How do i start as a hacker Jow Forums?

How do i start as a hacker Jow Forums?

Attached: 1554514697655.jpg (720x480, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you are Jow Forums!, you are already a hacker

Take notes from the best

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this is 4channel

NEver Try In your Life

most hacking is just social engineering

>goes to
>What is Jow Forums?
>Jow Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images
>To access this section of Jow Forums (the "website")
I see no 4channel mentioned.

By learning about networking, protocols, and the operating systems you want to gain access too.

Social engineering is by far the easiest way to hack, if you sound white and polite it will get you into more systems faster than any """hacking'""" which is just using vulnerabilities people left open

>Open cmd.
>color a
>open another cmd


>not heavy-r

Attached: 1558877696028.png (560x768, 316K)

lainfags are underage, mentally ill, lonely stoners that have nothing better to do but shitpost all day
go back to your containment site, script kiddie

underage, mentally ill, lonely stoners that have nothing better to do but shitpost all day
user this is Jow Forums
And welcome.

>t. lainfag

Attached: 1561507263090.jpg (301x333, 95K)

start rummaging through trash to find passwords

I mean... I was gonna watch it but people said it's shitty and Tumblr tier.

>shitty and Tumblr tier
only if you self insert as lain
which 99.99% of all lainfags do
otherwise I'd say is fine

Also heard that it's full of random stuff and doesn't makes sense. Is that true?

only half true

Buy a rgb-keyboard with blue switches for entry-level hacking

Okay. Added to my list.

It literally says "" in your url bar.
Are you new to internet?

>Only if you self-insert as Lain.
>Only if you self-insert as a 14 year old autistic girl.

Attached: hqdefault-1.jpg (480x360, 7K)

spend 10+ years programming and linux sysadmining. Then come back, and you will be ready to start your journey.

10? You could learn the basics at uni: 3 years of programming with comp sci and learning sysAdmin in your free time.

Yeah son. You gotta smooth talk your way across that firewall

Great things comes in tens.
Your approach is enough for a script kiddie.

3 years teaches you the basics. You need to spend a few years in the work force getting your hands dirty -- seeing how real software is built, to see real security issues, to start thinking about how software can be exploited. Plus it helps to understand the lower-level stuff, how kernel, linker, buffer-overflows, etc. work.

git clone hackorinstal[/code

I'd self insert Lain if you know what I mean.

>lainfags are underage, mentally ill, lonely stoners that have nothing better to do but shitpost all day
So... 99% of Jow Forums.

>bragged online
>used TOR
>posted code on github

Here I was thinking that hackers took really complicated precautions to prevent being caught.
Turns out many are just fucking retards.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-30 Thompson Complaint.png (667x869, 287K)

What a dumb fuck
It reminds me that silkroad guy who asked questions on stack overflow about your website with his real name. Which eventually, got linked to silkroad website
Fucking amateurs

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If I were to hack corporate organisations, I wouldn't do it from the fucking country where that org is located.
The tranny is a fool, not a real threat. My concern is how ignorant of this the law is. It simply doesn't care. How many stupid kids get near life in jail for stupidity?

Nice b8 GlowNigger.

Why do you think people watch shit like yuru yuri?
also autistic girls are the best, and her real age is completely unknown

Read the basic books ("The art of exploitation" and all that stuff, google your way through).

If you are not fed up, get a decent understanding of networking (CCENT level at least).

Get comfortable with C, know enough Python to be dangerous, know bash and the GNU core utils like the back of your hand.

Fed up already? No.

Crash course in ASM (i.e. x86), grab r2 and try to reverse engineer "hello_world.c".

Get a list of the most comon vulnerabilities and try to understand and reproduce them (i.e. kick off a small database and try to fire some SQL injections at them).

Get a good understanding of virtualisation. Make your own insecure virtual box and try to break out. There are ditros out there that incidentally have security bugs for that purpose.

Now you know the absolute basics.

Now it's time to do some wargames.

Have a look at Metasploit and get familiar with the most important hacker tools like netcat and wireshark.

Make your own insecure WLAN and try to use tools to get the key.


Now you know enough to have a decent understanding of what you're talking about. Find out waht you like and gid gud (read: get on an autistic level with that technology).

Don't be that stupid idiot that tries to "hack" something without known what intrusion detection systems the use.

Being a hacker mean being pretty good with a lot of things while being amazing with one ot two things. Unless you are willing to put in some years of dedication you should keep it as a hobby for yourself.

But don't be ashamed, it's generally good advice to have more security awareness. Even if you "don't make it", the journey can be a lot of fun.

Godspeen, user.

you dont start something, you build it



..what have I done??

A good hacker would know he doesn't need to go across the firewall. You can either target the hardest link (hardened systems) or the weakest link (stupid humans).