You nerds grow weed?

You nerds grow weed?
These guys made a open source os for controllers etc

they have some other cool projects too

they pretty a cool controller but sorta over priced

Attached: progress.jpg (1920x1080, 361K)

Does it come with a built in telemetry botnet which sends data to the FBI? That would be pretty cool bro if you could have a chat with an agent while growing illegal drugs haha

Illegal in your shit hole maybe. A real country has it legal now, not like somewhere where they place it along side heroin

dude weed lmao

Illegal in my country and I don't have the time/money/effort to grow it myself.



Grow the fuck up, manchild


have sex, incel

I just have sprinkler timers, and legal in my cunt btw.

This is illegal where I live.
I grow tomatoes and peppers on my veranda tho. I'm a healthy man.



and you can dilate while i fuck this biological cunny

>Implying Canada's legalization is working as it was intended
Black market weed sales have spiked over 60% from what it was before legalization and hardly anyone's willing to pay $200 for a dime of low-grade government cush.

uh sweetie, did you forget to take your estrogen pills?

So just grow your 4 plants breh


Just grow clones bruh, because they all count as the same plant.

Wait really?

Yea, and I think most places claim the limit is 10 plants.

Canadian law restricts growth to only 4 plants per household, which includes clones as individual plants.

They don't say anything about grafting clippings from other plants onto your own, though.

I know but at least i can legally grow now. Plus grey market still works

Have you considered that's the price of an emerging market?

In states where it's been legalized for a while now and not completely gimped on the county/state level for perceived moral reasons or to give established companies a head start weed is extremely cheap. I believe it was Oregon that is literally producing more than it could possibly sell but because of federal limitations it can't be exported over state lines.

Literally billions if not trillions of untaxed revenue slipping under the nose of the state/federal government and they are too stupid/corrupt to take it.

Marijuana's are cheap in the states where cannabis is legal for both medical, and recreational use. I also noticed that it's not as popular as it was when it was illegal. I mean it's still popular, but edgy kids aren't doing the marijuana's to be cool, or rebellious anymore.


>legal weed is grown by the government