Your CS books do ask for proofs to lemmas, right user?
Your CS books do ask for proofs to lemmas, right user?
What the flying fuck is a lemma, you lemming? If it's not a javascript function, I'm not interested
yeah they made us prove everything in like first year semester one math course. past that they just give us definitions since the proofs would be a bit ridiculous
A small or simple to prove theorem used to prove a bigger theorem.
No we just do ligmas
Cs is a bunch of crap
Lemma 1.1 Win some, lose some, it's all the same to me
Lemma 1.2 Don't forget the joker
>proof is left to the reader
Literally what's the problem? Makes you sit on your ass and think.
I didn’t buy a textbook to figure it out myself
Well what's the point then if you won't think?
>the proof follows from the definitions
You have to go back
In every country except USA, proofs are part of the learning since highscool
Amerilard schools are too busy teaching the importance of McDonald's and the bible to cover babby tier STEM
Proofs are taught in 9th grade math in the US.
I hate those because they're always easy so I won't learn anything, and often boring that's why the author himself didn't want to type it out.
Also nothing stops you from trying to prove every theorem yourself before reading on the proof provided by the book, so it literally makes no sense for the author to leave certain proofs as an "exercise to the reader"; if I feel I need to exercise my proof skills I'll do them myself.
this is completely wrong
Why are yurocucks this OBSESSED?
The problem is highschool math is easily done in your head so nobody bothers with proofs until they get to college and it's too late
Don't try to get us to do your homework.
You usually write proofs in geometry.
That is why this has been a meme on sci for at last a decade.
Yes. Because I'm a colossal mathfag
What proofs are there in geometrY?
This but somewhat unironically.
Only in theory courses.
What's a ligma?
It's a sugandese word. Don't worry about it.
Meant to quote you
Yes, they do, but it's not a reason to feel better than everyone else, because the proofs start to be only interesting once you have a working algorithm that does something interesting and you want to prove its correctness. Your elitism is shitty, OP.
is that a Chinese-English dictionary lol the fuck are those scribbles
What's sugandese?