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it literally says "Bernie Sanders for President." on his personal site.

Fuck this faggit what is he doing in Switzerland?Seaching for underaged teens?

He's glowing

Is he expecting twins? When are they due?

Tomorrow morning, they will be named foot fungus and beard hair

NO, he is a tight fisted bastard and when he travels to foreign countries he takes his wife with him but she crawls up his ass
so that she doesnt need a ticket

I'm more triggered by the "Bern" sign. There's so much extra space to the right it looks like it's missing two letters.

Feel the Bern!

Attached: 9a6.php.jpg (398x500, 23K)

Oh golly that belly I want it

Why should I care about the political opinions of a random homeless man?

More of a man than any of you pathetic little shits will ever be.

Attached: 1559676135068.jpg (700x426, 74K)

Attached: D1tIsq2XQAApkQL.jpg (680x513, 48K)

Well, Bernie is the only not cucked democrat. After her death, dems will be doomed.

>Bernie is the only not cucked democrat
>not cucked
you feeling the bern yet?

Attached: .jpg (1160x629, 150K)

Wow it's like he has a empathy and a brain. Great guy desu

>any other kind of reaction besides quietly stepping to the side and letting them look foolish was wise

Bernie knows he has the best civil rights record. He doesn't need to yell at some ignorant uppie protesters from before he was a national icon to prove it. I hope you don't give PR advice

>jewish rat supports other jewish rat

Who couldve foreseen such a thing?

Based ancap Bernie fired unionized niggers.

man with big nose bad

Yes jews are bad. Anyone with a fucking brain knows this by now.

Me on right.

back to Jow Forums with your low IQ mates

You sound like a tumblrina talking about white males. Have sex.

>based abrahamic child mutilators

Have cyanide

unironically true

Stallman has done more for humanity than you could dream of doing, Jow Forumscel

>muh incel

Please just go back.

Who, Varg Vikernes? Yeah no shit, he's more of a man than anyone on this entire website. He has a qt3.14 wife and a half dozen kids that he is raising to be survivalists.
But if you're talking about Stallman.. dude everyone is more manly than him. He eats parts of his feet and probably is a virgin, unironically.

He's a fuck schizo


of course he would support the commie jew even though bernie has proven himself to be a fraud and a coward.

Fuck GAHNOO/Trannix and fuck judeo-bolshevism

>bugman dog whistles

His ancestors were turned into soap and lampshades for a reason.

>Bernie knows he has the best civil rights record.
>thinking this is a positive
medium to strong yike / 10

how can someone do smart be so fat? stop fucking pigging out stallman you fat fuck.

Absolutely based.
But Bernie has no chance to become President. The 1% does NOT like having to share the massive wealth they pocketed from the massive increase in productivity in the last decades.

>Jewish communist supports Jewish communist

yeah he's not cucked

Yeah, fuck civil rights bro!

No refunds.

Stallman Is Good

Stallman killed Rosa.

>taxation isn't theft
retard detected

He's one of (((them))). Of course he is not going to withdraw aid.

Yea I want my candidates to actively campaign to keep minority communities in poverty and jail. Smart move.
You must be a political consultant no?