GPU?

>Lurking on R5 1600
>Has no onboard graphics
>Screen randomly turns black and monitor LED starts blinking, motherboard debug LED lights up and the last sound that was played loops endlessly for a couple of secs
>No bluescreen at all, no crash dumps, nothing in WhoCrashed etc
>Sfc scannow finds nothing
>These crashes happen every 10-15m
>Driver reinstalled; does nothing of course

The reason i suspect it's the GPU is because i had the debug LED light up like this in the past when i tried out some active hdmi adapters and the video signal kept dropping out. I also had to replace that particular GPU at one occasion so it wouldn't surprise me if it happened again

There's no way to be absolutely sure though short of trying out another GPU is there

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If he is doing gaymin, 3600 will give 25-30fps more. There is no point getting a 2600 now unless you are on a serious budget.

>40 posts
>18 unique IDs

The AMD shill is working overtime it seems.

Always try to match RAM. Same brand, same model, everything.

If you -can't-, at least stick with same speed and timings.

nah, determine what games you’re gonna play first and then determine your monitor
it makes no fucking sense playing cago at 3440x1440 60fps, just like it makes no fucking sense playing arma at 1920x1080 240fps

you have schizophrenia

go to your local supermarket and look at the tv screens
you don't want to invest in 144hz 1440p if you can't see the difference

Can you go into detail? I like free shit.

Best 32gb ram set?
I was thinking of getting Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200 but someone said that Corsair's are trash.

>25-30fps more.
more like 15-20fps (15%) for 70% of the price


pozzed in the head

The 3600 is barely 50 dollars more in my country so I'll get that for sure. I'm upgrading from an i7 2600 so the performance improvement should be there regardless if my GPU makes it to 144 FPS or not.

£500 for a GPU/Mobo/CPU/RAM?

I have a Micro ATX computer atm moment and can reuse the case, psu, hard drives, etc.

Pic unrelated, not my computer.

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>posted this 10 posts ago
>poster count hasn't changed

What if I play all kind of games, Arma, GTA, Hitman, CS:GO etc..

Please help me decide bros - I'm torn between getting a 5700 and used 1080 for 1440p ~60 fps gaming. I'll buying the monitor soon as well, so x-sync and its price is also a factor to consider.

I can get the 1080 a fair bit cheaper, I guess it's a more stable platform right now as well.

On the other hand, it's getting old, whereas the 5700 is brand new, which could be both good and bad thing.

The post was just an incoherent burst of AMDrone rage.

I have the same question
I'm looking at some benchmarks and the 5700 doesn't seem to reach 60 FPS on ultra settings 1440p

>is barely 50 dollars more in my country
what country?

What's the best way to get my hands on a Windows license without being jewed by Microsoft?
Yar har?

I'm actually surprised he didn't start spamming a bunch of Winzip benchmarks accompanied by lyrics from American pop bands that are still popular in his third world shithole.

>tfw got those temps during 10min of playing GTA V on the blower 5700 XT
the housfire meme is real. at least I have Arctic Accelero ready to be installed

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what's better, a noctua nh-d15 or corsair h150i for a 3900x?


>no falcon's list
scummy thread shilling AMD


I don't know if it's just bad luck but I couldn't get my ryzen 5 build to post with corsair ram.

Do I need a CPU cooler for the R5 3600? Last time I built a PC stock coolers were trash

Pleasu respondu

In a 10 year old engine, that specifically dislikes ryzen.

Intel should get a refund for you, they're not getting value for money out of your shit shilling

is the stock cooler for a 3900x enough?? friend has a spare h115i that he would give me for a lower price but idk if i actually need it

Yeah the stock cooler sucks. Just get a cheap aftermarket air cooler.

It's the best stock cooler, but still a stock cooler. Try it out

Except for the fact that AMD specifically designed the engine for Far Cry.


how does this look for 1080p gaming? cant afford a 1440p monitor rn, GPU is placeholder till AiB models

Attached: 1st build.png (1458x759, 84K)

>In a 10 year old engine

The game literally came out a few weeks ago you coping mong.

is it a bad idea to run Zen 2 CPUs on Win 7

There are a lot of quality of life updates in Windows 10, to the point you're intentionally inconveniencing yourself by not using it, especially under the shallow premise of 'muh privacy' when you probably have a Gmail account.

Intel is a fucking dogshit diseased housefire.

Buy Radeon VII now, or wait for Navi equivalent? Now on an RX 580.

Attached: AMD-Radeon-VII_face2b_678x452.jpg (678x401, 27K)

2 x 140 front intake
1 x 120 exhaust

literally all you need

My colleague barely got it working on 8.1. He got a lot of errors in event viewer.

you already got almost everything, it looks fine but if you can't go with 1440p i would have gone with a 3600 to push higher FPS, 2700 for $150 is a pretty damn good deal tho

I need someone to recommend me a fan for 3700x go.

I assume you mean cooler? Be Quiet Dark Rock 4.

air? liquid? budget?

Doesn't matter
No cooler can prevent 3700x's life degradation with the retarded voltage spikes

What PSU for this build (still working on it):

I'm considering these:




I want to be able to add extra fans, change the cooler and so in the future if possible, that's why I'm going above the recommend wattage (recommend other PSU's if you like)

I'd probably go with the 650W

650 will be enough

air, so budget

There is zero reason to ever buy a radeon 7.

put a masterfan lite in my new case i got, and it doesn't fit the bracket! so i just use longer screws and spacers right?

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Guys what mobo should I buy for my R7 3700X build?
Dont want any voltage problems

How so? It's the best AMD card out there


Thanks to the guy who recommended I update my bios. I used my 200ge to update it and it's running okay now. I have another 2 questions though, if anyone can help. 1. I've tried patching the win7 installer with nvme and usb3 drivers, the installation worked but it BSODs right after install and refuses to work. I'm using win10 now and I hate it. I read the 3900x completely doesn't support it anymore, is this true? 2. When I have 1 gpu plugged in it runs fine but when I try to crossfire them the computer turns on (there's audio) but no display. I have my monitor plugged into the top card which should be the main card. I'm using an X470 master sli if it helps. Thanks in advance to any advice

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Rate my new AMD build

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