Have your preordered your Librem 5 yet, Jow Forums?

Have your preordered your Librem 5 yet, Jow Forums?

Attached: shell-l5-1.png (421x881, 276K)

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I'm excited to see what they do with it, but I won't be getting one until Android apps work on it

But the whole point is that it's *not* Android.

I just got a S10e. I needed a new phone as my last one was fucking up. It's pretty concerning they are supposed to be releasing it this month and haven't announced half the specs.
I personally think they should focus on their laptops more.

>I'm so excited for this android alternative
>but i wont use it unless i know that android apps work on it
you retartid nigga?

I know but I'm not going to carry around two phones. I want to ditch Android but I don't know if I can replace some apps I need. Does anyone know if there will be an app for YouTube/YouTube music?

Yes, but at least I can spell

>Youtube on a Google free phone
just stay on Android, goyim

What are you going to do about it

real talk, I'm gonna wait a few years at minimum to see if they keep up with the updates like they claim they will, I'm not about to buy a device with an OS that only runs on that OS and watch the company fold in 6 months, especially not at the price they're asking.

Even if they do, just fork it and install it on a different device. I just hope they follow through with a user removable battery

eh, I don't code constantly (if I did, I'd already be running some weird homebrew OS on my phone), and if they're an absolute flop no one is gonna stick around to develop the phone specific bits of pureOS

Specs are gay because they use open source poop instead of good Qualcomm chips.

specs are better than my laptops
>1440p screen

It's too expensive

Attached: 1564462463980.png (1024x737, 435K)

nah, I'll wait for pinePhone

You'll basically be able to run your full Debian desktop on this thing. I think it's great.

To me this seems like the most exciting piece of tech since the launch of android phones. The biggest problem I have with android is that it isn't GNU/linux and they keep changing stuff. Now I get to take linux everywhere!

But I didn't pre-order it because too many crowdfunding projects don't deliver. It seemed too good to be true I guess, so now I will just be buying one when it's released and I have the cash.

What's this? KDE phone OS?

It's called Phosh.
It's GNOME phone OS.

Debian with KDE kinda modified into a touch UI it seems, there are videos. You can run it as a normal desktop with the USB C port as well.

So reading their website, it's an debian that has both plasma and gnome shell?

Yeah, it is called a web browser. The point of the Librem 5 is to not run proprietary software, retard.

Well sure, why not? You can install anything you could with Debian presumably.

IIRC PureOS is based on Debian, will propose phosh (aka GNOME Mobile) as default graphical shell, but should work with Plasma Mobile

oh right, tiling WMs on a tiny screen... that's the dream

I pre-ordered my Pocket CHIP and it came and they even unlocked double the storage, then ran off with the money when the larger general sales began, kek.

you're going to be waiting a very, very long time (my estimate is at least 2 years, probably closer to 5).

>not running CDE or Windowmaker on one's phone

It's Linux. Just use youtube-dl + mpv

The android dev kit can be installed in normal Debian can't it? It comes with the simulator, after all.

I already own/run/develop for SailfishOS. It's halfway as "free" as the Librem 5, but it's available today, on relatively good hardware (e.g. Sony Xperia phones), has a good selection of software (incl. Android support), battle-tested (came out of Nokia, which saw 10k, probably 50k+ deployments).

It's also going to be available on the PinePhone -- so it's going to be relatively close to mainline Linux support. If you're unsure, support SailfishOS today.

>I already own/run/develop for SailfishOS

Attached: gigachad2.jpg (680x817, 34K)

Android is also Linux.

That's possible, and there's a number of different solutions, including Anbox, and more recently SPURV from Collabora, but they're not straightforward to install, not seamless to integrate, and support is patchy.

>Android is also Linux.
Android is GNU/Linux's retarded cousin. It's the Linux kernel -- almost nothing else is shared, both technically or community-wise.

>Android is also Linux.
But not GNU. Can you run youtube-dl on android?

>I already have an iPhone SE that still works fine. Thanks for the info though.

Attached: : .jpg (800x1200, 93K)

Hard pass. If i have to support a tranny faggot company, i may as well get a decent phone in the process

You never mentioned GNU.
No, Android has no relation to GNU besides sharing a kernel.

... Debian is the only distro worth running. Everything else is onions boys pretending to engineer.

Because gimp and thunderbird will work so well on a 5.7 inch screen

Android is essentially the linux equivalent to this

Attached: startup.png (1024x768, 124K)

I will probably get one once my curent phone breaks. I don't really see a reason to replace something that is still usable. sure, having only 512 MB of ram is annoying when everything cloaes in the backround, but it still works for my needs.
Hopefully it'll be a bit cheaper by then. I don't really want to pay >500€ for a phone.

You mean you once filed a bug report, right?


Debian is sucking the tranny coc

That's not an iPhone. It looks awful, no good aesthetics. This garbage is even worst that Android.

Yes, download termux

And it runs on GeminiPDA so you can dual boot standard debian for X apps and sfos with proper hw keyboard, can't wait for cosmo

ah yes, pay 50 bucks for a broken os for your xperia

... how is it broken? I've literally used it every day for 5-6 years. I'm not going to claim it's perfect, but it's good enough. People keep trying to compare these small OSs with Apple/Google. You're doing it wrong.

if you want a proper linux userland where you can git clone/make pretty much anything, yeah, worth it, not to mention you can fix/modify pretty much all apps just with notepad or nano as native apps are all qml

You know it's sad but true

Btw anyone knows if they are going to use wayland or X?

It runs GNOME on PureOS, so that would be X.

Supported environments

Desktop environments:

GNOME 3.20+ (if specifically selected; X is used by default in Debian)
KDE (Plasma 5.4)

No. I want to see some reviews on how shit it is before I buy it.

Considering the specs they definitely don't want X overhead, but we'll see

>PureOS already defaults to Wayland as default while Debian will still stay with X for at least one release. For final PureOS 3.0 release, the plan is also to switch from Debian Installer to Calamares and also PureOS will have kernel with grsecurity enabled (and of course our own configuration).

btw that's from December 23, 2016, X-toddlers btfo


if they have normal linux userland working anbox is an afterthought, might be bit slow with the specs it has

It look like outdated shit, why should anyone buy that?

unironically yes

That's the entire point of the device, get rid of as many blobs as possible. Qualcomm chips are about as open as Intel ME.

Gross i hate gnome, having it on my phone would be :S ...

Isn’t one marketing thread enough? Stop spamming this pocket honeypot.

> Stop spamming this pocket honeypot.
/spg/ you mean?

Both, fuck smartphone toddlers and their fruity backdoored toys.

>user is on Jow Forums
>he isnt math PHD making 300k at google

Nerd fashion and status.

>their fruity backdoored toys
heh, stupid mactoddlers, my android is free from backdoors, yummy yummy next cake type, pls daddy google shit in my mouth

Last thread blew up under your shill ass so you make a new one?

It is not open source, as the baseband won't allow for a free as in freedom phone. The hardware is ~2013 garbage.

>And they couldn't have mustered up a 1080p screen...
Because the GPU is absolute garbage. It's not the Ultra Lite version like in these benchmarks, but the Lite one, which has twice the shaders, so probably about +80-100% performance.

The deepsleep powerdraw is shit as well:

Just the SoC needs 100mW, that's more than my entire Pocomeme.
The entire powerdraw is abolutely horrible, you'll have like 3 hours SoT with a dim screen.
According to this site it is manufactured in 28nm, so no wonder it sucks ass.

>700 dosh for that piece of shit because muh freedom

muh powerdraw, just use the hardware switch you cunt

Yes :3

Android is fruit shit too, so is this hipster trash. It all looks the same, acts the same and is backdoored all the same. Enjoy your proprietary baseband firmware while pretending you aren’t just another sheep who tried to consume their way out of a problem that requires self control and critical thought instead.
No matter how hard you try to minimize it, power draw is definitely important on an EMBEDDED DEVICE. Fuck, you shills are so dumb.

Where’s the killswitch for the processor? Does Purism just sell a brick with their faggy logo on it I pay $500 for instead?

>Enjoy your proprietary baseband firmware
I get my baseband emailed to me like a proper feet-dirt eater
I think you missed the point of having the option to disable power draw with a hw switch, you can cum on your miliwatts all you want, still no other phone can do it

unplug the battery? how many power off switches do you need to feel tinfoiled enough? we added a power switch to your powerswitch so you can turn your phone off while turning it off, da fuck dude

>use basic mobile provider

Attached: pepelaughz.jpg (800x450, 40K)

None of the hardware he is talking about is controlled by hardware switches, you fucking idiot.

>Enjoy your proprietary baseband firmware while pretending you aren’t just another sheep who tried to consume their way out of a problem that requires self control and critical thought instead.
Except that baseband modem is exactly what is hw switch controlled

What’s up, incoherent schizo from the other shilling thread, why did you quote my post instead of his? He’s clearly talking about the SoC power draw, not the radio.

>He’s clearly talking about the SoC power draw, not the radio.
>None of the hardware he is talking about is controlled by hardware switches, you fucking idiot.
Hello googol shill, which one is you and which one had the crazy bang? kek

>why did you quote my post instead of his?
you mean the: EMBEDDED DEVICE shill post? it was and EMBEDDED SHITPOST, fuck you shill you so dumb

Hello again, let’s quote the actual post you’re trying to deflect from with dishonest shitty tactics because you know you can’t make an excuse for it:
See where he’s talking about the SoC being a thirsty obsolete piece of shit?
See your braindead reply? You’re an idiot, fuck off. I hope they don’t pay you for this.

God damn, Purism sets the bar low when they hire these street shitters. At least keep them medicated if you can’t keep them educated.

kek, all that post has is: baseband is not foss, no fucking kidding, noone claimed, you're a fucking retard to claim his 100mW is a gotcha, noone fucking cares, run a fucking full linux on any of the latest most power conservative or whatever SoCs, oh wait, you can't, we're about running linux, not your fucking bionic bullshit with 12mW saved, my googol masters paid for it a lot, fuck linux am I rite?

noone gives a fuck if onepluspropro9.9 runs it's android shillbox 1.9% faster, it still cannot compile a single android app, it's not a fucking computing device, it's a fucking java emulator, fuck off with this shit

Hah, it is you. Cut out the incoherent blabbering and take your meds already. It was fun the first time but now you’re just saddening.

b-b-but duuude, rog phone 2 has a heatsink and still runs a bionic abomination of a system and can't compile shit, even OCed to all hell, noone fucking cares except LTT fanbois

noone gives a fuck about the latest 4% increase in cpu speed thanks to OC in rog phone 2, you're the mactoddler who thinks he's a Jow Forums guy because android am I rite


They could've made a very functional device for less money that runs a full linux, but it had to be freetard.
The power draw isn't high due to Linux it is high due to the soc being an outdated piece of shit. Even by the manufacturers standards.

Nobody even mentioned Android, why do you never shut the fuck up about it? We just think your toy and the hipster cult surrounding it is shit by it’s own merit.

You can run xperia XA2 as proper linux, with no power draw overhead(sailfishOS with libhybris), wtf are you trying to talk about?

>Nobody even mentioned Android
>you schizos trying to not run android hahaha!
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Yeah, go find some other thread, we already know you're just pretending