DAWs are technology.
What DAW are you using, and why, user? I'll start:
>Reaper because it's better than FLS, but not as bogged down as PT.
DAWs are technology
Reaper. The Linux of daws
Lads, I've been looking into Studio One, anyone who have any experience with it?
Ableton Live 10.
It's just so good at sample manipulation and automation. Like, it's nearly the ultimate DAW for me.
i do my stuff in a combo of audacity and fairlight
Ableton Live. Because it's most intuitive to me. I tried FLS for a while which was pretty nice aswell because it feels like a solid thing you're working in. But I started missing Live's way with clips and arranging.
Cubase feels way less intuitive to me. Never tried Logic.
Bitwig might be pretty nice right now but I think I'll just stick with Live 10.
Renoise if you're into trackers. You can produce amazing things with it but I don't have the patience for it.
Why is there no crack for Bitwig?
FL cause its great an I'm used to it but most of the plugins I use are free anyway so I could switch to reaper with little to no difference in sound but dat workflow so nice
FL Studio since it's the daw i've been using for what feels like eons now
Nice workflow, haven't tried other DAWs but i've thought about it
There is, it's just hard to find. Took me like a week to get it.
Is it version 3?
what's the simplest one for connecting to my keyboard with midi? I just want to play my piano with different piano sounds I've pirated. I have reaper but it's kinda clunky setting everything up just to monitor your keyboard.
Sforzando (standalone). Load a piano sfz and you're done.
Gonna blow your mind right up lmms.io
I don't need nothing else.
What the fuck is this picture? Why is his keyboard so small? Why is his other keyboard MAC? What is the N64 controller for? Why is he wearing plaid? Doesn't he know plaid is gay?
I own pro tools 10 and 11 and didnt crack it (wow) and LMMS is more convenient for small things
>Why is his keyboard so small?
many people can't really play anyway and use the smallest cheapest possible controller to skip through samples and presets
>Why is his other keyboard MAC?
because he's on a mac, that's logic you're looking at, which is macos only
>What is the N64 controller for?
playing n64 games I guess
>Why is he wearing plaid? Doesn't he know plaid is gay?
he's on a mac
You can use vsts with it right?
No, it just loads samples.
currently using ableton live 10, but mostly because it's the only daw i've ever used in the 5 odd years i've been at it.
decided to broaden my horizons recently and check out some of the competition; currently in the process of moving to reaper as my primary mixing DAW.
studio one is really neat and i almost picked it over reaper, but there's a deal breaking 'bug' with its volume fader automation right now.
first, they say the volume faders are meant to act like faders on a mixing desk and so, despite doing linear automations you'll still get logarithmic behaviour. which like, sure, you can deal with that.
but then pic-related happens. this is not normal behaviour on anything. and complete total drop to zero is very audible and that abortion of a curve you have to draw to compensate for it it totally unacceptable. also, the devs are radio silent about it.
oh and the best part? clip volume automation is totally linear and completely fine.
FL Studio.
It's not as good as it seemed when it first came out.
It's an Akai LPK-25 and it's really meant for laptops and when you're travelling and shit. But in reality it's the cheapest most convinient way to have a MIDI keyboard without any bullshit or massive desk space loss. It features a basic arpeggiator, sustain and octave transposing. It's pretty neat and great for beginners and stuff.
>Reaper. The Linux of daws
Oh, man. Imagine being this retarded.
N64 controllers are USB compatible so it's an easy way to have a controller on your pc.
What software do people use to create drum tracks? I've tried Hydrogen on linux but curious if there are other/better ones out there
addictive drums or superior drummer
even current Live Lite better than anything else.
goddamn that's ugly
i've been using fl studio from version 3
I think Ableton is one of the most used daws because it's pretty good i guess, yet I use ardour because I want to support free software and also I don't have enough money to spend hundreds of bucks on software
>using garbage looking abelton
>superior looking FRUTY LOOPS
I used to have this. it broke and now they sell a more expensive with with bullshit like pads and a joystick
I'd imagine it's pretty hard to break but okay, nice job lol. Yeah I googled an image of it and it showed a bunch of different ones too, I guess that's the new version.
LMMS, I don't need many features, just multiple tracks with a piano roll, sequencer and some basic instruments
Supports VST3 now
>you can now simultaneously export individual stems with group and master fx applied
Literally no reason to switch to anything else.
I use my MPC Live and Audition.
Studio One is nice but over-complicated for most use-cases. Cubase has better features, including what is essentially their own version of melodyne built directly into the DAW that performs a hell of a lot better. If you're going proprietary and willing to shell out the cash, there is no better DAW than Cubase right now.
Why not use Hydrogen for your percussion? You can send MIDI from ardour directly to it to trigger samples and still get the benefits of humanization and its individual mixing features. I have Hydrogen output each sample to individual audio tracks in Ardour so I can later record everything out and then make minor adjustments where necessary, saves a lot of time.
What VST synths do you guys use?
fm8, diva and lounge lizard are pretty much all I use
Fruity Loops is the most basic entry level shit out there. Absolutely garbage midi editing interface.
I love my DX10 and JX10 emulations, the free ones like Helm, OBXD, Tyrell etc. Some other nice vintage emulations. Used to love using amsynth (modular), but I've been using VCV Rack lately, which is also an open-source modular synth. Fantastic virtual instrument.
ableton because it's objectively the best
Cubase ai because it came with the usb interface.
dont bother
Cubase is objectively the best, nothing holds a candle to it right now. Ableton is only good for live mixing and DJing these days.
FL is just as good as Ableton or any other DAW besides the ridiculously good ones like Reaper and Pro Tools for certain shit like hardware latency (PT) and optimisation (Reaper).
I personally use Ableton 10 cuz I love grouping groups into groups into groups in parallel with groups and groups.
Fabfilter softube izotope addictive brainworx etc so many vsts so little time but realistically all you need is stock stuff other than amps and specific stuff.
How can you possibly say that there are any significant differences between 32 but float DAWs in 2019??
Yeah.. nah
For banks I use:
Piano in particular is great, the other 2 libraries aren't exactly on par with Kontakt but still work well if you're willing to put some extra work in
where I can get a metal guitar VST?
>How can you possibly say that there are any significant differences between 32 but float DAWs in 2019??
A DAW isn't just its back-end.
Editing interfaces, integrated instruments, utilities and effects are a good consideration in what sets them apart. Cubase outdid Melodyne, and has a fantastic MIDI editing interface, as well as a plethora of really nice automation helpers.
>I personally use Ableton 10 cuz I love grouping groups into groups into groups in parallel with groups and groups.
>no VCA masters
>can accomplish this in any other DAW with buses
>have to use individual utilities to get different metering instead of just right clicking the meter for VU etc.
>can only edit 1 midi track at a time
Yeah no, the only thing good about Ableton is the session interface.
These guys make some great virtual guitars. Strumming patterns, pick sound emulation, mutes, the whole nine yards.
If you don't want to "pay", just take any acoustic or electric guitar VST and throw a guitar amplifier and a few distortion effects ontop of it.v
Mainly logic here because I have been using it for years. I also have reaper and cubase. I use garage band and auria pro on iOs. I sometime wrap up project on Linux then it’s Harrison mixbuss
Based Harrison virtual mixbus console. Worth every dollar.
I mean that obviously isn’t the only good thing about ableton but I have a feeling you don’t really care what I have to say do you lol
I just monitor with digicheck and VUs mean nothing to me I work with rms lufs and my ears they are all measuring the same relative loudness to digital 0.
It’s pitching and sample control is great, operator is great but that shit is irrelevant when you use other stuff.
The only difference between these programs is how you use them m8.
Can you do parallels like this on other DAWs? Genuine question
Yes, you can do that in other DAWs, it's just a series of buses.
But you can’t in a single channel?
>I mean that obviously isn’t the only good thing about ableton
It really is, the warping algorithm is nice too, but Cubase is better in that regard. There are better effects and utilities out there now for grain delay etc and the arrangement interface just sucks compared to a lot of other DAWs. Operator used to be a good synth, other synths shit all over it now. I will never go back to single track midi editing again.
You can do it in a single channel, it's just a series of buses.
What do you edit multiple midis of? Orchestral stuff Kontakt etc?
Also would love to hear Jow Forumss music
Yes, orchestral pieces, or really when I'm working with any moderately complex arrangement and structure.
For film and video?
Can’t say I’ve ever had an issue with clicking between windows my biggest issue is the separation of rack and midi but it suits my workflow considering I just record audio live and then resample it I guess never had an issue with multi midi cuz it’s not my jam. I could imagine if writing chords across timbres then multi midi would be useful.
>dont bother
more like, dont bother listening to whatever generic garbage this user puts out
Lets be real if u only use hardware in 2019 you (probably) make trash tunes
I guess that doesn’t mean much when nearly everyone makes trash tunes but hardware fags are retarded
It's one of those things you're not really able to appreciate until you use it. Occasionally for videos, right now I'm working on a soundtrack for a game I'm developing. I create an arrangement first, then write the structure even if parts of it are later going to be recorded from a live instrument. I do this so I can export all of the midi out to a single file with patch and bank changes to match so I can share it with other producers (can be played with general midi synth) or musicians that want to play the music. After that, I record audio and mix, then master, so each step in the production process is done in their respective phases rather than being kind of all over the place. Massively helps with workflow, but requires you to have a good idea of what you want to create before you start working.
are you retarded or illiterate (both?)
I use a blend of Reaper, Ableton 10, and FLS.
Reaper i use for my "professional" work, which is sound design for advertising, and I do post-production on the side for extra pocket money. I don't produce my own stuff though, I don't have the necessary creative spark.
Yeah sounds like a great tool. Another ableton gripe is limit of 12 sends. Why would they do that lol??? Probably because it’s optimised so poorly.
Neither, most people make bad music and those that obsess about hardware make the worst of all.
Like you can tell me that a Fairchild sounds better than pro c and I would say they just sound different and if u want to compress your shit then the end goal is much more important than the tool you use.
I could make you a track with a tape deck or a soft synth it doesn’t mean anything to the listener
Logic Pro and Ableton
>I don't have the necessary creative spark
None required, just sit there and fuck with samples and vsts until you get something that sounds good. That's what most hobbyists do and even some pretty major edm artists.
>most people make bad music
Dumbest thing I've read all day.
>5 years later creates the sound of a previous generation
Or just make traps beats and shit out 8 a day with no effort whatsoever
Why is that dumb? Because most people don’t make music..? The vast majority of producers make terrible uninspired stuff...
I've tried, and honestly it just either hasn't worked out or I'm just not satisfied with any of it. I get a lot more enjoyment out of just engineering someone else's production and making it sound as good as possible-- just bringing out all the nuances and expanding the dynamics in ways they never thought of.
Back to plebbit with you
Imagine Faggots
Alright the answer's both thanks for replying. Just take one minute to read my post and what im replying to before you go on and start typing some nonsense
Reason, everything else blows.
a sampler
Is there such a thing as a comfy DAW from the 90s? Pls post pictures
just use a tracker
Thinking of getting Reason. Was thinking of Reaper but can't be fucked with all the setup and having to find my own plugins, etc.
Talk me out of it?
it's shit
I'll find plugins for you -- what kind of music do you want to make?
What's shit about it?
Crazy texture-based IDM.
>Crazy texture-based IDM.
Then forget DAWs and joint the tracker-master-race .
Take samples from everywhere.
omfg he's using a fucking trackpad
Based and freepilled
>Crazy texture-based IDM.
I have no idea what this is
Ableton since I have a push. Am I missing something?
>not creating sounds from scratch in pure data
Pro Tools and Sequoia
I have reaper as well but haven't bothered to learn the UI and features yet
I've also used Ableton, Adobe Audition and FL but have moved on from the 2 former. I still use FL occasionally for midi stuff
I've only tried Reaper, Ableton, and FLS. Reaper is my favorite by far.
I don't like how Ableton and FLS are geared towards making loops. I guess that's cool if you make nigger beats and EDM, but it's annoying if you're going for anything compositionally interesting.
Studio One and Cubase look cool too, but I can't be fucked considering Reaper already does everything I need with an interface I like.