Why is amazon still deducting 7USD every fucking month

I disabled everything the second I could and it still happens. I just wanted to get some skins(which I didn't) and I get such a message, first 7usd and then 1.7 back. I want to defecate in bezos bald head.

Attached: nothing to see here goy.jpg (2048x1536, 154K)

Imagine caring so much about $7

ah nice. send me 7$ every month. ill gladly take it for nothing

You don't deserve those $7.
Bezos deserves them because he actually brings innovation to the USA

the bald faggot seem to care enough and this is how you make a fortune.
yeah he innovates the way to torture goys on their workplace

skins on Amazon? am I that much of a boomer that I don't know what you're talking about? I know they bought Twitch but you can't possibly be paying for channel skins, are you?

Maybe he's talking about laptop/phone skins

it's goyim you stupid goy
also the people are free to look for elsewhere to work at if they don't like it

>just look elsewhere goyim!

Peak jewry

oh I get it then OP is just a retard
ebin thread

It was for a game. You just subscribe, get the skin and end the subscription.
Doesn't matter fag, I guess you love sucking rotten jewish cocks.

>it doesn't harm you
>it harms you later on
>just look somewhere else
>when they have bought(through bribery) the whole market
And they wonder why they are holocausted.

Yes if they want to push the "look elsewhere" meme we must first abolish the stranglehold they have on markets like Amazon and google.


So you subscribed to Amazon prime to get some skins from twitch prime? Did you end your Amazon prime subscription? That's literally the only way to stop it, I've done that loads of times and always get my money back.

Of course I did.

Contact amazon support or whatever. Pajeet will sort you out in less than 5 minutes. Seriously they're fast.

how do i become an amazon pajeet?

But it shows I'm not subscribed.

you got kike'd friend

This is why I use prepaid cards for online shopping. What are they going to do? Charge me to a gift card with a few dollars in if that? HAHAHAHAHA
