Why do email providers have refresh buttons on their pages when I can simply refresh through the browser? They don't redirect you so I don't really see the point.
Why do email providers have refresh buttons on their pages when I can simply refresh through the browser...
>They don't redirect you
>I don't really see the point
no shit you answered your own question do you see the advantages now
refreshing the page probably generates more traffic while the refresh button probably just makes a background api request. dunno though. that's just my best guess.
refreshing in the browser resends the login credentials
Thats a good guess. You don't have to download the Javascript (probably) app again
Wrong. Many email providers refresh the page itself. It's a redundant button that accomplishes the same thing as hitting the refresh button on your browser. Clients like Thunderbird and phone applications just submit requests again.
I don't think you're right. At least i hope you are not right.
It woukd be stuopid load a full blown application abd then load it again necause the content changed. We are talking about *at least* 1 order of magnitude difference in network traffic
All I know is that every provider I have used, from Outlook to Yahoo to Gmail to Cock.li has always seemed to refresh the page rather than the content or messages. Pissed me off enough to get me to set up my own servers. Looks great on my resume to have my own.
Gmail does not refresh the page, idk what the fuck you're talking about, retard.
What the fuck are you on about? I use Office 365 at work, Gmail for personal and cock.li webmail for shitposting, and NONE of them refresh the page you fucking mong.
Sameposting does not change the truth. Just hit the refresh button on Gmail. The loading box pops up and the page refreshes itself once it disappears. While the elements on the page appear after half a second as opposed to 1 second, that can be attributed to caching.
So you got BTFO and are resorting to
Let me guess, you run some autistic web browser setup where you block JS and a bunch of other shit for your epic privacy placebo?
Also, just checked, it does work on Gmail, there is no loading box. Fucking retard.
Maybe double check before you post.
Literally does not happen on my machine.
Stay in denial.
What is this supposed to prove?
that's not even what refreshing a page means you stupid nigger
Perhaps because you are too used to high speed internet. Try around 15mbps. It happens then. Loading box and full page refresh.
Stop trying to save face you fucking idiot just because you don't know what refreshing means.
Not trying to save face. It's done it on every browser I've used. Firefox, Chrome, and Edge each do it. Have not tried on Opera or Brave.
Don't know what the fuck's wrong on your end then buddy, it's not been a thing for years.
Maybe you just don't know what a page refresh is
once again, that isn't a fucking page refresh
Then that is not my fault. My chrome test was on a fresh install. It has never touched my computer before then. If I visit a site, I do expect an up to date experience rather than a consistently outdated experience.
It's when the page goes white and the contents are reloaded. Big brain.
>when the page goes white and the contents are reloaded
Which doesn't happen you fucking nonce, that's the whole point.
Post a webm of it happening
Are you retarded
That's the Gmail "loading" box, not the browser loading
That's literally an indicator that you are carrying an API call, not a full refresh of the page
Jesus, what are you even doing in Jow Forums
I don't use webms often so not sure if it will post correctly but I can certainly provide one.
Try using a real browser.
I can do it on Chrome and Edge if you would like. Won't change anything.
Go ahead.
Dis nigga got a cursed computer or sumthin
Here's Chrome I guess.
Shit's fucked on your end, I can't reproduce it on various accounts, browsers, devices and networks.
Seems you have a shit pc that can't handle the website/scripts, so it just refreshes the whole page
This was done on a fresh install of Chrome though. I redownloaded it and reset it before recording, just to be sure.
I just tried on gmail and it doesn't refresh the whole page you lying nonce.
Doesn't change the fact it doesn't happen to anyone else in the thread user, if you're really in denial I can nake a webm.
If a $3500 2019 build with the latest and best hardware according to weeks worth of benchmark research is shit, then I'd like to see a non-shit computer. I'd attribute it to my network speed if a slower speed weren't posted. As it stands I have no explanation for why it is happening.
Yeah it's either that or you're full of shit as usual.
Works on my 7 year old macshit air running bootcamp, so there is very definitely something wrong with your setup
You might be blocking the scripts with an extension
I can't into webm so have a GIF instead.
I reiterate, shit is fucked on your end.
It does not refresh the page on gmail you tranny
I do actually use UBlock Origin but I do not have it set to block any scripts other than third party. I double checked to make sure CDNs and such are unblocked as well. That said there are 93 blocked elements on the Gmail site.
You're in denial faggot, is with pretty aggressive uBO filters.
why are you moving your mouse pointer like a dumb nigger?
In denial of what, though? An inconsistent experience across users? Why is it that with a fresh install with no addons whatsoever on Chrome, Google's own browser, Gmail still does it for me?
Record button is on top right, shaking is just to show nothing has changed.
You seem to be in denial over the fact that Gmail does indeed refresh content without a hard reload.
I wouldn't deny it if it were true for everyone present, though.
Which it is apart from you.
you both are fucking retards
stop it now
Epic argument bro.
You are fucking stupid.
The button is often faster and save resources on their side. You also don't lose whatever you are doing.
>Ctrl+F AJAX
>no results
I'm confused.